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Iran must understand that Afghan lives matter


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Iran must understand that Afghan lives matte

Protests against police brutality and racism have spread throughout the US and Europe in recent weeks. Questions about the relationship between police forces and ethnic minorities, however, are by no means limited to the West. In the Middle East, tensions over this subject have sparked a recent escalation in hostility between Afghanistan and Iran, where Afghan residents have long experienced discrimination.

Earlier this month, three Afghan refugees were killed in the Iranian city of Yazd, when Iranian police officers opened fire at their vehicle, setting it alight. Four other Afghans were injured. It came just over a month after another harrowing incident in which dozens of Afghan migrant workers are said to have been tortured and forcibly drowned by Iranian border police.

Videos related to both events have been circulated widely in Afghanistan, giving rise to a large popular protest movement in major Afghan cities. The video from the incident in Yazd shows a young boy with severe burns escaping the car and begging for water.

The Iranian government has denied responsibility for both incidents, and has thus far refused to prosecute any of the officers allegedly responsible.

Perhaps more disturbing, and less expected, than Iran’s refusal to pursue justice is its decision to attempt to strong-arm Kabul into quelling the protest movement in Afghanistan. On Saturday, Tehran formally summoned the Afghan ambassador, Ghafoor Lewal, to inform him that the countries’ historically deep bilateral ties hang in the balance over the protests, which have been peaceful, though some protesters have vandalised the exterior of Iranian diplomatic missions. Iran refers to the movement as a “propaganda” campaign.

Afghans are simply asking that their relatives and compatriots in Iran enjoy basic equality, a right to life and access to justice. In the words of Qubad, the culture affairs officer of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan, who helped to organise the demonstrations: “the Iranian regime is not only burning and drowning our youth. They even send our youth to fight their wars in Iraq and Syria. This is why we had to raise our voice against these injustices”.

Iranian attempts to pressure Afghanistan, a poorer country whose population relies on access to the Iranian economy, into clamping down on the protests shows a blatant disregard for Afghan sovereignty. During his summoning, Mr Lewal reaffirmed that his people have every right to protest, but the force of his words was weakened when the Afghan government eventually promised to appease Tehran by launching an investigation.

“The Iranian regime is not only burning and drowning our youth. They send our young to fight their wars in Iraq and Syria. We had to raise our voice against these injustices”

The rights granted to civil society in Afghanistan, one of the world’s youngest constitutional democracies, are a work in progress. But they are sacred nonetheless. They have been codified in the face of extreme poverty and war and terrorism, and many members of the international community, from the US to the EU to the UAE, have fought hard for decades to ensure that Afghans could express themselves freely in their own country.

Iran’s efforts to silence those voices – and to do so, moreover, off the back of grave atrocities it has committed against Afghans – are a threat to the future of Afghan society. Afghans ought to be lauded for defending their dignity peacefully and in unison.

Iranians and Afghans have much in common, including a widespread desire within society to effect change through peaceful means.

I dont think Persians care other ethnics much.

They do not as they see themselves as some kind of master race. It's quite strange how a lot of other ethnicities allow themselves to be used by them. There's brainwashing going on on a religious level that needs to be addressed.
I dont think Persians care other ethnics much.
around 10 people were in a single car, with allegedly large opium stack. they refused to stop as police 3 times asked them so they shoot to the car tires but they missed and blow up the car by shooting on the fuel tank.

a personal advice to afghans trying to cross Iran and turkey for EU, don't be a hero. if police or border guard fund you just surrender do not run they have permission to fire.
Iran must understand that Afghan lives matte

Protests against police brutality and racism have spread throughout the US and Europe in recent weeks. Questions about the relationship between police forces and ethnic minorities, however, are by no means limited to the West. In the Middle East, tensions over this subject have sparked a recent escalation in hostility between Afghanistan and Iran, where Afghan residents have long experienced discrimination.

Earlier this month, three Afghan refugees were killed in the Iranian city of Yazd, when Iranian police officers opened fire at their vehicle, setting it alight. Four other Afghans were injured. It came just over a month after another harrowing incident in which dozens of Afghan migrant workers are said to have been tortured and forcibly drowned by Iranian border police.

Videos related to both events have been circulated widely in Afghanistan, giving rise to a large popular protest movement in major Afghan cities. The video from the incident in Yazd shows a young boy with severe burns escaping the car and begging for water.

The Iranian government has denied responsibility for both incidents, and has thus far refused to prosecute any of the officers allegedly responsible.

Perhaps more disturbing, and less expected, than Iran’s refusal to pursue justice is its decision to attempt to strong-arm Kabul into quelling the protest movement in Afghanistan. On Saturday, Tehran formally summoned the Afghan ambassador, Ghafoor Lewal, to inform him that the countries’ historically deep bilateral ties hang in the balance over the protests, which have been peaceful, though some protesters have vandalised the exterior of Iranian diplomatic missions. Iran refers to the movement as a “propaganda” campaign.

Afghans are simply asking that their relatives and compatriots in Iran enjoy basic equality, a right to life and access to justice. In the words of Qubad, the culture affairs officer of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan, who helped to organise the demonstrations: “the Iranian regime is not only burning and drowning our youth. They even send our youth to fight their wars in Iraq and Syria. This is why we had to raise our voice against these injustices”.

Iranian attempts to pressure Afghanistan, a poorer country whose population relies on access to the Iranian economy, into clamping down on the protests shows a blatant disregard for Afghan sovereignty. During his summoning, Mr Lewal reaffirmed that his people have every right to protest, but the force of his words was weakened when the Afghan government eventually promised to appease Tehran by launching an investigation.

“The Iranian regime is not only burning and drowning our youth. They send our young to fight their wars in Iraq and Syria. We had to raise our voice against these injustices”

The rights granted to civil society in Afghanistan, one of the world’s youngest constitutional democracies, are a work in progress. But they are sacred nonetheless. They have been codified in the face of extreme poverty and war and terrorism, and many members of the international community, from the US to the EU to the UAE, have fought hard for decades to ensure that Afghans could express themselves freely in their own country.

Iran’s efforts to silence those voices – and to do so, moreover, off the back of grave atrocities it has committed against Afghans – are a threat to the future of Afghan society. Afghans ought to be lauded for defending their dignity peacefully and in unison.

Iranians and Afghans have much in common, including a widespread desire within society to effect change through peaceful means.

You have no idea what Afghan refugees did in Pakistan ....
around 10 people were in a single car, with allegedly large opium stack. they refused to stop as police 3 times asked them so they shoot to the car tires but they missed and blow up the car by shooting on the fuel tank.

a personal advice to afghans trying to cross Iran and turkey for EU, don't be a hero. if police or border guard fund you just surrender do not run they have permission to fire.
Cant blame you, infact we should learn from Iran on how to deal with thesw folks.
around 10 people were in a single car, with allegedly large opium stack. they refused to stop as police 3 times asked them so they shoot to the car tires but they missed and blow up the car by shooting on the fuel tank.

Have my doubts, but okay.
a personal advice to afghans trying to cross Iran and turkey for EU, don't be a hero. if police or border guard fund you just surrender do not run they have permission to fire.

You have no idea what Afghan refugees did in Pakistan ....

Tell us.
Don't degrade Afghani people who have been dealing with instability and civil strife for few decades now. They are in difficult situation which they won't get out of without regional and international cooperation.
around 10 people were in a single car, with allegedly large opium stack. they refused to stop as police 3 times asked them so they shoot to the car tires but they missed and blow up the car by shooting on the fuel tank.

a personal advice to afghans trying to cross Iran and turkey for EU, don't be a hero. if police or border guard fund you just surrender do not run they have permission to fire.

I stand with Iran. Afghans are criminals.

robbing , extortion, kidnapping,drugs and weapons smuggling, religious extremism. We went through alot.

You can add illegal territory claim to the list. These brute cave savages claim Pakistani territory.

Don't degrade Afghani people who have been dealing with instability and civil strife for few decades now. They are in difficult situation which they won't get out of without regional and international cooperation.

Afghans are snakes and they can't even get along among themselves.

I dont think Persians care other ethnics much.

At least they care for themselves. Can't be said about Afghans.
Afghans are snakes and they can't even get along among themselves.

Bold is unjustified derogatory insult which shouldn't be utilized. You can get your point across thru other ways. Also you can that about literally everyone else(the can't get along part). Modern nations have large populations of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people and it is much harder to get everyone to think the same when you have such large population pool.
robbing , extortion, kidnapping,drugs and weapons smuggling, religious extremism. We went through alot.

Is that what only Afghans do? Even they do, are all Afghans criminals in Iran?
Bold is unjustified derogatory insult which shouldn't be utilized. You can get your point across thru other ways. Also you can that about literally everyone else(the can't get along part). Modern nations have large populations of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people and it is much harder to get everyone to think the same when you have such large population pool.

When your territory is falsely claimed by brute savages, we will discuss further.

Afghans are worse than snakes. We shall get rid of these traitors. Pakistan gave them as much as it could. In return the Afghan now wants to claim Pak territory.
Is that what only Afghans do? Even they do, are all Afghans criminals in Iran?
Before Afghan refugees came in our city, crime rate used to be extremely extremely low. Then came jahil Afghans entered in developed city with there shuttlecock women with drugs and guns... Crime rate skyrocketed ...I remember these people ruined the beautiful parks of Peshawar, which was known for its parks and green belts. In every park we seen Afghan sitting in groups chewing and spitting niswar and gandarian..... lolzz ...

These refugee piss Pakistani time after time .... for example ..

Man arrested for hoisting Afghan flag in Peshawar


PESHAWAR: An Afghan national was sent on a 14 day judicial remand by a Peshawar court for hoisting the Afghan national flag on Pakistan Independence Day.

The Afghan citizen was arrested on charges of rousing anti-Pakistan sentiment.

The police told the court that the man named Naimat who displayed the flag on a billboard near Bora Bazaar area of Peshawar, was asked by officials to remove the flag but he refused to do so. He was subsequently arrested on Thursday.

An FIR was registered against him under section 153-A of the Pakistan Penal Code, which deals with charges of promoting disharmony among segments of the population.

The police maintain that the suspect hoisted the flag deliberately on 14 August with a motive to stir Afghan refugees against the state of Pakistan.

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