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Iran inaugurates first 5G cell tower, 5G network to rollout in Tehran next week


Sep 18, 2019
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United States
Iran took a major stride toward launching its 5G network on Wednesday by inaugurating the country’s first 5G cell tower in Tehran.

While overseeing the event via videoconference, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani highlighted the importance of 5G in digital economy and said, “A 5G network will be rolled out in Tehran next week.”

ICT Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi was absent during the videoconference. In fact, he has been uncharacteristically silent over the past few weeks.

Jahromi is an avid social media user and always hogs the limelight during tech events. His absence in an event, which could have marked one of the main achievements of his ministry, surprised social media users.

Iran pushing for August 5G launch in Tehran


Iran’s market leader, state-run MCI (Mobile Communication Company of Iran), has been given a deadline of early September to begin providing 5G coverage in Tehran.

The country’s Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi confirmed to IFP News that the operator was expected to have an operational 5G testing lab ready within the next two weeks.

Jahromi added that the operator should push to have 5G services ready in at least five districts of Tehran by August, with early September as the latest acceptable timeframe.

The launch is restricted to Tehran as nationwide coverage cannot be achieved without spectrum currently held by Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), a national TV network.
Iran pushing for August 5G launch in Tehran


Iran’s market leader, state-run MCI (Mobile Communication Company of Iran), has been given a deadline of early September to begin providing 5G coverage in Tehran.

The country’s Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi confirmed to IFP News that the operator was expected to have an operational 5G testing lab ready within the next two weeks.

Jahromi added that the operator should push to have 5G services ready in at least five districts of Tehran by August, with early September as the latest acceptable timeframe.

The launch is restricted to Tehran as nationwide coverage cannot be achieved without spectrum currently held by Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), a national TV network.

Why does IRIB hold 5G spectrum? Do they even have a telecommunications arm?
these 5G towers are testing towers to be placed in side MSC ( telecom ) facility ,
tehran will test 5G in that facility and then nothing! Pakistan 2 operators already did 5G test in 2019. no progress made since then.

Huawei or ZTE installs first tower as sales pitch
Why do we need 5g when broadband speeds are deliberately throttled?

IRIB said it required the full frequency spectrum for the establishment of ultra-high definition (UHD) 4K television broadcasts, which it is experimenting on with a satellite via Eutelsat, testing high-quality images of vegetables.


IRIB said it required the full frequency spectrum for the establishment of ultra-high definition (UHD) 4K television broadcasts, which it is experimenting on with a satellite via Eutelsat, testing high-quality images of vegetables.


You`ve gotta admit tho`,that IS a lovely picture of vegetables......;)

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