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Iran MP suggests ‘hot pursuit’ into Pakistan


Sep 20, 2013
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An Iranian lawmaker asked Pakistan to put in place rigorous border controls weeks after more than a dozen Iranian border guards were killed in a border region, saying failing this Iran will pursue and target terrorists inside Pakistani territory.
If the government of Pakistan does not pay attention to Iran’s demands on strict border control, it should expect to see Iranian drones in its skies in pursuit of terrorists, warned Ahmad Bakhshayesh, weeks after armed bandits killed 14 Iranian border guards in an ambush near the border with Pakistan and fled into the country after the deadly attack.
Member of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission added in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency that the country’s armed forces should be more vigilant in the eastern parts of the country as terrorists can sneak into Pakistan after carrying out an attack. On November 6 an Iranian deputy foreign minister said that Pakistan should respect its international and legal obligations by accounting for the recent terrorist attack orchestrated from within its territory.
A group of armed men had carried out an ambush attack on October 25 on a border post in Gazbostan, near Iran’s southeastern city of Saravan, on the border with Pakistan, which has almost no control over its side of the shared frontier with Iran, killing 14 border guards and injuring six others. “The fact that such incidents take place on the border and bandits retreat to the neighbouring country after committing their crimes make that country responsible and it cannot shirk responsibility,” said Hassan Qashqavi, deputy foreign minister for consular and Iranian expatriates affairs.
Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement in February, intended to take strict measures to combat terrorism as well as human and drug trafficking and other activities which can pose threats to the national security of either country.
Also, a member of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mohammad Saleh Jokar criticised the Pakistani government for lax security along its border with Iran, which has turned Pakistan into a safe haven for terrorists and bandits.
He further added that the Iranian parliament plans to discuss a security agreement between Tehran and Islamabad in the near future, which would allow Iranian armed forces to enter Pakistani territory for counter-terrorism operations.
Iran’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham, too, had said that Tehran expects Pakistan to abide by the terms of a bilateral security agreement and extradite those who were behind the killings of Iranian border guards and other terrorist acts.
Iran ready to renegotiate
gas export price
Online adds: Iran has said it is ready to renegotiate price of its gas supplies to Pakistan. "Price for gas to Pakistan is not fixed, and hence we can talk with them (Pakistani officials) about price of our gas supplies," Managing-Director of National Iranian Gas Company Hamid Reza Araqi was quoted as having said in a Fars News Agency report. Araqi added that as per the contract the two sides could negotiate price of the gas supplies for export to Pakistan after several years and reach a sum up.
Last week, Iranian Oil Ministry announced the country was likely to give up on the multi-billion dollar Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project. However, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Aizaz Chaudhry reiterated that Islamabad was committed to pursue the project.
Pakistan has been under pressure from the United States to give up on the pipeline project. Iran has already constructed more than 900 kilometers of the pipeline on its soil, but Pakistan is having trouble raising funds for the project and has asked Iran for $2 billion.

Iran MP suggests ‘hot pursuit’ into Pakistan
Iran's demands are legit, but so are ours, BLA also hides around in Iran. There needs to build a joint task force for securing the border areas from terrorist activities. However, Pakistan will not tolerate any Iranian adventure into our territory - let that be clear.
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Did this fool actually say he would send drones into Pakistani airspace?

Does he not understand the carnage which will ensue.

Iranian cities will be decimated in 8 minutes.
Lol Iran too after Americans ! If Pakistan govt will have a determined policy and determination with resolve to fight terrorists on there soil only then the things will happen in right prespective
Did this fool actually say he would send drones into Pakistani airspace?

Does he not understand the carnage which will ensue.

Iranian cities will be decimated in 8 minutes.

Keep your personal fantasy out of reality you can't even fight Rag Tag Taliban and begging them for peace.How you going to fight the Iranians.They have every right to ask for this as there country has been attacked by Saudi Backed Terrorist over and over again.
lol does he really think Iran can do this?

Even Americans were rejected when then request for drone strike in North Balochistan, their drone strike has been allowed only in warzone region like North/South Waziristan & some parts of Khyber, which is very extremely difficult terrain.

Nothing against Iran but any foreign boot or bravado in Pakistani territory/air will not be tolerated. Iran should build a wall/fence/mine @ Pak-Iran border if they have issues.

P.S I was very much pro Iran but some attitudes from Iran are so ignorant & arrogant(especially recently after change of govt in Iran) & that is not a welcoming sign. Seems like this Iran govt wanna mess with Pakistan whose mass majority had always favored Iran as the poll shows.


I' am pretty sure if Iran carry on with it's current arrogant policy regarding Pakistan it will make one more enemy right on the border. That is not healthy for Iran nor Pakistan.
lol does he really think Iran can do this?

Even Americans were rejected when then request for drone strike in North Balochistan, their drone strike has been allowed only in warzone region like North/South Waziristan & some parts of Khyber, which is very extremely difficult terrain.

Nothing against Iran but any foreign boot or bravado in Pakistani territory/air will not be tolerated. Iran should build a wall/fence/mine @ Pak-Iran border if they have issues.

P.S I was very much pro Iran but some attitudes from Iran are so ignorant & arrogant(especially recently after change of govt in Iran) & that is not a welcoming sign. Seems like this Iran govt wanna mess with Pakistan whose mass majority had always favored Iran as the poll shows.


I' am pretty sure if Iran carry on with it's current arrogant policy regarding Pakistan it will make one more enemy right on the border. That is not healthy for Iran nor Pakistan.

I know those damn Iranian dont like terrorist as much as we do in pakistan
Keep your personal fantasy out of reality you can't even fight Rag Tag Taliban and begging them for peace.How you going to fight the Iranians.They have every right to ask for this as there country has been attacked by Saudi Backed Terrorist over and over again.

aa gaey iranian spokesman
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