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Iran Rolls Out National Internet by May

Yes u are right! Love wont vanish without net...but net for us is so important cuz we use chat to communicate! Thank you for your kind answers! :)
I read now on an italian website that the yahoo services will be closed in iran! this means that also yahoo messenger will be closed? now i'm confused.
I read now on an italian website that the yahoo services will be closed in iran! this means that also yahoo messenger will be closed? now i'm confused.

It is mostly propaganda which stated on a news published on first of April and Iran has denied it already. Do not buy too much into it. Even if they start putting restriction, it would be like Chinese model restriction in which they would replace a service like Yahoo chat with some software they have developed locally and it is not going to be abrupt. They will give time for people to switch over. So you will be safe. Iran is an open society and they will never cut off people to people contact. They are just worried about such channels such as yahoo being used against Iran by west such as for killing their scientists and acts of terrorism funded by west.
AHA so they will close yahoo....am i right? and yes, the situation is confused....but i care about yahoo cuz is the only way in which we can communicate...i also read that they will close yahoo mail...?
AHA so they will close yahoo....am i right? and yes, the situation is confused....but i care about yahoo cuz is the only way in which we can communicate...i also read that they will close yahoo mail...?

I did not say that. But even if they do, you have other options. Let's say skype or other stuff. You can also tell your girl to introduce you to an Iranian chat and email service and keep it as back up. But I do not think they will close it completely. Do not depend completely on Yahoo. Have different accounts eg. Skype or other services like Russian. Even if they close Yahoo, they would not close their own chat systems or for example Russian chat systems. That is if ever things come to that. Just to be on safe side.
Wow these sanctions are not quite having the intended effect. Congrats to the resilient Islamic Republic an example to all
oh no....i will miss yahoo messenger so much is 3 years that i'm using it.....i really hope that they wont close at least this client like they did during the anniversary of the islamic revolution (yahoo messenger was open)OH..but i have another question? will they probably close also yahoo mail?
Next: Iran will produce National Multiplication table.
oh no....i will miss yahoo messenger so much is 3 years that i'm using it.....i really hope that they wont close at least this client like they did during the anniversary of the islamic revolution (yahoo messenger was open)OH..but i have another question? will they probably close also yahoo mail?

If they introduce their own national mail service, then the probability is that they might close down the foreign mail servers. Yahoo IM though is like a telephony service which they might not clamp down. But as I said. Do take precautions. Have other services at your disposal, specially non-western systems and preferably Iranian but not those Iranian systems hosted outside of Iran.
Ok can u tell me some names of good iranians (legal there) or Russian chat clients (like yahoo messenger)? thank u so much.
Ok can u tell me some names of good iranians (legal there) or Russian chat clients (like yahoo messenger)? thank u so much.

I do not know much about them. For Iranian you have to ask the Iranians here or your girl there. As for Russian (or Chinese) option which I mentioned you have to approach a Russian forum as there are not many Russians around here. If you find out please share it with us here too, please.
also read this article...it seems that iran will be totally isolated in August 0_0

Iran will isolate its citizens with their own version of Internet

is this propaganda? (hope yes but i doubt)

Most likely propaganda because Iran will go 1000 years back without internet not to mention much of the commerce, trade and education will be affected. What Iran rolled out is actually national broadband but some idiot translated it as national internet.
Yes but if u search on net u will see everyhwre that they want to close completely the net JUST for common citizens! for the high customers like big companies governmet or banks internet will be free! understand now? oh my God...so they are smart they want to block net for the normal population but they leave the big net customers to use net like as before! my girlfriend said that we can't know till they do it....but or the articles that i read are fake (and i doubt) or they really want to close net...if the situation is like this it will be also useless to search for an alternative client.........
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