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Iran has no strategic regional ally: ex-IRGC chief

Yaar, he is coming here to see what Pakistanis think about Iran.
Many Shah era disporsa of Iranians "fashionably" act ignorant about Pakistan. The shah tried to erase Iran's histroical and religious identity and carve a new one out of Cyrus legacy and western ideals. He also advanced the calender by 1000 or so years.

Kawa chala hans ke chaal apne bhe bhool gaya. This resulted in a ignorant by choice pro-shah disporsa. We cant blame him for his ill logic.

On the lighter side, ask this question to any Pakistani and he is mostly likely to fail. The national anthem of Pakistan is not written in Urdu but in Persian. At time the anthem was written, Urdu was not picked up as national language and Persian was widely spoken language among the Muslim artist and intellactuals.

well i dont know and care what he is, but he is an iranian and he is saying as an iranian.

and seriously wtf is with pakistani anthem being not in urdu thing, i think its in classic urdu, i dont know iranian language so ill not comment, be it in any language doesnt mean, we speak of iranians being islamically brothers and they speak of us like poors and terrorists.. pakistanis themselves have enough stuff to worry about than being worrying about iranians arab and all aother nations so called "islamic brothers" isnt it??
into the wild You have not seen enough.This brotherhood crowd is the worse lot.They have an unrealistic approach towards the world and IMHO these people have long forgotten their Pakistani Nationality.They're Pakistani by just name.For them only brotherhood is the main thing.
Many Shah era disporsa of Iranians "fashionably" act ignorant about Pakistan. The shah tried to erase Iran's histroical and religious identity and carve a new one out of Cyrus legacy and western ideals. He also advanced the calender by 1000 or so years.

Those Iranians who were of the Pahlavi era are at the least in their 30s at present. Many Iranians abroad may seem as being monarchists to some but are actually just opposed to the government of Iran and it's policies-- i.e much like Iran's Green movement which is basically an umbrella banner for people who have very mixed views themselves (ranging from reform to fundamental change) and often in contradiction with one another.

As to acting ignorantly about Pakistan, I would say that is false. Iranians do have certain images or perceptions of Pakistan, true or false, but they are widespread and many a events in Pakistan do get much attention within Iran.

On the lighter side, ask this question to any Pakistani and he is mostly likely to fail. The national anthem of Pakistan is not written in Urdu but in Persian. At time the anthem was written, Urdu was not picked up as national language and Persian was widely spoken language among the Muslim artist and intellactuals.

Actually, the Pakistani national anthem being in Persian is a common misconception. It is actually a highly-Persianised form of Urdu-- i.e it utilities Urdu vocabulary and some sentence fragment construction which is at par with Persian otherwise the combination is wholly in Urdu. For example, take "Pak sar.zameen Ka ne.zam." There is no "ka" ("of" in Urdu male-tense) in Persian it is rather "eh" or "wa" ("of", Persian does not have male-female tenses). Also, the rhythmical tone of the anthem is Urdu-based as well as with Persian pronunciation it would not rhyme, let alone with use of standard Persian grammatical placements.

As to the second bit, yes indeed the intellectual Muslim segment was Persianate. Allama Iqbal (Eqhbal Lahori in Iran) is a prime example to name one.
into the wild You have not seen enough.This brotherhood crowd is the worse lot.They have an unrealistic approach towards the world and IMHO these people have long forgotten their Pakistani Nationality.They're Pakistani by just name.For them only brotherhood is the main thing.

i have seen some members in the internet who treat iranians like those people really love pakistanis and admire them, that urdu is 90% iranian thingy and that iranian are our brothers, and turkish people are our brothers, i havent seen that amount of reciprocated in the same menner from these "islamically brotherly nations",

go to youtube and youll find many videos like we love afghanistan, bosnia, we love iran, we love turkey, we love central asia, and we love egypt, saudi arab we love palestine etc etc thing but havent noticed any video made by these same non pakistan so called islamic brothers nor they have any knowledge of this country..
Look i don't know where you're getting this bullcrap from.Pakistan never supported AQ.Pakistan only supported Taliban and that was government policy of then Interior Minister Naseerullah Babar (PPP Government) Babar Actually asked ISI to ditch Hekmatyar and support Taliban and that support was not because of religious like you support Iranians just for religions brotherhood..it was more of a proxy government for us.Dirty Politics Power Game to be precise..I hate Wahabi mullahs much more then Iranian Mullahs>I Just dont like mullhas period.You're brotherhood dream is just that - dream.World does not work that way.

Supporting talibans was the call of hour under agreed deal of CIA. After the war Pakistan invitied all strategic partners to help stabilize Afghanistan. Saudis and UAE sided with CIA picked teams of talibans while the Iranian renegade mullahs decided to take on Arabs by exploiting "shia majority" factor of central asia. This turned Afghanistan into a stalemate and new proxy battle front between arab vs persian bigotry. Ten years later, we are now paying its price.

History is no secret.

Nothing has damaged Iran more than his Mullahs

go to youtube and youll find many videos like we love afghanistan, bosnia, we love iran, we love turkey, we love central asia, and we love egypt, saudi arab we love palestine etc etc thing but havent noticed any video made by these same non pakistan so called islamic brothers nor they have any knowledge of this country..

We need to love our own people first rather than blowin them with sucide blasts everyday then talk aboit brotherhood. Right now if we say we love Turkish, they might take it as a message that we wanna blow them up to... :D
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Actually, the Pakistani national anthem being in Persian is a common misconception.

As to the second bit, yes indeed the intellectual Muslim segment was Persianate. Allama Iqbal (Eqhbal Lahori in Iran) is a prime example to name one.

thanks for your positive post, as you have explained this part, i laugh at these failed people who dont think about their country but the islamic brotherhood task comes first and to the level of boot and arse licking shamelessly..

second, persian was used by the linguistic part of the muslim sub continent society to write their prose and poetry from the mughal era, as persian was their offical language, and language of mongols. other part of this society used the common language..
We need to love our own people first rather than blowin them with sucide blasts everyday then talk aboit brotherhood. Right now if we say we love Turkish, they might take it as a message that we wanna blow them up to... :D

my experience, as a common perception outside pakistan, pakistanis are not known as suicide bombers, stop being pathetic, or stop being pakistani..
Look i don't know where you're getting this bullcrap from.Pakistan never supported AQ.Pakistan only supported Taliban

ISI and Pakistan Army did not know about Al-Qaeeda in Afganistan ? You must be joking. Al Qaeeda provided many fighters to Taliban with full knowledge of Pakistan.
Pakistan should have no diplomatic relations with Iran until the mad mullahs are gone to hell.Let's hope US Brings change there soon.Any regime which can resort to making a Embassy which is diplomatic place hostage cannot be trusted.Singing into Gas Pipeline deal with Iran we're only making ourselves vulnerable to Iran's blackmailing.

Actually at the moment those mad mullahs are quite favourable for US. They will be removed but on a certin time..!

It is much better to have good relations with India then with Iran as we share common culture.

I can understand America is the most kickass place to live and raise your career but What...:blink:
into the wild You have not seen enough.This brotherhood crowd is the worse lot.They have an unrealistic approach towards the world and IMHO these people have long forgotten their Pakistani Nationality.They're Pakistani by just name.For them only brotherhood is the main thing.

Really ! What about Pakistan Army, ISI and their fan boys supporting barbarian Talibans ?
What about mad leaders of ISI and Pakistan Army that have made Pakistan hostage to whims of Talibans ?

Canada is a great place to criticize your country's organization from .. with attitude like this Maybe youl become a citizen soon!
ISI is the ultimate line of Defence for the state of Pakistan .. no one and specially peeps livin in west are privileged enough to question its affairs ..!!!
Sorry but i am hypocritically pro Pakistani..!

the council made of half religious and half lawers. the religious chosen by the leader , the lawers chosen by... the chief of justice.
the chief of justice chosen by the spiritual leader.
what a democracy.

We cannot say what we want in Iran now.
Even i would say this i would be in jail in Iran and maybe disappear and finish hanged.
this is how became our country

Democracy it is more than a century our people wish for it. Democracy is not West idea. Democracy is an human goal.

I'm not going to debate with you about politics- Ahmadinejad, Hashemi, Mojtaba or any other things you said- although I'm totally disagree with you and sure you are misinformed. Talking about that people in a foreigner forum which most of the member even don't heard about them and also off the topic, I think it's kinda rudeness.
But I will answer your question about democracy :
you said :"the council made of half religious and half lawers. the religious chosen by the leader , the lawers chosen by the chief of justice. the chief of justice chosen by the spiritual leader." but I don't know why you forgot to continue by adding that all of them need the Parliament vote? making it simple for you: the indirect elected deputy nominate some religion experts and some lawyers to the house of representative to vote for or against them. I can't see any dictatorship here.
This assembly have to confirm the compatibility of the regulations passed by the parliament with constitution and Islamic law, something like concail d'etat in France. And also it check the accountability of the nominates for any election; something that happens by the different means in all elections in each country by it's owns way. I'm sure it's a reasonable thing and by considering that they are nominated and elected by Iranian representatives and also they use the criteria in the voted constitution, I'm pretty sure, this is the will of Nation.
1. The things in IRI have changed but in a good way and towards progress. You need to study the history of revolution instead of listening to the rumors.
2. Don't be afraid, my friend telling a way worse things that you wrote here, It's about 20 years that I'm debating with him and he is right now in Sharif university, the best university in Iran. Actually now he wrote his ideas in the students wallpapers each day! and nothing have happened to him.
3.Democracy is not the human goal, it's just a political taught that found his way to practice. It has some advantages and some disadvantages and many different shapes all over the world. And also has many unanswered critiques even in west, for instance, many believes it's the governance of fool and lie. :what:

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