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Iran-Iraq-Syria Pipeline Must Tempt Europe


Dec 31, 2012
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Iran-Iraq-Syria Pipeline Must Tempt Europe

Editorial Dept | Fri, 02 August

Bottom Line: As Iraqi, Syrian and Iranian oil ministers meet in southern Iran to sign an MOU for the construction of the tri-country gas pipeline; a new picture emerges from the rubble of the Syrian conflict.

Analysis: On 25 July, Iran, Iraq and Syria signed a deal for the construction of what would end up being the largest gas pipeline in the Middle East, running gas from Iran’s South Pars field to Europe, via Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Iraqi Oil Minister Abdelkarim al-Luaybi, Syrian Oil Minister Sufian Allaw, and Iranian caretaker Oil Minister Mohammad Aliabadi in Assolouyeh, southern Iran. The deal will see Iranian gas transited to Greece and elsewhere in Europe via a 6,000-kilometer pipeline that traverses Iraq, Syria and Lebanon under the Mediterranean. The project will cost around $10 billion and will take between 3 and 5 years to complete. Right now it’s in the feasibility study stage, with a final agreement hoped for by the end of this year. Once complete, it should be able to handle about 110 million cubic meters of natural gas per day.

Recommendation: We have stressed numerous times that this is one of the main reasons for the conflict in Syria. Right now there is a race on to get gas through this region, to Europe. This was Qatar’s main goal of meddling in Syria—and now Qatar has been largely sidelined having extended its reach a bit too far...

Iran-Iraq-Syria Pipeline Must Tempt Europe
Exactly why Qatar is funding the "Rebels" in Syria.

@Rostam, h Iran developing the South Pars Gas Field? Iran can't access the technology under sanctions.
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South Pars development plan to be completed in two years

TEHRAN - Iranian Oil minister Rostam Qasemi has said that South Pars gas field's development plan will be completed in two years, the Mehr News agency reported.

Works which have been done toward development of the South Pars gas field were unparalleled in the past century, Qasemi added.

He presented statistics on the current situation of different phase of the gas field, saying that the phases 15 and 16 are complete by 92 percent. The phases 17 and 18 are complete by 80 percent, and the phase 12 – which equals three phases - is complete by 92 percent. The phase 19 – which equals two phases – is complete b 62 percent.

The phase 13 – which equals two phases – is complete by 62 percent. The phases 22-24 are complete by 62.5 percent. The phase 14 – which equals two phases – is complete by 50 percent, and the phases 20-21 are complete by 50 percent, he said.

Working under sanctions requires special capabilities. We have to manufacture equipment domestically or order other countries to manufacture for us. Moreover, financial transactions are difficult, he explained.

On August 2 Qasemi said, "Once all the phases come on stream, Iran's share of gas extraction will equal to that of Qatar." "Currently the development plans of 17 phases are underway".

South Pars is part of a wider gas field that Iran shares with Qatar. The larger field covers an area of 9,700 square kilometers, 3,700 square kilometers of which are in Iran's territorial waters (South Pars) in the Persian Gulf. The remaining 6,000 square kilometers, referred to as the North Dome, are in Qatar's territorial waters.

The Iranian gas field contains 14 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, about eight percent of the world's reserves, and more than 18 billion barrels of LNG resources.

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