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Iran must understand that Afghan lives matter

What actually happened? Afghans here are making a lot of fuss about it. They started protesting in Oslo. They claim Iranian hospitals refuse to treat Afghans in Iran and the other typical BS. But they say there were only 3 people in the car and one of them was a small child who was burning and asked for water which the police refused to give.
Don't come to Iran or leave it if you don't like it or at least if you want to come in come legally and through official border checkpoints otherwise you'll be dealt as drug smugglers moreover what is Afghan government duty in protecting the borders and preventing such a illegal entrances? Iran gotta pay it lonely and be blamed? more 3500 Iranians border guards have been martyred in fight against drug smugglers and terrorists , annually Iran burns 1000s of opium and still we see they try to bring more inside ... Besides after 4 decades of sheltering Afghan people (due to mayhem created by stupid countries in Afghanistan aka american,suaids ) spending 8~9 billion euro on them annually (education, health care ,...) having troubles on our eastern borders on the daily basis etc etc they are still welcomed in Iran ... Afghans work in Iran and I've been in touch with them a lot due to my job and I found many of them good people.
But again If you have problem with Iranian regime then don't come in .. did we ask anyone to come in? you leave then it decrees the burden of you education and healthcare and jobs would be given to Iranians.

I think they should all be deported because iran is under sanctions and difficult situation the priority must be given to iranian citizens or atleast legal citizens if they are foreign they can stay but atleast contribute something to the society.

Iran doesnt need a bunch of ungrateful low skilled big mouthed freaks coming and playing the victim. Deport these haram namak asap!!
So can someone explain why 14 people were in this car, Some of them in the trunk, Running through a police check point?
You have no idea what Afghan refugees did in Pakistan ....

You can't justify Iranian crimes, irrespective Afghan refugees did any sort of crimes, just when Iranian puppy Asif Ali Zardari took over Pakistan, following forced resignation of Pervez Musharraf, for which we can thank only Imran Khan.

So can someone explain why 14 people were in this car, Some of them in the trunk, Running through a police check point?

Ask such questions to Afghans, even better to Afghan diplomats but don't brain wash Pakistanis, whom you treat worst than Afghans.

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