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Iran is repairing Venezuela's largest refinery

but so do Americans now so wtf is your point? you have a simple understanding and are ignoring relevant factors at play, but go on. smh
What do you mean so do Americans?

Have you seen what's going on in Venezuela? Have you talked with Venezuelans? Do you know how many times they had to reform their currency? Americans are getting fatter and fatter. How do you even compare these two?

Extreme poverty in Venezuela rises to 76.6%

The 2020-2021 National Survey of Living Conditions (ENCOVI), conducted by researchers at Andres Bello Catholic University (UCAB), found that of the country's 28 million residents, 76.6% live in extreme poverty, up from 67.7% last year.

No idea what the hell some people on this thread are talking about Venezuelians being rich..

Extreme poverty in Venezuela rises to 76.6%

The 2020-2021 National Survey of Living Conditions (ENCOVI), conducted by researchers at Andres Bello Catholic University (UCAB), found that of the country's 28 million residents, 76.6% live in extreme poverty, up from 67.7% last year.

No idea what the hell some people on this thread are talking about Venezuelians being rich..
They and Argentina used to be very rich- Argentina got into debt problems and Venezuela too much welfare (don't know about the debt situation)
I told them,I've talked with dozens and dozens of Venezolanas since 2018,I've seen some of their houses,I've heard from other people too...but no,the guys here think they're doing great and they have food and money. And it's usually Iranians who claim that.
Maduro came to power due to majority of people being poor, total corruption and country going to collapse, thanks to US and west interference and sanctions, the country collapsed.

Maduro is to blame

Ok .....
I told them,I've talked with dozens and dozens of Venezolanas since 2018,I've seen some of their houses,I've heard from other people too...but no,the guys here think they're doing great and they have food and money. And it's usually Iranians who claim that.
Putin is pro Maduro, how come you aren't.
I'm not Putin.
How can you be. The Russian leader is a divine authority in your faith. Remember what you copy and pasted, prophesying Russia as the divine leader and saviour of the world. Maybe I missed something and there was a later twist in the plot.
Venezuela could have been the richest country in South America,but Maduro and the sanctions destroyed that country.

If they manage to fix their oil industry but to functioning levels and get rid of those dumb communist ideas,they could thrive again like in the '80s or maybe even more.
Stay poor or make US rich, what a choice.
How can you be. The Russian leader is a divine authority in your faith. Remember what you copy and pasted, prophesying Russia as the divine leader and saviour of the world. Maybe I missed something and there was a later twist in the plot.
That's not about Putin 🤦🏻‍♂️

Stay poor or make US rich, what a choice.
It's not just about US sanctions,but Maduro's communism.
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