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Iran: Saboteurs cut power lines to underground nuclear site

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Explosives were used to cut power lines from city of Qom to Fordow underground uranium enrichment plant last month, Iranian nuclear chief claims; says "terrorists, saboteurs" have infiltrated UN nuclear watchdog.


VIENNA - Explosives were used to cut the electricity power lines to Iran's underground enrichment plant last month, nuclear energy chief Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani told the annual member state gathering of the International Atomic Energy Agency on Monday.

Abbasi-Davani, in unusually strong language in an international forum, also accused the UN nuclear watchdog of a cynical approach and mismanagement and suggested that "terrorists and saboteurs" might have infiltrated it.

Abbasi-Davani said explosives had been used to cut power lines from the city of Qom to the Fordow underground uranium enrichment plant on Aug. 17.
*A day later, he said, IAEA inspectors had asked for an unannounced visit to Fordow.

"Does this visit have any connection to that detonation? Who other than the IAEA inspectors can have access to the complex in such a short time?" Abbasi-Davani told the gathering in Vienna.

"It should be recalled that power cut-off is one of the ways to break down centrifuge machines," he said, referring to the machines used to enrich uranium, which can have both civilian and military purposes.

Iran: Saboteurs cut power lines ... JPost - Iranian Threat - News
As long as it serves Israel and U.S interests,every terrorist or sabotage act is praised.
Israel threatens everyday to attack Iran. Western media: Israel wants to attack Iran to defend itself.
Iran says we will respond to any attack by full force.Western media: Iran threaten to attack and destroy Israel.
As long as it serves Israel and U.S interests,every terrorist or sabotage act is praised.
Israel threatens everyday to attack Iran. Western media: Israel wants to attack Iran to defend itself.
Iran says we will respond to any attack by full force.Western media: Iran threaten to attack and destroy Israel.

Ya ! like a pain in A$$ :shout:
Mosad has infiltrated deep..... what a shame, where is Iranian counter-intelligence? :angry:
IAEA inspectors are often spying on behalf of CIA and Mossad, therefore its not surprising if they knew about bombing operation, and immediately after arrived to check what damage electricity cut-off caused to centrifuges.

I'm sure Iran is prepared for such events and have back-up solutions, BUT it would have been nice to deny after-bombing IAEA visit to keep them guessing - "did bombing caused any harm or not?"
Mosad has infiltrated deep..... what a shame, where is Iranian counter-intelligence? :angry:
With all their capabilities they still didnt manage to damage our nuclear centrifuges spinning machines or our nuclear infrastructure, just like how the retards thought killing of our scientists would make our program stop LOL, these idiots really dont understand that we are determined in our nuclear path. Btw, Iranian intelligence are now on the highest level of preparedness and the secret Mossad/CIA/MI6 tactic to use civilian nuclear inspectors as sabotage agents have now been exposed
With all their capabilities they still didnt manage to damage our nuclear centrifuges spinning machines or our nuclear infrastructure, just like how the retards thought killing of our scientists would make our program stop LOL, these idiots really dont understand that we are determined in our nuclear path. Btw, Iranian intelligence are now on the highest level of preparedness and the secret Mossad/CIA/MI6 tactic to use civilian nuclear inspectors as sabotage agents have now been exposed

kind of strange that IAEA inspectors could go off and plant explosives when they are acompanied by Iranian Government officials during their visits. As I am sure they are all followed and watched while in country period. My guess is there are special forces teams in country doing the sabotaging. And I say more power to them........
kind of strange that IAEA inspectors could go off and plant explosives when they are acompanied by Iranian Government officials during their visits. As I am sure they are all followed and watched while in country period. My guess is there are special forces teams in country doing the sabotaging. And I say more power to them........
Yes, you need to give more power to them as they really need it to do some significant damages to our nuclear program, you are a dirty terrorist and you will remain on
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