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Iran offers its good offices to India to talk to Taliban in Afghanistan

I was told on this very forum that Taliban hate India and that Iran has no influence with Taliban. I guess it was just all :blah: :blah: :blah:.
Damn...ever since the reports of US withdrawal came, bhartis are going haywire and are suffering from severe panic attacks.

There will be no withdrawal in near future, but at max, replacement of regular troops with contractors/blackops/CIA operatives. The stakes are too high for US to abandon AF.
Hahaha oh the irony.

So the world never trusts India for a reason, this is the reason. They have no constant policy, they have no real allies. Nobody trusts them in the international arena. All their lives they have been strictly against Talibans now changed sides. Can they fool Talibans?? They are not dumb indian public.

I was told on this very forum that Taliban hate India and that Iran has no influence with Taliban. I guess it was just all :blah: :blah: :blah:.

That was probably the only time in your life you were right, sure change sides since its not inline with your national propaganda narrative. Talibans love India, and Iran is father of Taliban.
iran started it in a hurry when they met with talibans just after the news of american withdrawal.on that particular news,some irainian members tried to portray that meeting in some other way but i knew that this is for chabahar.iran is scared and iran is doing all this for india.iran is like a satellite state of india.iran and india both knows that without taliban approval,they can't even fly a kite in afghanistan.i don't know if pakistan is sleeping or not but we must do everything to make afghanistan deadly for indian trucks.we must not allow them to pass trucks.they must find another country to even bypass afghanistan.we must talk to talibans.i know iranian intentions.they don't care about pakistan.they are under economic sanctions.they want money and india wants iran to destabilize pakistan.iran also wants normal situation on iran pakistan border.terrorists attacking them on the border means india and iran have the same purpose.i knew this from the beginning.talibans should not allow trade.

They won't be able to do anything. Taliban is ideologically opposed to India and Modi, furthermore they have vivid memories of Indian support of the puppet government of Kabul.

Iran has shot itself in the foot also by supporting NA thugs and trying to repress Pukhtoons.

This is a new chapter and all those who supported the enemies of Taliban will pay.
except for the fact that Americans aren't going anywhere, in any case not this century.

Shhhhh....dont upset the narrative...of easy peasy feelzy.

BTW @Sam. (I think it was you who asked earlier for my input)....I caught up with ex-Blackwater buddy of mine....there are some interesting things gonna happen this year supposedly that need to pan out before he will give any sustained comment on the new strategy. But the hints he dropped to me mostly suggest there will be a long relevant presence here maintained by the US...simple soldier withdrawal is replaced with certain things beyond most ppl's ken (blackwater is just one small part of that). The syrian withdrawal is more "thorough" in comparison (regarding grunts) because there is a powerful US ally (and a few frenemies) in the area things can be "outsourced" to (not to mention the presence of the Mediterranean)...in comparison to AFG.

@VCheng @MilSpec @Joe Shearer

Shhhhh....dont upset the narrative...of easy peasy feelzy.

BTW @Sam. (I think it was you who asked earlier for my input)....I caught up with ex-Blackwater buddy of mine....there are some interesting things gonna happen this year supposedly that need to pan out before he will give any sustained comment on the new strategy. But the hints he dropped to me mostly suggest there will be a long relevant presence here maintained by the US...simple soldier withdrawal is replaced with certain things beyond most ppl's ken (blackwater is just one small part of that). The syrian withdrawal is more "thorough" in comparison (regarding grunts) because there is a powerful US ally (and a few frenemies) in the area things can be "outsourced" to (not to mention the presence of the Mediterranean)...in comparison to AFG.

@VCheng @MilSpec @Joe Shearer


The US strategy in the region is much wider than just Afghanistan, that is for sure.
So now Bharatia Rakshak Media will come up with such shit fake stuff?
Shhhhh....dont upset the narrative...of easy peasy feelzy.

BTW @Sam. (I think it was you who asked earlier for my input)....I caught up with ex-Blackwater buddy of mine....there are some interesting things gonna happen this year supposedly that need to pan out before he will give any sustained comment on the new strategy. But the hints he dropped to me mostly suggest there will be a long relevant presence here maintained by the US...simple soldier withdrawal is replaced with certain things beyond most ppl's ken (blackwater is just one small part of that). The syrian withdrawal is more "thorough" in comparison (regarding grunts) because there is a powerful US ally (and a few frenemies) in the area things can be "outsourced" to (not to mention the presence of the Mediterranean)...in comparison to AFG.

@VCheng @MilSpec @Joe Shearer


So Blubberbrain will throw a bone to the spooks, keep an advisory presence, hand over the killing of civilians to contractors and hope that some Talibunnies die in the general mayhem. That constitutes a strategy? Seems to be several elements missing: perhaps a Trump Tower in Kabul? Or (gasp) Abbotabad?

Blackwater is Blackwater; we needn't faint over their capabilities. But they, and the military, and the spooks, can work only within the perimeter set by BB's capabilities. I expect nothing far-reaching or useful until 2020.

The US strategy in the region is much wider than just Afghanistan, that is for sure.

Yes, but here we are confronted by the US strategy as transmuted in a limited brain. I expect a year or two of irreparable damage before the US can recover its strategic direction, and afterwards, it will be hamstrung by the scar tissue formed during this interim period.
So Blubberbrain will throw a bone to the spooks, keep an advisory presence, hand over the killing of civilians to contractors and hope that some Talibunnies die in the general mayhem. That constitutes a strategy? Seems to be several elements missing: perhaps a Trump Tower in Kabul? Or (gasp) Abbotabad?

Blackwater is Blackwater; we needn't faint over their capabilities. But they, and the military, and the spooks, can work only within the perimeter set by BB's capabilities. I expect nothing far-reaching or useful until 2020.

Yes, but here we are confronted by the US strategy as transmuted in a limited brain. I expect a year or two of irreparable damage before the US can recover its strategic direction, and afterwards, it will be hamstrung by the scar tissue formed during this interim period.

You keep thinking "blubberbrain" is some overriding tour de force steering a vast US policy. You have to understand US policymakers have long had this debate internally (and not a very "civil" way like most people are strangely forcefully nostalgic about now to try contrast in some dull headnodding way against blubberbrain) well before zerobama or even Bush-douche were president....much of what blubberbrain (well his team) is doing regards massive voids of sustained core credibility (esp "red lines" blah) left by zerobrain and his team before him.

A president decides whether the circle goes into the square...or better off using a square for it. But he does not create the circles and squares to begin with (or how one goes about figuring that stuff out)....neither is there blind application without explaining the results of both clearly (among the whole system and its feedback loops of policy "advising" to begin with). I'd point you to just what the US govt did after the US civil war ended for the next few decades so they weren't caught unaware of such a buildup again (it is unfortunately a an extremely long conversation to have, esp what carried on long term in relevant way compared to the founding fathers intentions)...and how this was applied more broadly to the foreign domain after Woodrow Wilson decided to bite that bullet....so his enemy Teddy didn't have anymore chance at politics after that. Each successive since has had a larger and larger "bulk"...so its not really an issue of the locomotive pulling the train anymore but the trains inertia being the most dominant thing.

Often one cursory visit to something several relations away from the Pentagon will confirm that. The "non-orthodox" policy wonks are really controlled opposition of something larger and already hedged with as a valid course of action with multiple contingencies.

The days of FDR (and its long been argued how much he actually steered to begin with even back then) type presidency are long gone and dusted away....Ike already gave hints at what was happening during his presidency....and the debacle that was Vietnam came not long after that (which really set the course into concrete as it remains now....if you know how exactly Mcnamara for example operated in the "space" afforded to him by LBJ...or was it really the other way around?....say no more than Nixon-Kissinger after that...till that became too obvious so had to be "toned down" optically...doesnt mean its gone....not by a long shot, in fact its only grown to vast new frankenstein proportions over time....just not allowed to bubble up so much....though Trump certain has created a mild simmer more than any other before in a long time...and thats a good long overdue thing in my opinion).

@VCheng @Hamartia Antidote @Desert Fox

Yes, but here we are confronted by the US strategy as transmuted in a limited brain. I expect a year or two of irreparable damage before the US can recover its strategic direction, and afterwards, it will be hamstrung by the scar tissue formed during this interim period.

LOL...sigh. Anyway you will see in the end for yourself. Joe you take things portrayed to you by the media too seriously my friend. You come from an earlier old school time when it was lot more relevant and there was lot more correlation....so I will give you a pass on it.
there is only one country having influence in Afghanistan, India can run to whoever they wants. Do you people think Afghans fought US for 17 years on US Iranian support.
Shhhhh....dont upset the narrative...of easy peasy feelzy.

BTW @Sam. (I think it was you who asked earlier for my input)....I caught up with ex-Blackwater buddy of mine....there are some interesting things gonna happen this year supposedly that need to pan out before he will give any sustained comment on the new strategy. But the hints he dropped to me mostly suggest there will be a long relevant presence here maintained by the US...simple soldier withdrawal is replaced with certain things beyond most ppl's ken (blackwater is just one small part of that). The syrian withdrawal is more "thorough" in comparison (regarding grunts) because there is a powerful US ally (and a few frenemies) in the area things can be "outsourced" to (not to mention the presence of the Mediterranean)...in comparison to AFG.

@VCheng @MilSpec @Joe Shearer

@Nilgiri San Afghanistan is strategically very important area. It is entry to Indian subcontinent, Central asia and middle east. Also it is road stopper for some northern boys to reach warm water and obstruct the already established order in oceans.

This was my premises when i posted Blackwater thread as Trump is a businessman and "War is a dirty business".

LOL...sigh. Anyway you will see in the end for yourself. Joe you take things portrayed to you by the media too seriously my friend. You come from an earlier old school time when it was lot more relevant and there was lot more correlation....so I will give you a pass on it.
Joe sir refused many of my ground level informations due to the same reason. So i can co relate to you. :D
Shhhhh....dont upset the narrative...of easy peasy feelzy.

BTW @Sam. (I think it was you who asked earlier for my input)....I caught up with ex-Blackwater buddy of mine....there are some interesting things gonna happen this year supposedly that need to pan out before he will give any sustained comment on the new strategy. But the hints he dropped to me mostly suggest there will be a long relevant presence here maintained by the US...simple soldier withdrawal is replaced with certain things beyond most ppl's ken (blackwater is just one small part of that). The syrian withdrawal is more "thorough" in comparison (regarding grunts) because there is a powerful US ally (and a few frenemies) in the area things can be "outsourced" to (not to mention the presence of the Mediterranean)...in comparison to AFG.

@VCheng @MilSpec @Joe Shearer


Please tag me also on anything west of Pakistan.

Cheers, Doc

my ground level informations

Sounds ominous. Kehna kya chahte ho bhai?

Should I WhatsApp or will there be Blackhawks circling over my bunngalow?

Cheers, Doc
Thanks Iran.

BTW Taliban's chief negotiator is a former alumnus of Indian Military academy (1974 batch) and he wants to visit India again.
Dont worry they will visit india soon with all Russian made AK 47 and bombs... Lol
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