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Iran ready to enrich uranium to 5, 20 or 60 percent if needed: AEOI spokesman


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Tehran says ready to scrap JCPOA if need be

TEHRAN – The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) spokesman says Iran is ready to scarp the nuclear deal if need be, emphasizing that the AEOI has the potential to enrich uranium to 5, 20 or 60 percent, while noting that Iran will not tolerate any act of sabotage against its nuclear facilities.

“If the country’s interests necessitate that we set Barjam aside, this will be definitely implemented, and the Atomic Energy Organization and Foreign Ministry will not be the sole decision-makers in that regard, but it will be up to the entire country to decide,” Behrooz Kamalvandi said at a press conference at the Fordow nuclear facility on Saturday, using a Persian acronym for the nuclear agreement Iran and six world powers struck in 2015 and later ditched by the United States.

Kamalvandi said Iran waited patiently for a year after the U.S. withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and then took strategic decisions to reduce its commitments to the JCPOA, Tasnim reported.

If the Europeans want to continue the cooperation with Iran, they need to make changes to their actions, he said, hinting at the European countries’ inaction to save the JCPOA.

Kamalvandi said the AEOI has been tasked with enriching uranium to 5 percent and “the organization has the potential to enrich uranium to 5, 20 or 60 percent.”

On Wednesday, Iran started to inject uranium gas into centrifuges at the Fordow nuclear facility under the supervision of inspectors from the UN nuclear watchdog, officially going on with the fourth step since it began responding to Washington’s abandonment of the nuclear deal and an inaction by the remaining parties, including Europeans, to shield Iran from sanctions.

Iran took the first step to scale down nuclear commitments on May 8, 218. The other two steps were taken two months later each.

In the first step, Iran removed cap on its stockpile of nuclear enrichment which had been limited to 300 kilograms. In the second, Iran started enriching uranium beyond 3.67 percent. And in the third, Iran removed ban on nuclear research and development.

Kamalvandi said inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are scheduled to verify the resumption of nuclear enrichment at the Fordow nuclear site on Sunday.

He said the IAEA has been monitoring the process of nuclear material injection into the centrifuges, and its inspectors are scheduled to analyze the samples taken from the centrifuge machines on Sunday before making a verification report regarding enrichment at the nuclear site.

Under the JCPOA, the Fordow nuclear site was supposed to exclude nuclear materials for 15 years, but Iran resumed enrichment activities in the fourth step of reduced commitments to the nuclear deal and transferred a cylinder to the Fordow site containing around 2,000 kilograms of UF6, the spokesman added.

Kamalvandi said inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are scheduled to verify the resumption of nuclear enrichment at the Fordow nuclear site on Sunday.

He said enriching uranium at Fordow is going to reach at full capacity in the coming days, and that it would raise the country’s level of uranium enrichment capacity to 9,500 SWUs (Separative Work Units), close to the capacity before the JCPOA.

On Wednesday, Reuters reported that Iran had held an IAEA inspector and seized her travel documents. Iran later confirmed the report, saying the inspector was carrying dangerous materials that could threaten the security of its nuclear facilities.

“When the inspector was entering the Natanz facilities, our detectors identified that she could be carrying dangerous materials, and several actions took place afterwards,” Kazem Gharibabadi, Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the Vienna-based international organizations, said on Thursday.

“This is an alarming signal for us and we can’t ignore this issue easily,” he said, adding that the detectors only sounded for her and not the other inspectors.

Commenting on the issue, Kamalvandi said Iran has always welcomed inspections, but at the same time, Iranian authorities are fully aware of the possibility of an act of sabotage on Iran’s nuclear sites which could harm its nuclear industry.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is after obtaining its rights and will not allow any problem to occur in its nuclear industry, he added.

I hope they enrich uranium to 90%+Inshallah.
enrich to 95 percent and make the fvcking BAMB already........
If u enrich uranium to 20% [which Iran has done in past] then its easy to enrich uranium to 90%+.

Iran is just playing with Zionists but they don’t know...
Yes but they are not doing that yet.
That is because of NPT and political reasons however Iranians are great chess players.....

You say nukes are haram but you enrich uranium to 60% & 90% and no one cannot do anything... And you have already thousands CMs/ BMs to deliver them.

That is called IRANIAN version of deterrence which leaves no resolvent for your enemies.
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That is because of NPT and political reasons however Iranians are great chess players.....

I know the reason. But I think it's a mistake. They should build the bomb and test it. Whether Iran builds the bomb or not, the westerners are going to be the same hypocrites, they will find one excuse or other to sanction Iran. So better to build the bomb and have sanctions.
I know the reason. But I think it's a mistake. They should build the bomb and test it. Whether Iran builds the bomb or not, the westerners are going to be the same hypocrites, they will find one excuse or other to sanction Iran. So better to build the bomb and have sanctions.
Sanctions are not just because of Iran nuclear program but Iranian missile programs and Iran’s regional power.

Iranian leader already said this region is ours and we won’t leave this region for the Yankees.
I know the reason. But I think it's a mistake. They should build the bomb and test it. Whether Iran builds the bomb or not, the westerners are going to be the same hypocrites, they will find one excuse or other to sanction Iran. So better to build the bomb and have sanctions.

They may already have the bomb through different means but playing a chess game for the powers that be.
You say nukes are haram but you enrich uranium to 60% & 90% and no one cannot do anything... And you have already thousands CMs/ BMs to deliver them.
We don't enrich to 90% from where you get that . we said we can enrich to 60% and that percentage have a valid use if you want to use it for propulsion .
After you've reached 20%, enriching further becomes really easy. Keeping the enrichment level at 20% is the best option in my opinion. We have the Tehran Research Reactor that works with 20% enriched uranium and we have a very valid excuse for increasing our reserves of 20% enriched uranium. Going beyond 20% needs a valid reason that we don't have yet.
I know the reason. But I think it's a mistake. They should build the bomb and test it. Whether Iran builds the bomb or not, the westerners are going to be the same hypocrites, they will find one excuse or other to sanction Iran. So better to build the bomb and have sanctions.
You did not understood what @Aramagedon said.
He spoke about deterrence, and we dont need bomb for that.
If EU wants to reimpose UNSC sanctions against Iran then the only proper response for Iran is to withdraw from NPT and immediately kick out all IAEA inspectors and end all co-operation. The Israeli route.

That is the only thing that would stop them trying to re-instate UNSC sanctions in my opinion (although they also have inertia and don't mind too stay in the current situation either).
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