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Iran: Partnership deal with China will mark new chapter in ties


Jan 5, 2020
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Strategic partnership deal with China will mark new chapter in bilateral ties: Iran
Thursday, 01 October 2020 11:02 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 01 October 2020 11:19 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Iranian (R) and Chinese national flags
Congratulating China on its National Day, Iran has hailed strategic ties between the two countries, saying the partnership agreement that Tehran and Beijing are working to finalize will open a new chapter in bilateral relations.
In a message to his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, on Thursday, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani congratulated the Chinese people and government on the occasion of their National Day.

Tehran and Beijing have been standing side by side in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak, he emphasized, expressing Iran’s readiness to cooperate with China in producing COVID-19 vaccine.
“I am sure that the conclusion and signing of the 25-year comprehensive strategic cooperation plan between the two countries will be a large step towards advancing common interests in line with international peace and security and confronting unilateralism,” Rouhani said.
Rouhani’s deputy, Eshaq Jahangiri, also sent separate congratulatory messages to Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and Vice President Wang Qishan.
He offered congratulations to the Chinese officials on the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), wishing success for the nation.
“Cultural commonalities and long-term historical ties, along with the common stance shared by both countries on many international issues and developments, and our determination to fight unilateralism, have provided a solid foundation for comprehensive strategic partnership between Iran and China,” he said.

Mutual cooperation in various areas has also set the stage for developing the partnership and reaping its benefits, he added.

Jahnagiri further stressed that cooperation between Iran and China in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) had great results.

He also expressed confidence that joint efforts as well as “the finalization and signing of a 25-year comprehensive strategic partnership plan will mark a new chapter in Iran-China cooperation.”
The Sino-Iranian Comprehensive Strategic Partnership was announced in a joint statement during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Tehran in 2016.

The cooperation roadmap consists of 20 articles, covering Tehran-Beijing ties in “Political,” “Executive Cooperation,” “Human and Cultural,” “Judiciary, Security and Defense,” and “Regional and International” domains, according to the statement released back then.

Tehran, Beijing to Speed Up Growing Ties

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian Ambassador to China Mohammad Keshavarzzadeh felicitated Mid-Fall Festival and National Day of the People's Republic of China, and expressed pleasure that the two countries have accelerated cooperation in various fields.

Publish Date: 02October 2020 - 18:00

He wrote on his Twitter page in Farsi that Iran and China have had good diplomatic relations for several decades, hoping that next year both countries will celebrate the 50th anniversary of these relations more gloriously.
In relevant remarks on Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif felicitated China on the 71st anniversary of the foundation of New China, wishing wider partnership between Tehran and Beijing.
Zarif, on his Twitter account, congratulated Chinese people and government in Chinese language on the 71st anniversary of establishment of New China (October 1) and expressed hope that the two countries will develop further partnership and cooperation.
He also hailed the Chinese government and nation’s handling of coronavirus epidemic.

FM Zarif to leave for China on Friday

TEHRAN, Oct. 08 (MNA) – Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will leave Tehran for Beijing on Friday to hold bilateral talks with Chinese officials.
According to Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh, Zarif is scheduled to meet with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, in continuation of Iran’s diplomacy to boost bilateral ties with its partners.
Chinese Ambassador to Iran Chang Hua also announced Zarif’s upcoming trip to China, saying, “At the invitation of State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Iranian Foreign Minister Mr. Zarif will pay an official visit to China.”

One can only applaud the stupidity of American foreign policy, especially its conduct against Iran, in light of this upcoming agreement. I'll firmly believe that one day, American historians will look back at the actions of their politicians with amazement. Washington has strategically undermined itself at the behest of Israeli interests, up to the point that their foreign policy is unambiguously strengthening the hand of their strongest strategic competitor/adversary (China) for the sake of breaking a middle power like Iran.

This deal will have a shattering effect in international politics when it's going into effect. Iran has been held hostage to the changing outlook and policies of various U.S. administrations the past few decades. It has tried to conclude deals with the United States to protect its economic interests, only for the next administration to undermine the actions of the previous one.

This agreement with China will finally provide Iran with a secure economic foundation with which Tehran can negotiate with the West from a position of strength. The Western world, through the foolish actions of their unstrategic leaders, has managed to 'lose' Iran to China. It has failed to get a realistic grasp of Iranian politics and national interests, having been bamboozled by Israeli and Gulf politicians with scaremongering and emotional blackmail.

No longer is Iran going to be held hostage by economic incentives of inept Western leaders who promise golden mountaintops but fail to keep their word every time. Iran will bounce back with greater confidence and zeal; a terrifying prospect for the West which will haunt them to the end of times.
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One can only applaud the stupidity of American foreign policy, especially its conduct against Iran, in light of this upcoming agreement. I'll firmly believe that one day, American historians will look back at the actions of their politicians with amazement. Washington has strategically undermined itself at the behest of Israeli interests, up to the point that their foreign policy is unambiguously strengthening the hand of their strongest strategic competitor/adversary (China) for the sake of breaking a middle power like Iran.

This deal will have a shattering effect in international politics when it's going into effect. Iran has been held hostage to the changing outlook and policies of various U.S. administrations the past few decades. It has tried to conclude deals with the United States to protect its economic interests, only for the next administration to undermine the actions of the previous one.

This agreement with China will finally provide Iran with a secure economic foundation with which Tehran can negotiate with the West from a position of strength. The Western world, through the foolish actions of their unstrategic leaders, has managed to 'lose' Iran to China. It has failed to get a realistic grasp of Iranian politics and national interests, having been bamboozled by Israeli and Gulf politicians with scaremongering and emotional blackmail.

No longer is Iran going to be held hostage by economic incentives of inept Western leaders who promise golden mountaintops but fail to keep their word every time. Iran will bounce back with greater confidence and zeal; a terrifying prospect for the West which will haunt them to the end of times.

Agreed, I think the west needs to realise the reality of Iran and that the rise of Iran cannot be stopped. I see many people that voice their discontent with the current Iranian establishment for inane reasons, however, one cannot forget something very important. Iran had lost countless of its people to such things as famine and decades/centuries of development. I would argue the Iranian establishment today has gained Iran more regional influence in past couple of decades than we one could expect to be gained generally in centuries. Also combine this with how much scientific and military development we had in the past 10-15 years alone. People truly underestimate the significance the Iranian revolution of 79 in the grand scheme of things.

The seeds of becoming a major power has already been planted by Iran, now this needs to be nurtured. Iran's rise as a major power is inevitable. The only hindering factor is the economical bottlenecks which is being done via the financial weight of the Americans. This is why any move that can insulate Iran from these financial/economical warfares will be game changing. China will play a major role here for Iran.

The Americans are unwittingly catalysing the atrophying of their financial muscles by overusing them to this extend against Iran, China, Russia and even the EU. Then again, I suppose this is their only cards left to play. They understand they can only use their limited window of opportunity to slow down Iran and to some extend China. They cannot stop the inevitable.
One can only applaud the stupidity of American foreign policy
This can only be matched if not out done by the stupidity of the Iranian establishment. On this very forum for years I have argued that the best ally Iran could get is one that is least pliable to Wshington. It does not need to take uber IQ to see that China of all the options [Russia, Europe, India etc] is the least pliable to US pressure. Thus when things go crazy you can expect your 'ally' to be ble to weather US pressure. China was that perfect US proof power.

Thus Iran should have been investing heavily in Chinese relationship. Instead the mullah's were busy ticking Modi's Indian testicles by offering Chah Bahar atc and touting the Europeans. Then what happened? Trump came. Shyte hit the fan. Europeans went running hiding under Trump. And India also went running licking Trump.

But who stood firm? China. Now Iran is waking up. A bit late but thank god. Time For ChIPec. China-Iran-Pakistan-Economic-Corridor. Next target get the Afghans in also.

I am not against cooperation with China but why China would not pay our 20 billion $ back? I mean isn't a good sign of promising future cooperation if they do it now?
Moreover still we need to balance our ties with China ... Russia despite having good ties with China would love to see Trump in office again which would help to keep Iran and China contained and meanwhile distract American from Russia ...
And most importantly If we really seek to establish a realistic foreign policy that could serve our interests we need to start from our neighbors... for example we would not hesitate a moment to condemn the UAE relation with israel but not praise Kuwait stance regarding this issue ..
The same america was first a good foreign power in compassion with British colonial power but they had the same goals ... like Abbas Mirza and French government .. Mosadegh and American ... so gotta be careful about any new chapter with new players ...
This can only be matched if not out done by the stupidity of the Iranian establishment. On this very forum for years I have argued that the best ally Iran could get is one that is least pliable to Wshington. It does not need to take uber IQ to see that China of all the options [Russia, Europe, India etc] is the least pliable to US pressure. Thus when things go crazy you can expect your 'ally' to be ble to weather US pressure. China was that perfect US proof power.

Thus Iran should have been investing heavily in Chinese relationship. Instead the mullah's were busy ticking Modi's Indian testicles by offering Chah Bahar atc and touting the Europeans. Then what happened? Trump came. Shyte hit the fan. Europeans went running hiding under Trump. And India also went running licking Trump.

But who stood firm? China. Now Iran is waking up. A bit late but thank god. Time For ChIPec. China-Iran-Pakistan-Economic-Corridor. Next target get the Afghans in also.

Yeaaah...ah,you see theres this little concept called "non alignment" and it was,and indeed still is,a pretty big part of the iris foreign policy.This principle was stated very clearly by no less than khomenei himself "Neither east nor west"
China has only very recently,within the last 15-20 years,achieved both the economic and military power to challenge the west.Unfortunately china just as with russia has shown itself more than ready to follow the western line on iran on more than a few occasions,ie the nuclear issue being the best example,regardless of the economic cost to itself,just like the europeans in fact,or the indians.....or even pakistan for that matter[hows the construction of the ip gas pipeline going by the way?].So there`d be little point in iran throwing off the yoke of western vassalage only to then take up the yoke of chinese vassalage,now would there?
Lastly I think pakistan can be very greatful that iran had the political maturity to always strive to follow the middle path when it came to its relations with both pakistan and india,after all on purely foreign policy terms non aligned iran would`ve had far more in common politically with non aligned india than it ever would`ve had with pakistan which had been a strongly western aligned state dating back to the early 50s.Not to mention that pahlavite iran,which had also been a strongly western aligned regime had had very cozy relations with pakistan,indeed both were members of cento.So it would not have been at all surprising if the iri had taken a much stronger pro india view if only to clearly delineate the political differences between the vassal pahlavi regime and the iri,yet this did not happen.
Even today iran still tries to walk a middle path between an increasingly right wing pro western/pro zionist hindutva india and a still western aligned pakistan,tho ironically these days india and pakistan probably have more in common [western alignment] than india and iran,funny that eh?
This can only be matched if not out done by the stupidity of the Iranian establishment. On this very forum for years I have argued that the best ally Iran could get is one that is least pliable to Wshington. It does not need to take uber IQ to see that China of all the options [Russia, Europe, India etc] is the least pliable to US pressure. Thus when things go crazy you can expect your 'ally' to be ble to weather US pressure. China was that perfect US proof power.

Thus Iran should have been investing heavily in Chinese relationship. Instead the mullah's were busy ticking Modi's Indian testicles by offering Chah Bahar atc and touting the Europeans. Then what happened? Trump came. Shyte hit the fan. Europeans went running hiding under Trump. And India also went running licking Trump.

But who stood firm? China. Now Iran is waking up. A bit late but thank god. Time For ChIPec. China-Iran-Pakistan-Economic-Corridor. Next target get the Afghans in also.


If you knew that there is not one but two concurrent establishments in Iran, both in control of about half the political capital and direct / indirect levers of power in the country, and both pursuing diametrically opposed objectives in geopolitical terms (and also in social-economic and cultural-civilizational terms), you would come to the realization that there is no "stupidity" nor clumsy flip-flopping on the part of Iran decision makers, just a verily far-reaching, unequalled pluralism in the conduct of state policy.

Indeed, the liberal establishment in Iran (reformist + centrist-pragmatist parties + associated business interests) is perfectly willing to gradually move the Islamic Republic towards fully fledged integration into the zio-American globalist world order (and then, to dissolve Iran into the future planned one-world regime). Whereas the principlist faction (Supreme Leader + IRGC + the Hezbollahi-minded), attached to the original values of Imam Khomeini's Revolution of 1979, are staunch defenders of Islamic Iranian sovereignty, self-determination, independence, of the preservation of Tradition and indigeneous civilization, of continued Resistance against the zio-American empire and of support for Muslim and even non-Muslim causes of emancipation from that same empire's yoke.

As for India, very few nations consider respective relations with Beijing and New Delhi in mutually exclusive, "either or" terms, since most countries (including Pakistan's allies on the southern shores of the Persian Gulf) conduct extensive trade and investment with both India and China at once. Neither Beijing nor New Delhi are conditioning relations with their partners on a parallel reduction of ties to their rival, by the way. The same logic thus applies to the case of Iran: in Tehran's eyes, Indian participation at Chabahar was never meant as a snub to China, and even as Indian companies invested there, Chinese ones were granted much bigger contracts accross Iran. So Chinese and Indian economic relations with Iran cannot be analyzed in such a contrarian manner.
So Chinese and Indian economic relations with Iran cannot be analyzed in such a contrarian manner.
Is there any chance of such non-contrarian policy being adopted with regards to Israel by Pakistan? You know, one foot with Pals and another with Israel with eye to extract the best for Pakistan?
I am not against cooperation with China but why China would not pay our 20 billion $ back? I mean isn't a good sign of promising future cooperation if they do it now?
Moreover still we need to balance our ties with China ... Russia despite having good ties with China would love to see Trump in office again which would help to keep Iran and China contained and meanwhile distract American from Russia ...
And most importantly If we really seek to establish a realistic foreign policy that could serve our interests we need to start from our neighbors... for example we would not hesitate a moment to condemn the UAE relation with israel but not praise Kuwait stance regarding this issue ..
The same america was first a good foreign power in compassion with British colonial power but they had the same goals ... like Abbas Mirza and French government .. Mosadegh and American ... so gotta be careful about any new chapter with new players ...
What USD 20 billion? Another number made out of thin air.
Is there any chance of such non-contrarian policy being adopted with regards to Israel by Pakistan? You know, one foot with Pals and another with Israel with eye to extract the best for Pakistan?

The conflict between Palestinians and zionists is on another level of intensity compared to Chinese-Indian tensions. It'll be up to the Palestinians as to how they will react to Pakistan establishing relations with the zionist entity. The recent official recognition of Isra"el" by the UAE for example, drew criticism from not just Hamas but also the more moderate West Bank administration.

That said, there's another difference one would need to take into account: while neither Beijing nor New Delhi have a hostile agenda against Iran, Isra"el"i lobbies in the US have been pushing for the balkanization and dismantling of nation-states in West Asia. In a specific illustration of this approach, the infamous Ralph Peters map, Pakistan was included in their list of targets:


So I have my doubts as to whether it would be a great idea to mend ties with the zionist regime, from Pakistan's perspective.
The conflict between Palestinians and zionists is on another level of intensity compared to Chinese-Indian tensions. It'll be up to the Palestinians as to how they will react to Pakistan establishing relations with the zionist entity. The recent official recognition of Isra"el" by the UAE for example, drew criticism from not just Hamas but also the more moderate West Bank administration.

That said, there's another difference one would need to take into account: while neither Beijing nor New Delhi have a hostile agenda against Iran, Isra"el"i lobbies in the US have been pushing for the balkanization and dismantling of nation-states in West Asia. In a specific illustration of this approach, the infamous Ralph Peters map, Pakistan was included in their list of targets:

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So I have my doubts as to whether it would be a great idea to mend ties with the zionist regime, from Pakistan's perspective.
Iran does not do Pakistan any favors by aligning or not aligning with India. Rather India has about 50 million Shias itself. The Indian states of Oudh and Hyderabad were Shia states. Perhaps Iran should oppose the Indian regime in support of Indian Shias.
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