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Iran, Pakistan, Israel most negatively rated countries: BBC poll

^this is hardly a survey to be taken seriously, given the sample size.
What really surprises me is Israel. They have so much power and influence in the global media, why are they ranked so low?

People always say that "Israel controls America", well I don't agree. I think that America allows people to think this, so that they blame Israel instead of the USA.

Israel is America's bijatch....in 9.5 out of 10 cases.
This is what the Indians always say: "We may have more poverty than Africa, but the whole world loves us, and they hate you!"

Well, apparently that was false as well. China is rated far higher than India in these global opinion polls.

When did Indians always say so?
When did Indians always say so?

It is their only argument, since they lose on every economic and hard power indicator that exists.

Because they can't match us in terms of hard (economic/military) power, they claim "soft power" instead, that the world loves India and hates China.

Well, that is false as well. :azn:
It is their only argument, since they lose on every economic and hard power indicator that exists.

Because they can't match us in terms of hard (economic/military) power, they claim "soft power" instead, that the world loves India and hates China.

Well, that is false as well. :azn:

I repeat, When did Indians always say so?
Read again:

That is the ONLY thing that they can say that they are ahead of China in. "Soft power".

But as we can clearly see, that is simply false.

Can you show me the sentence in double quotes in Indian members posts being mentioned always

This is what the Indians always say: "We may have more poverty than Africa, but the whole world loves us, and they hate you!"
^quite amusing to watch our resident drama queen first question the authenticity of the survey, and then a few posts later treat it as the word of CPC.
Can you show me the sentence in double quotes in Indian members posts being mentioned always

Semantics. Obviously they didn't say it EXACTLY like that, I was obviously laughing at them by means of that quote.

That's all you have left Bombenstrum, "semantic" arguments in every thread. Time for you to be the second person on my ignore list. :wave:

It's been a good journey buddy!
Why do Indian members always act like 13 year old girls?
If you are confronted with truth that you don't like, instead of admitting it and saying that you will improve, you people just deny it, question the source or attack the poster.

I am not saying everyone else is perfect, I have seen plenty of Pakistanis do the same, but I have also seen plenty of Pakistanis admit to the short comings of Pakistan. I have rarely, if ever seen Indians do the same.

How about showing some class guys and not turning this into a typical Indian troll fest?
Semantics. Obviously they didn't say it EXACTLY like that, I was obviously laughing at them by means of that quote.

Making a poorly constructed flame attempt and then evading clarification on the original post, kinda redundant behavior from you in the past few months.

Running away doesn't solve problems.

That's all you have left Bombenstrum, semantic arguments in every thread. Time for you to be the second person on my ignore list. :wave:

It's been a good journey buddy!

I'm humbled, if that were true. :)
I'm humbled, if that were true. :)

Absolutely true, when I first joined here you were my favourite member along with Cardsharp. (Back when your user name was Bombenstrum).

But now you're just getting in the way of my "poorly constructed flame attempts" and we can't have that, now can we? :P

I'll see you in another life though. :wave:
Why do Indian members always act like 13 year old girls?

So in your idea, 13 year old girls exhibit this behaviour : "If you are confronted with truth that you don't like, instead of admitting it and saying that you will improve, you people just deny it, question the source or attack the poster. " ?

If you are confronted with truth that you don't like, instead of admitting it and saying that you will improve, you people just deny it, question the source or attack the poster.

I am not saying everyone else is perfect, I have seen plenty of Pakistanis do the same, but I have also seen plenty of Pakistanis admit to the short comings of Pakistan. I have rarely, if ever seen Indians do the same.

personal observation , ok!

How about showing some class guys and not turning this into a typical Indian troll fest?

A wise Chinese member here once said: you can't force people to change on the internet, they must change themselves.

About the troll fest part, Mods can handle that.

Absolutely true, when I first joined here you were my favourite member along with Cardsharp.

I'm humbled again

But now you're just getting in the way of my "poorly constructed flame attempts" and we can't have that, now can we? :P

I was seeking clarification here, of course my judgement could be wrong

I'll see you in another life though. :wave:

you take pdf too seriously.
This is expected for Pakistan and Iran after all western media is under control of Zionist entities. But it shows that Israel even though they have positive propaganda people are seeing through it
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