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Iran says Israeli jets preparing to strike

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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EHRAN, May 2 (UPI) — Israeli fighter jets are conducting drills at a military base in Iraq in preparation for a strike on Iran, the Islamic Republic’s Press TV reported.

The report said the Israeli planes participating in the drills include F-15, F-16, F-18 and F-22 fighter jets. It said they have conducted weeklong exercises,flying mainly at night.

Press TV said its report was based on information received from a source close to Moqtada al-Sadr’s group in Iraq.

Sadr is considered to be one of the most influential religious political figures in Iraq but holds no official title. He has repeatedly called for the immediate withdrawal of U.S.-led coalition troops and U.N. forces deployed in Iraq.

The air drills are being conducted in collaboration with the U.S. military, the report said. It said Iraq was not informed of the exercises.

The U.S. maintains a number of military bases in Iraq and the government in Baghdad is not involved in any military activities occurring there, the report said.

There was no official comment on the report by Israeli government or military officials.

Last month, Brig. Gen Mohammed Ali Safari, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards, declared Israeli and American military bases in the Middle East are within range of Iran’s missiles.

“Although we are capable of increasing the range of our missiles, we don’t think it would be necessary because today our extra-regional enemy — the Zionist regime of [Israel] — is within the range of our missiles,” he told the Fars news agency.

“As for the American forces — if they were to back Israeli threats — they would be closer to us than them [Israel] and they would be within the range of our firepower as well,” he said.
In this case who should India back between the conflict between these 2?

I say Iran, we have very long history with them, despite USA trying to stop it.
Jdme read up on Iran and India relationship, much stronger then Pak-Iran.

In fact Iran is holding a Indian festival in they city to this month.
If F-18 and F-22 are participating in the drill then obviously they would also be a part of the raid.
Hey on Tehran Times, they said India will help Iran to make 2 power plant in Iran.

Computer is slow today, so cant post whole link.

In simple terms, India should try to disturb any kind of attacks that can happen between Iran and Israel. Because India wants Iran oil and Iran want India know how.

India want Israel military tech and Irael wants to tap into India market oppurtunity.

As well as Pakistan being between Iran and India helps too.
very smart thought

you wouldn't be shocked if someone says "we don't like Indians"
get some education man ;)


You totally mistook the meaning.....I think you should get some EDU on English....

Please don't flare the thread.

We don't like "I" and "RAN" (We like stand and fight)
very smart thought

you wouldn't be shocked if someone says "we don't like Indians"
get some education man ;)

how?? you dont like Indians because americans dont like you.... jdme is not Indian he is american.....

but good to know you dont like indian
BS news- Whats will be the advantage if the adversary already know the strike is coming sooner or later?-
Can't allow anything to happen to Iran. China and Russia can bring Iran into SCO and then immediately deploy S-300 and HQ-9 in Iran.
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