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Iran launches Three staged solid-fueled SLV Zoljanah into space


Sep 2, 2016
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Russian Federation
Zuljanah has a 100 % Success rate of launches over a span of 18 months. It is the most powerful Rocket/Missile in the Iranian arsenal. A Proper SLV and an ICBM with a re-entry vehicle in form of Sejjil-3.



Tehran, Iran – Iran has tested its Zuljanah satellite launcher for a second time for research purposes, according to state media.

Iranian media on Sunday quoted a defence ministry spokesman as saying the satellite vehicle was launched with a suborbital target, and that data gathered from the launch would inform a third planned launch.

State television aired footage of the launch, which appeared to proceed without trouble, but there was no confirmation whether it was successful.

The launch comes after weeks of speculation as satellite images had appeared to show that Iran was preparing for a launch at the Imam Khomeini Spaceport in the province of Semnan.



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MashAllah. Very well done by Islamic Iran.

Important note: with this successful endeavor, the SLV launch rate under the Raisi administration is now officially 3 times higher than it was during the Rohani years (respective average figures of three versus one per year)!

For details see: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iranian-space-program.291303/post-13841814

It is now an established fact that the current government is taking the space program far more seriously and investing a lot more into it, in line with its general political outlook based upon independence, sovereignty, self-sufficiency, domestic achievement of technological milestones as well as standing up to imperialist bullies.

Whereas the ideological horizon of liberals (reformists & moderates) is entirely confined to trying to appease the west (particularly the regime in Washington), irregardless of the cost to Iran's development and completely oblivious to the existential security threat stemming from such a naive if not actually traitorous approach.

Along with a multitude of similar feats in other areas, this moreover serves to illustrate the obvious difference it makes when revolutionaries are in charge of the country's affairs, as opposed to when liberals wield power. Patriotic Iranians are invited to take heed in view of future elections, and make sure to mobilize, cast their votes for revolutionary candidates and prevent liberals from returning.
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MashAllah. Very well done by Islamic Iran.

Important note: with this successful endeavor, the SLV launch rate under the Raisi administration is now officially 3 times higher than it was during the Rohani years (respective average figures of three versus one per year)!

For details see: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iranian-space-program.291303/post-13841814

It is now an established fact that the current government is taking the space program far more seriously and investing a lot more into it, in line with its general political outlook based upon independence, sovereignty, self-sufficiency, domestic achievement of technological milestones as well as standing up to imperialist bullies.

Whereas the ideological horizon of liberals (reformists & moderates) is entirely confined to trying to appease the west (particularly the regime in Washington), irregardless of the cost to Iran's development and completely oblivious to the existential security threat stemming from such a naive if not actually traitorous approach.

Along with a multitude of similar feats in other areas, this moreover serves to illustrate the obvious difference it makes when revolutionaries are in charge of the country's affairs, as opposed to when liberals wield power. Patriotic Iranians are invited to take heed in view of future elections, and make sure to mobilize, cast their votes for revolutionary candidates and prevent liberals from returning.

Rohani's government was a marshmallow, everyone knows that.
MashAllah. Very well done by Islamic Iran.

Important note: with this successful endeavor, the SLV launch rate under the Raisi administration is now officially 3 times higher than it was during the Rohani years (respective average figures of three versus one per year)!

Patriotic Iranians are invited to take heed in view of future elections, and make sure to mobilize, cast their votes for revolutionary candidates and prevent liberals from returning.
Just rig the elections if it's such a concern, my man.

Actually, why are elections needed on levels above mayors anyway? Just rewrite the constitution to smoothen the process in favour of the Revolution.
If anything it shows you that you can have a independent foreign policy which is focused on your own people and you can reach SPACE travel status
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