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Iran mocks Saudi offer to send ground troops to Syria.


Jul 15, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The head of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard said on Saturday Saudi Arabia lacked the courage to go through with a plan to send ground troops to Syria, and warned they would be wiped out if they went in.

Mohammad Ali Jafari's blunt words on the Fars news agency were Iran's first official reaction to a statement from its regional rival Saudi Arabia this week that it was ready to join ground operations in Syria if a U.S.-led military alliance decided to start them.

"(The Saudis) have made such a claim but I don't think they are brave enough to do so ... Even if they send troops, they would be definitely defeated ... it would be suicide,” Jafari was quoted as saying.

Iran has already sent forces to Syria to back its ally President Bashar al-Assad in his country's five-year-old civil war. Washington and its allies have backed rebels fighting Assad and say he must eventually step down.

The head of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard said on Saturday Saudi Arabia lacked the courage to go through with a plan to send ground troops to Syria, and warned they would be wiped out if they went in.

Wiped out by who?? Saudi already has proxy soldiers..what it may need is to just send some officers and uniforms to give legal cover to these proxies..and then the game begins..

Iran’s Generals Are Dying in Syria - The New Yorker


There is one thing I know that Iranian fighting morale is largely motivated by religious stories..and while these serve an impressive show of power they are of little to nothing use in battle field..
Only Thing I want to see is, some Showdown between these four aircrafts..................

Putting boots on grounds will be deadly for both countries...............

IRIAF F14 Tomcat.jpg
IRIAF MiG-29UB.jpg
RSAF Eurofighter Typhoon.jpg
RSAF F15 C Eagle.jpg
Pakistan will never side with anyone in case of a direct clash (not likely) between KSA & Iran.
Pakistan Army is not going anywhere to support this VS that. We believe in the peace & unity of Muslim Ummah and thats why Prime Minister and Chief of Army Staff visited Riyadh & Tehran recently.
Iran should stay in its senses. Don't forget we are behind KSA and any misadventure with KSA and its soldiers will have serious repercussions

Why you are behind KSA?

Where does Iran find these unprofessional people. What kind of amateur comments are these from a general?

First of all he stated a fact we've all seen Saudis performance in Yemen on the other hand these unprofessional people.have kept Iran safe and secure and meanwhile prevented Baghdad and Damascus falling in the hands of extremists .... without them we would have seen Caliph Baghdadi ruling the ME.
Iran should stay in its senses. Don't forget we are behind KSA and any misadventure with KSA and its soldiers will have serious repercussions

too bad you cant even make proper dump in indian ocean without asking IRGC navy forces, let alone assisting wahaparasites over indian ocean airspace
In India these kinda words would have labelled that man "motor mouth". As a soldier, he should not make fun of other country soldiers. Very very unprofessional. He should read only pre-written statements.

As a soldier no matter who your enemy is how weak he is you should always respect them
@Peace786 chill buddy we are behind no one and we aren't gonna wipe out any Muslim country from the face of this earth this is between KSA and Iran let them sort it out themselves.
We have 60% barelvis (Sufi) and 10% shia.. rest 25% are deobandi and only 2 or 3pc are salfis..

Well lets make it full of humans first..we dont need the headache mentioned above..
First defeat rat tag terrorists in your country then think about wiping Iran from the earth

That rag tag militias have been fucked heavily , they dont own an inch of our land.. these piece of shit are using afghan soil to attack us... they come once in a month and blow themselves in public.. thanks to 2600Km open border with Afghanistan...

Well lets make it full of humans first..we dont need the headache mentioned above..

no i was referring to his remark as Pakistan is full of wahabis.. of course we are Human and then Muslims...

We will put you under our feet it it needs.

You should choose between ur country and Suadis one.

and calm ur tits... dont feed trolls with ur hateful comment..
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