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Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline (IPP) News & Updates.

80% of crude oil is bad.People are cursing govt and the Sui Gas for high prices even when local gas is approx 50% of crude oil.
GOP should go for coal fired power plants

coal can be converted into highly efficient clean fuel under high pressure and temp.but it needs sufficient infrastructure.the by product is also used in mettallurgy.
80% of crude oil is bad.People are cursing govt and the Sui Gas for high prices even when local gas is approx 50% of crude oil.
GOP should go for coal fired power plants

I agree, however, you need to understand that deriving energy from coal will require an infrastructure which isn't in place. It's a long term solution like nuclear energy etc. In the meanwhile, the energy shortage will remain and importing gas from neighbouring Iran is the best possible short term answer. The current energy crisis in Pakistan has a long history. The energy needs have been neglected for decades. Despite being a nuclear power Pakistan today is facing a daunting energy crisis. Goes to show that the leaders of this country have other priorities.
what is this going around ,
i am finding more talk on india in iran-pakistan gas deal.
I agree, however, you need to understand that deriving energy from coal will require an infrastructure which isn't in place. It's a long term solution like nuclear energy etc. In the meanwhile, the energy shortage will remain and importing gas from neighbouring Iran is the best possible short term answer. The current energy crisis in Pakistan has a long history. The energy needs have been neglected for decades. Despite being a nuclear power Pakistan today is facing a daunting energy crisis. Goes to show that the leaders of this country have other priorities.

Can you define long term and short term you mentioned here? The pipeline itself is "suggested" will be constructed in 5 years, and looking at ground realities + the areas it needs to pass through, it mar require, in actual terms, more than 8-10 years just to be functional. Price was one of the major issues on which the entire project was stalled.
India has no plan to shelve IPI gas pipeline​

Mumbai May 26, 2009

The Indian government, said a senior official, wishes to take talks foward on the $7 billion Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project.

This was a day after Iran and Pakistan were reported to have signed on the pipeline agreement.

India is in discussion with Iran (on the gas price revision clause) and with Pakistan (on transport cost issues) to resolve the issues impeding a deal.

“We are very much interested in the pipeline,” said a senior official from the ministry of petroleum and natural gas.

India has been part of the 2,775-km pipeline project for over a decade, but did not participate in a critical meeting held on the issue in October last year, where officials from Iran and Pakistan discussed the project cost and new gas pricing formulae.

“We are always looking for sources of gas to ensure energy security. However, while we would want gas security, we do want it at a reasonable pricing,” the official added.

India needs to resolve its issues with Pakistan — including security of the pipeline — before moving on to the issues with Iran.

“Before discussing other issues, resolving the issue of transit fee and transportation cost is important,” an official said.

Iran, Pakistan and India had earlier mutually agreed to a price of $4.93 per million British thermal unit (mBtu) for the gas from the South Pars field in Iran.

Analysts say with India having to pay a transportation charge to Pakistan, the price could go up to a high of $8-10 per mBtu.

In the past, there have been reports that India could opt out of the project, with Iran and Pakistan bringing in China as a possible third partner. However, the ministry official denied any such proposal.

“Considering the route, it is impossible that China could be a part of this project,” the official added.

India is likely to receive an estimated 30 million cubic metres of natural gas per day (mcmd) from Iran, if the agreement comes through.

Reuters reported last week that officials from Teheran and Islamabad had signed an agreement on exports of Iranian natural gas. Iran would deliver an annual 8 billion cubic meters of gas to Pakistan under the agreement.

Iran has the world’s second-largest gas reserves after Russia. But sanctions, politics and construction delays have slowed its development, and analysts say Iran is unlikely to become a major exporter for a decade.

The construction of the Pakistani part of the pipeline would take three to four years.

Under the original plans, the pipeline would initially carry 60 million cubic metres of gas daily to Pakistan and India, half for each country. The pipeline’s capacity would later rise to 150 million cu metres.

India has no plan to shelve IPI gas pipeline
“Considering the route, it is impossible that China could be a part of this project,” the official added.

BS. Every single time when Pakistan and Iran book progress all of a sudden the Indians get interested. The Indians are still in the negotiation phase whereas Pakistan and Iran have sorted out their differences and are in an advanced stage. Chinese themselves are interested in becoming part of the pipeline project. Who the hell are these Indian officials to deny that? Heck, China will be added to the pipeline even if India somehow managed to become part of the project. The Indians first need to sort out their cost disagreements with Pakistan and Iran before even mentioning the word pipeline.

The Indians conveniently forgot to highlight the following excerpt from the article:

India is in discussion with Iran (on the gas price revision clause) and with Pakistan (on transport cost issues) to resolve the issues impeding a deal.
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Can you define long term and short term you mentioned here? The pipeline itself is "suggested" will be constructed in 5 years, and looking at ground realities + the areas it needs to pass through, it mar require, in actual terms, more than 8-10 years just to be functional. Price was one of the major issues on which the entire project was stalled.

I've already explained long term and short term solutions. Read my previous post. Of course, even building the pipelines will require time. Let's not exaggerate, shall we? It will require 4 years at utmost. You’re not Houdini or Nostradamus to predict that it will take 8-10 years to just build a pipeline from Iran to Pakistan. That’s just a deliberate overestimation and a desperately biased desire on your part for the project to fail. Fact remains that the Indians have only acted against the pipeline project so far. I can understand your agitation and where it’s coming from. Well, let me burst your bubble by saying that once the project is going ahead in full steam expect it to be finished in a couple of years.
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white pawn religion? did i even talk about religion ur a hindu not an indian.. india is a british tagged name for you guys go read history first there was no such thing as India before british entered this region..previously you ppl were hindus still are nothing to do with religion and almost all of the forum members know that except for you and ur troll party..google it best place to start off with.
Now stick to topic!
I've already explained long term and short term solutions. Read my previous post. Of course, even building the pipelines will require time. Let's not exaggerate, shall we? It will require 4 years at utmost. You’re not Houdini or Nostradamus to predict that it will take 8-10 years to just build a pipeline from Iran to Pakistan. That’s just a deliberate overestimation and a desperately biased desire on your part for the project to fail.

I am not talking about the solution, rather its explanation in quantitative terms. The deal is for 25 years and time predicted for construction in 5 years by the experts.

I'm not Houdini or Nostradamus to predict anything, but I rely on simpler things like observation.

Which was the last large scale construction project to finish on/before time? And what is the cost of the pipeline again - 8 Billion was it? And what is the biggest reason for escalation of cost - Constructional delays.

Other interference can be the area it runs through, which includes Bauchistan. Which pipeline was last to blown off, and where?

Do we have a date of start of construction yet?

Iran is not exactly in the best of political situation and Pakistan has also seen better days.

I have no desire of a seeing a civilian project fail, but I have estimated based on these and some similar observations.

Fact remains that the Indians have only acted against the pipeline project so far. I can understand your agitation and where it’s coming from.
We are keen to be a part of commercially beneficial project and have shown our interest in the same time and again. Indians have not acted against the project, and concern has mostly been on pricing. I don't see a problem with that being reminded ever so often that how poor India really is. Indian have no reason to demonstrate any "agitation", we have the option of joining in the project later, and will do so when the time is right. When the issues with Baluch is sorted out and construction in full swing, price negotiated to a lower level and Pakistan is more open to the idea of trade and offers reduced transit fee.

Well, let me burst your bubble by saying that once the project is going ahead in full steam expect it to be finished in a couple of years.

Best of Luck for that. Then we can join in earlier than expected, I suppose.
^^ On the one hand you claim that both Iran and Pakistan are unstable yet you are apparently so eager to join the project. A little contradictory to say the least. You also don't shy from admitting that you don't want China to join this particular project. Apart from the Houdini predictions, just make up your mind and stop making up excuses and stalling the project. Truth is that we don't need you in this or any other project. Period.
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^^ On the one hand you claim that both Iran and Pakistan are unstable yet you are apparently so eager to join the project. A little contradictory to say the least. You also don't shy from admitting that you don't want China to join this particular project. Apart from the Houdini predictions, just make up your mind and stop making up excuses and stalling the project. Truth is that we don't need you in this or any other project. Period.

Which part do you stand to deny - Both are unstable or that India does not want to be a part of project?

Excuses don't stall the projects, circumstances do. India was always willing to join in the project and we might as well if all circumstances fall in place.

The truth is, you are not the only party in the project and the other party has shown sufficient keenness for India to join in.
why infect there is a clouse in the deal to allow india to be part in the project at a later satge ,
i like to see indians droped from the pipeline for ever .
Wednesday, 27 May, 2009

MOSCOW: Russian gas export monopoly Gazprom is keen to participate in a pipeline to carry Iranian gas to Pakistan, the Kommersant daily reported on Wednesday, citing company and government officials.

‘We are ready to join the project as soon as we receive an offer,’ Russia's deputy energy minister Anatoly Yankovsky told the daily.

The paper quoted another top government official as saying Moscow sees the pipeline as a means to divert Iranian gas from competing with Russian exports on the European market.

‘This project is advantageous to Moscow since its realisation would carry Iranian gas toward South Asian markets so that in the near future it would not compete with Russian gas to Europe,’ Kommersant wrote.

Russian exports satisfy over one quarter of Europe’s gas needs, but the European Union has sought to lessen its dependence with the construction of the Nabucco pipeline to pump Caspian Sea gas to Europe which would bypass Russia.

The multi-billion dollar Iran-Pakistan pipeline, which aims to pump an initial 11 billion cubic metres of Iranian gas per year to Pakistan, could deprive the Nabucco project of one possible source for gas supplies.

Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupryanov confirmed the company’s interest in the project, Kommersant reported.

It cited an unnamed official in the company as saying Gazprom could serve as the pipeline operator or also participate in its construction.

The start date for construction of the much-delayed pipeline is planned for September 2009 to be completed in June 2014, the paper reported.

Iranian officials have said the supply of gas to Pakistan could begin in three to four years.

The pipeline project, when initially mooted in 1994, had proposed to carry gas from Iran to Pakistan and India. But India withdrew last year from the talks over repeated disputes on prices and transit fees.

The 900-kilometre pipeline is being built between Asalooyeh in southern Iran and Iranshahr near the border with Pakistan and will carry the gas from Iran's South Pars field.

Iranian officials said Monday that the final contract would be signed in three weeks. —AFP
Which part do you stand to deny - Both are unstable or that India does not want to be a part of project?

Excuses don't stall the projects, circumstances do. India was always willing to join in the project and we might as well if all circumstances fall in place.

The truth is, you are not the only party in the project and the other party has shown sufficient keenness for India to join in.

Well, let me burst your bubble. Your entire plea is based on mere speculation and excuses. Fact remains that this gas will pass through our soil and we are a major break or make factor in the deal. Just don't show too much teeth because you don't have any in this case. Iran also relies on Pakistan for gas to reach India. Never forget that. You're in no position to dictate or set the terms, always remember that. Also, first start negotiating about the cost before even dreaming about joining this project. The reality is that you have deliberately stalled the project, cannot bear that Iran and Pakistan have resolved all their issues and now fear that China might join. All attributes of a cowardly sour loser. In the meanwhile, let's not even speculate about India joining the project even if so-called circumstances allow them so. Let's not blame everyhting on circumstances, shall we? That's a convenient way to discard the actual malign intentions. You're not part of the project, but are still in the negotiation phase. Just some spicy facts for you to digest.
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