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Iran hangs man convicted of spying for Israel's Mossad


Oct 14, 2010
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Ali Akbar Siadat, an Iranian, was executed inside Tehran's Evin prison, according to judicial officials.

Irna said he was in contact with the Israeli spy agency Mossad for several years, and had passed on information about Iran's military activities.

He was arrested in 2008, when he tried to leave Iran with his wife.

Siadat "confessed that he had transferred information to Mossad about Iran's military activities," Irna said, adding that he had "received $60,000 to give classified information to the Zionist regime".

He was accused of providing details about military bases, fighter jets, training flights, air crashes and missiles.

It was not clear from the Irna report if Saidat was a government employee, or how he obtained the information.

He allegedly met his contacts from the Israeli intelligence service during trips to Turkey, Thailand and the Netherlands.

Espionage is punishable by death under Iranian law.

In 2008 an Iranian telecoms engineer, Ali Ashtari, was hanged after being convicted of spying for Mossad.

Correspondents say Tehran routinely accuses Israel of conducting hostile activities against Iran, including espionage against its armed forces and its nuclear programme.
Opposition activist

Irna said a second man, Ali Saremi, was also hanged on Tuesday.

Saremi was alleged to have links to the opposition group, People's Mujahideen Organisation of Iran (PMOI).

He was charged with participating in activities of counter-revolution groups and providing them with information, Irna said.

He had been arrested several times since Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979.

BBC News - Iran hangs man convicted of spying for Israel's Mossad
Good. No place for those who works for enemy against own country specially spying
There are no proof against them.
Indeed it is a period of terror in Iran. They want to make scared everyone. And you know why.

Two guys executed who are forced to confess.
First one said t be member of terrorist group mek (poor guy it was because the stupid leader of them said he was with them: they usually try to say this one or this one is from them to try make Europe think they are the opposition ! )
Second one said to work for Mossad

Yesterday i was reading Nasrin Sotoudeh is now accused to have not weared scarf ... during a meeting.

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the famous movie director Jafar Panahi in jail for having supported Mousavi
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