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Iran hangs Dutch woman arrested after protests

She had a prior conviction in Holland for drug smuggling. She was caught with 16 kilo of cocaine in 2003.
Her inmoral/amoral behaviour gives Western ideal of "personal freedom" a bad name, and will probably throw her cause back at least a decade or two.
In Taiwan (which is a democracy), most convicted drug smugglers met their ends at the wrong end of a FIRING SQUAD. So please don't blame her death on "Islamic barbarism", as us secular democracy find drugs equally deplorable, and would met out the same kind of punishment.
If caught in Taiwan, she'd almost definitely have been shot. It will be interesting to see Western reaction if such case was to ocurr.
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It is simply stupid to smuggle drugs for money, running your own risk of getting caught and ruining other people's lives.

What the drug dealers commonly do is they have a 'small fish' and a 'big fish'. Both were simply paid to carry drugs and not told about each other. Then they will let the word lose to the authority about the 'small fish' so he gets caught, while the attention were diverted away so the 'big fish' is able to slip past. At the end of the day the dealer gets their drugs, and the officials gets their quotas.
Justice is served........drugs destroy many lives and as such she got what she deserved if guilty........no point making her into a political icon/victim
It is rather unfortunate but Iran's ruling regime has an uncanny ability to shoot itself repeatedly on foot. She could have been given a large fine and prison term. But outright hanging just for the sake of some allegations (possibly to scare anyone who wants to protest) is terribly wrong.

wrong ..... bro its flipping stupid , wht kind of draconanian law is this to hang people who abuse substance they need fuckin* help rather than their heads being chopped off. I was under the impression that the mullah brigade in Iran is a bit liberal to those wahabis ... forget it i was wrong they are more retards than any one else ... May the women rest in peace , feel real sorry for her and family
Justice is served........drugs destroy many lives and as such she got what she deserved if guilty........no point making her into a political icon/victim

there are millions in pakistan guilty of the same offence what would recommend for them since the law cant so much ..... mob lynching to death !!?
there are millions in pakistan guilty of the same offence what would recommend for them since the law cant so much ..... mob lynching to death !!?

f the law is so corrupt that they cannot force it then why not........I wonder if you would be so kind if your kids were hooked on drugs.......believe me when I say this.....I deal with drug users and dealers daily and the amount of lives they destroy warrants no mercy for such a trade..........death to them
Her inmoral/amoral behaviour gives Western ideal of "personal freedom" a bad name, and will probably throw her cause back at least a decade or two.
In Taiwan (which is a democracy), most convicted drug smugglers met their ends at the wrong end of a FIRING SQUAD. So please don't blame her death on "Islamic barbarism", as us secular democracy find drugs equally deplorable, and would met out the same kind of punishment.
YouTube - æ»åˆ‘犯 劉煥榮 清晨在台北土城看守所執行槍決
If caught in Taiwan, she'd almost definitely have been shot. It will be interesting to see Western reaction if such case was to ocurr.

nothing would happen. remember what happened when we shot the British drug dealer?

wrong ..... bro its flipping stupid , wht kind of draconanian law is this to hang people who abuse substance they need fuckin* help rather than their heads being chopped off. I was under the impression that the mullah brigade in Iran is a bit liberal to those wahabis ... forget it i was wrong they are more retards than any one else ... May the women rest in peace , feel real sorry for her and family

you're all mouth and no brain

2) Iran actually has some of the most liberal laws in Asia, East or West. Drug users can go to clinics and receive free needles and treatment etc...

3) This woman was convicted in 2003, in Holland FOR THE SAME OFFENSE. She was caught at the airport with 16kg of cocaine in her luggage. You're one of those people who worships white skin so you probably believe them at the very least. They put her in jail for a couple of years and after she was freed she went back to ruining people's lives.

4) In Iran you will be hanged for smuggling drugs. Don't do the crime if you don't want to get hanged.
nothing would happen. remember what happened when we shot the British drug dealer?

I'm not talking about political/gubernamental repercussions, but Western populace revealing their racist nature, Taiwan being "free, democratic" won't spare it from Western bigotry. I bet if she was executed in a predominantly White Christian nation like the US, nobody in Europe would make a noise.
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