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Iran orders release of Indian tanker

LMAO at this buffoon. so if US attacks Pakistan you'll target India in retaliation? :rofl:

Mutually assured destruction is about destroying the other country as well getting yourself destroyed.
Attacking American bases,Israel will not destroy US. This is not MAD as in mutually assured destruction but mad as in retarded.
And no, most europe is NOT withing your missile range, you just went full retard.
And no, Pakistan does not have the capability to down US drones, I doubt you even have a radar good enough to defect the reaper nevermind stuff like RQ-170.

But guess what?? We'll survive anyway(compartively 5 times big country you know) and may be our economy will collapse for a decade or 2 but guess what will happen to Pakistan?? Nuclear weapons from 3 countries will make sure that their race is finished from the face of the earth forever.
Wow amazing reply. Not only does it indicate an immature mind, it also shows no attempt to understand that no two nuclear countries will attack each other.
Also, the rest of your reply does not make any sense, no proof just a lot of gibberish. Looks like written by a ten year old.

They are already attacking your country, you want me to post number of times their violated your air space and killed your civilians/soldiers? You don't even know what MAD is. Pakistan does not have the meant to destroy the US so MAD will not apply.
Look at link below:

BBC News - Pakistan buries 24 troops killed in Nato airstrike

You people have no honor? They massacred your soldiers, this was an act of war. You can only act tough in the internet but in real life, you can't do jack.
I told you to take a hike. No one cares about Pakistan here.

Why , do you own the forum by any chance ? :azn: . Where's this constant arrogance coming from ? . Learn to talk with civility or join the ranks of those who got pink names before even getting to 100 posts . No one will even remember a banned member too .
lolz... you think they are some pirates ..

Well , that was a really strange thing to happen . The tanker , if the reports are to be believed , wasn't even in Iran's territorial waters when it was detained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards . Think of it .
They are already attacking your country, you want me to post number of times their violated your air space and killed your civilians/soldiers? You don't even know what MAD is. Pakistan does not have the meant to destroy the US so MAD will not apply.
Look at link below:

BBC News - Pakistan buries 24 troops killed in Nato airstrike

You people have no honor? They massacred your soldiers, this was an act of war. You can only act tough in the internet but in real life, you can't do jack.

I remember an Iranian airliner being shot out of the sky tough guy. :lol:

Truth is no one is going to mess with America no matter what America does and your nukes would not establish MAD either. Israel is the only one who feels threatened by a few of your missiles or else Iran would have already been flattened.
Well , that was a really strange thing to happen . The tanker , if the reports are to be believed , wasn't even in Iran's territorial waters when it was detained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards . Think of it .

Man u get concerned with ur country,,,,why are u speculating stuff??
Iran has agreed to get payment in rupees,,,so all is good

Operation Praying Mantis anyone if the Iranian wants to talk tough ? :D

Man u get concerned with ur country,,,,why are u speculating stuff??
Iran has agreed to get payment in rupees,,,so all is good

Man , trust me , you aren't here to decide who's gonna post on what , that isn't your job . So concentrate on the topic and it was no speculation of any sort . That is what happened .

That is my opinion , got any problem , mate ?
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Operation Praying Mantis anyone if the Iranian wants to talk tough ? :D

Man , you aren't here to decide who's gonna post on what , that isn't your job . So concentrate on the topic .

That is my opinion , got any problem , mate ?

Just show them a picture of that toy Qaher 333 whatever. :lol: @Yzd Khalifa :D
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I remember an Iranian airliner being shot out of the sky tough guy. :lol:

Truth is no one is going to mess with America no matter what America does and your nukes would not establish MAD either. Israel is the only one who feels threatened by a few of your missiles or else Iran would have already been flattened.

And thousands American soldier killed in Iraq alone via Iranian proxies :lol:

No one needs to do anything to usa as they are dying from the inside anyway. trillions and trillions in debt and getting worst every second, literally.
Unlike Pakistan, Iran can defend it's airspace, All american drones have so far been hacked and are currently being reverse engineered/used.
I wish one day,Pakistan develops this capability.


Operation Praying Mantis anyone if the Iranian wants to talk tough ? :D


Pakistanis being massacred today are something more worth discussing than what happened years ago. American simulations have showed them what will happens if another war breaks out in the Persian gulf.


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Not going to take the flame bait , sorry . Find someone else .
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But guess what?? We'll survive anyway(compartively 5 times big country you know) and may be our economy will collapse for a decade or 2 but guess what will happen to Pakistan?? Nuclear weapons from 3 countries will make sure that their race is finished from the face of the earth forever.

Though , this isn't related even remotely to the topic at hand . I can assure you that there are no victors in a nuclear exchange and no , the whole population isn't wiped out by any chance but left in such condition that every single survivor will pray to God to give him death instead of the pitiful life he will find himself in . As for the economy surviving in a decade or two , I can only laugh at that joke . If you are one of those , who think that the effects of nuclear weapons are limited to the vicinity of the ground zero/detonation site and do not affect anything apart from that area or the specific radius and have no long or short term effects , then I urge you to research again .
They are already attacking your country, you want me to post number of times their violated your air space and killed your civilians/soldiers? You don't even know what MAD is. Pakistan does not have the meant to destroy the US so MAD will not apply.
Look at link below:

BBC News - Pakistan buries 24 troops killed in Nato airstrike

You people have no honor? They massacred your soldiers, this was an act of war. You can only act tough in the internet but in real life, you can't do jack.

Well as I wrote earlier that lack of knowledge is not a crime, but you seriously need to study a lot. Otherwise you look like a chump.

USA was taking revenge for the Chinool helicopter downed by Haqqani Network a proxy supported by Pakistan in which 38 US soldiers died, of which 15-20 were Navy Seals. And after the attack on Pakistan soldiers, more attacks happened inside Afghanistan against US troops.

Why do you think the US is blaming Pakistan for the attacks? Just for fun. It is because Pakistan is doing it. LOL.

Also, many timers when US tried to enter Pakistan, they got a strong reply and had to pull back.

Standoff of September 15, 2008

Pakistani troops fired warning shots into the air to deter U.S. troops from entering Pakistan. It occurred on the Afghan side of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border close to Angoor Ada, some 30 kilometers from Wana, the main town in South Waziristan in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan.

Seven US helicopter gunships and two troop-carrying Chinook helicopters landed on the Afghan side of the border, in the Afghan province of Paktika, where US troops then tried to cross the border into Pakistan. As they did so, Pakistani paramilitary soldiers at a checkpoint began firing warning shots into the air and the US troops decided not to continue forward. The firing reportedly lasted for several hours. Local tribesmen also evacuated their homes and took up defensive positions in the mountains after placing women and children out of harm's way.

Lowara Mandi incident

On 21 September 2008 at 10 pm local time, in the Ghulam Khan district of North Waziristan Pakistani soldiers fired on two American helicopter gunships that entered Pakistani airspace with 12.7 mm heavy machine guns. The helicopters stopped and hovered for a while, before returning over the border to Afghanistan without retaliation. It is unknown if any of the helicopters sustained any damage in this first incident.[7][8]

Thirty minutes later, two gunships attempted to cross the border again at the same place. Pakistani regular and Frontier Corps troops fired warning shots into the air and away from the helicopters, causing the helicopters to turn back without attacking any targets in Pakistan

And on the side we have also been attacking the Indian so-called consulates again by our proxies to keep them on their toes.

I think enough lessons for you today boy.




LOL d enough:D now need a good sleep....GOOD NIGHT...:sleep:

LOL. This clown did not have anything worthwhile to write, so this was his best response. Wow! Indians so easily give up. And I was just warming up. But anyway, buddy sleep tight.

Please bro if USA attacks you, then please attack USA only, and do not attack India.:cry:

Pakistanis can move to India to remain safe. Indians would be too happy to help Pakistanis.
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Though , this isn't related even remotely to the topic at hand . I can assure you that there are no victors in a nuclear exchange and no , the whole population isn't wiped out by any chance but left in such condition that every single survivor will pray to God to give him death instead of the pitiful life he will find himself in . As for the economy surviving in a decade or two , I can only laugh at that joke . If you are one of those , who think that the effects of nuclear weapons are limited to the vicinity of the ground zero/detonation site and do not affect anything apart from that area or the specific radius and have no long or short term effects , then I urge you to research again .

Sweet dream with your crackers.:rofl:

Area affected immediately and afterwards by your crackers won't even affect 5% Indian land area, so guess what's destroyed ,it's economy of country wining the war but that 's still lower than the gain of Billions of $$ worth land.
Sweet dream with your crackers.:rofl:

Area affected immediately and afterwards by your crackers won't even affect 5% Indian land area, so guess what's destroyed ,it's economy of country wining the war but that 's still lower than the gain of Billions of $$ worth land.

Maybe , these are sweet dreams for you , the simulations tell a different story however .

I expect everyone , eager to debate on the subject , to know that taking out each and every inch of the land by nuclear strikes isn't the objective by any chance . Think of the Americans and Russians nuking each other . Is such a thing possible ? . Major population centers , important cities , hubs and strategic sites/areas do the trick and make sure the long term effects do the rest to make an extremely large area inhabitable and radiated for hundreds of years . The country remains no more , there is just no concept of the state/republic anymore .
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