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Iran is only country which is fighting for Palestine. Rest of Muslims countries are non Muslims and sold.

Kashmir is more important than Palestine.

If Palestine don't care about this then Pakistanis don't care about Palestine.
You are truly pathetic if you want an occupied stateless people living under a brutal apartheid regime to support you when they are not even in a position to support themselves.
it is easy to preach sitting in the West :enjoy:
it easier to do in pakistan. do you know how much freedom this stupid nation has more than usa. you can own ak47, you can ride your car and park anywere, gather firewood and cook almost anywere, grow your food, make as much noise you want with loud drums and music, go fishing dont need license, slaughter animal to eat without getting arrested due not having slaughter license. sell food from cart with minimum fuss.

i can go pakistan to preach but most are uneducated and wont listen. plus i am not politiian or general otherwise i would do wat i say unlike coward americans who know the federal reserve bank is not American but a rothschild owned but they stay quiet as a mouse.
You are mistaken. They dont have man power... wars need blood and they get blood from nato. If weapons matter then talban could have lost... weapons do matter but mothers mater tge most who give sons to fight.
In theory, Israel has the military capability to devastate the entire Palestinian territory without losing a single soldier. However, as a responsible nation, Israel will not pursue such a path, just as India is distinct from Pakistan. In 1971, during the conflict in East Pakistan, India made 93,000 Pakistani soldiers surrender. Despite this, they returned all of them to Pakistan rather than handing them over to Bengali militants. Israel, too, will act responsibly. Even if they deploy ground forces in Palestine, their casualties are likely to be far lower than those of anti-Israel forces. This is because Israel holds a significant technological advantage over these opposing forces.
In theory, Israel has the military capability to devastate the entire Palestinian territory without losing a single soldier.
Sell these pathetic dreams to the numerous IDF commanders liquidated by Hamas fighters in direct combat inside Israel, or the other IDF commanders captured inside Israel and brought back to Gaza
Most arabs ignore Palestinians too.
Are you muslim or not?
Real muslim will help Palestinians
Yes I am a Muslim.

I sympathize with the Palestinians in the sense that the Israelis commits genocide against Palestinians.

But Arab Muslims must support Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.

It has to be fair and a two sided street.

Pakistanis cannot simply support Palestinians without receiving any support for our causes as well.
Yes I am a Muslim.

I sympathize with the Palestinians in the sense that the Israelis commits genocide against Palestinians.

But Arab Muslims must support Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.

It has to be fair and a two sided street.

Pakistanis cannot simply support Palestinians without receiving any support for our causes as well.

Your comment is against islamic rules.

Its not a trade, you should always support right(hag) even if it's against your benefit
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Your comment is against islamic rules.

Its not a trade, you should always support right(hag) even if its against your benefit
Sorry, but I do not agree with you.

Islam says to be fair and honest. Thats a basic principle.

Is it fair and honest only to support Arab Muslim causes, while the Arab Muslims do not support Pakistani Muslim causes such as in Kashmir.

It cannot be one-sided. Only one party benefits while the other party suffers? What kind of logic or reasoning do you have? lol.
Your comment is against islamic rules.

Its not a trade, you should always support right(hag) even if it's against your benefit

Ah the old blackmail trick. Pakistanis being used like tissue paper since Bin Qasim's arrival.

Its very simple treat Kashmir's oppressors the same as Israel. Do not deal with India. Treat it like its Israel. Can Palestine manage that? If not then shove your double standards up your a*s :lol:
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