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Iran Guards ready to escort Gaza ships


May 29, 2009
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New Zealand

6 June 2010, 6:35 PMIran’s elite Guards are ready to provide a military escort to cargo ships trying to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza, a representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said

“Iran’s Revolutionary Guards naval forces are fully prepared to escort the peace and freedom convoys to Gaza with all their powers and capabilities,” Ali Shirazi, Khamenei’s representative inside the Revolutionary Guards, was quoted as saying by the semi-official Mehr news agency.

Any intervention by the Iranian military would be considered highly provocative by Israel which accuses Iran of supplying weapons to Hamas, the Islamist movement which rules Gaza.

Iran does not recognise the Israeli state and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has often predicted its imminent demise.

Last Monday Israeli troops killed nine activists on board one ship in a convoy trying to deliver aid to Gaza, sparking international outrage, especially in Muslim countries.

Another ship was boarded on Saturday and pro-Palestinian activists have promised more as they challenge the blockade imposed four years ago with the stated aim of stopping arms getting to Hamas.

Shirazi said Iran should encourage more international efforts to break the blockade. “We should expose our enemies to a spontaneous global action and not let them achieve their heinous goals,” he said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel will continue to prevent ships from reaching the shore and creating “an Iranian port in Gaza”, a reference to Iran’s support for Hamas.

The Revolutionary Guards, with their own navy, air force and command structure separate from the regular armed forces, are seen as fiercely loyal to the Supreme Leader.

“If the Supreme Leader issues an order for this then the Revolutionary Guard naval forces will do their best to secure the ships,” Shirazi said. “It is Iran’s duty to defend the innocent people of Gaza.”

I wonder if the IRG are actually fanatical enough to try this. They cant honestly belive they will be allowed to set up an "Iranian port" in gaza.
So the only purpose would be to create a confrontation. No matter who wins the naval battle they will have handed Israel the excuse to retaliate, bye bye Natanz and now the Isrealis can call it a retalitory strike for proven Iranian agression.

Now if the supreme leader fails to issue the order he is soft on Isreal, if he does he is allowing the IRG to push Iran into war status, either way one more step along Irans path from theocracy to military dictatorship.
I wonder if the IRG are actually fanatical enough to try this. They cant honestly belive they will be allowed to set up an "Iranian port" in gaza.
So the only purpose would be to create a confrontation. No matter who wins the naval battle they will have handed Israel the excuse to retaliate, bye bye Natanz and now the Isrealis can call it a retalitory strike for proven Iranian agression.

Now if the supreme leader fails to issue the order he is soft on Isreal, if he does he is allowing the IRG to push Iran into war status, either way one more step along Irans path from theocracy to military dictatorship.

Amazing analysis as expected but truly is a waste of time:D

Iranians will escort the ships to International waters NOT into the waters controlled by Jewish regime.

You dont talk about Israeli submarine sitting next to Iranian waters do you:lol:

That is a setback for your pathetic anti Iranian sentiment .
If you bothered to read before being rude you would see i have read and commented on the sub thread. I was hoping for some intelligent on the possibility of an IRG conflicwith the Israli navy setting of hostilities and the political repercusions. If you think my thread so pathetic please dont troll it just to get your post count up leave it for those thay might have some thing intelligent to add.

I think it means a little different to you doesn't it ?

Yes i have not read your comment on that thread , will do it now.
but I wonder Iran serious about that, because I still don't know about Iranian Navy power, their war ship, navy force and comparison between Iran Navy and Israel Navy
I wonder if the IRG are actually fanatical enough to try this. They cant honestly belive they will be allowed to set up an "Iranian port" in gaza.So the only purpose would be to create a confrontation. No matter who wins the naval battle they will have handed Israel the excuse to retaliate, bye bye Natanz and now the Isrealis can call it a retalitory strike for proven Iranian agression. Now if the supreme leader fails to issue the order he is soft on Isreal, if he does he is allowing the IRG to push Iran into war status, either way one more step along Irans path from theocracy to military dictatorship.
All this talk of the Iranian Navy escorting aid flotillas is nothing but 'sloganeering'. If the Iranians ever try this, they are going end up a few ships short and withought most of their nuclear facilities. Knowing Israel we can safely say that their response is going to be swift and decisive.
The Iranians are making a joke out of themselves. Even though Iran has not declared formal war status against Israel, Iranian support for Hezbollah made Iran a hostile state against Israel, turning Gaza into an area of 'international armed conflict' (IAC), therefore Israel would be in the right to attack Iranian warships even in international waters. Military history supports this. Plus...Iran would be in Israel's backyard. It is one thing to deal with foolish and misguided civilians intent on breaching a naval blockade, it is quite another to know that warships of a hostile country is intending the same. If Iran intends to follow through with their published intention, it would be a greater folly than what the civilians have done. I suspect that behind closed doors, Israel is wishing that Iran would follow through so Israeli sub commanders can accumulate some combat experience.
BB before things get further off track a few things to clarify.
One i am not anti Iranian, i think the Iranian people deserve better than thy currently have, i will admit i am anti IRG. I feel they are waving the banner of Islam while stealing the country out from under their own people and raping, torturing and shooting those that have the courage to take to the streets of Tehran to protest.

I dont see my self as pro Israel, i think the current goverment of Israel and especially Bibi are the worst thing to happen there for years.
The response to the flotilla was a disaster, when you send a few people with nothing but side arms onto a ship organised by a hamas "charity" that is known to be al-queda affiliated you are asking for a disaster heads need to roll in both the military and mosad for what was nothing short of stupidity.

What i see is sabre rattling from the hawks in Israel and the same from the IRG in Iran with no thought to the people that will do the dying. It is always the same old men in a madras or a nice comfy parliment seat that can see how evil the other side is and seem to profit from the conflicts they create, it is others that recive their loved ones home in boxes.

I dont hate Iranians or Israelis or any nation for that mater, if i have hatred for any one it is the ones that smile and shake your hand, kneel beside you in prayer then go out that night and plant the bombs that kill the very people they called friend.

My appologies if i was a little heated at first
Good on you, Vassnti- I agree that both Israel and Iran have psychos as leaders, and they should be trying to calm things down instead of making rash statements that they cannot really follow up on.

If the IRG is stupid enough to actually follow up on this talk, then god help us all.
This does not look good if the Iranians decides to go ahead with this.
The Iranians are making a joke out of themselves. Even though Iran has not declared formal war status against Israel, Iranian support for Hezbollah made Iran a hostile state against Israel, turning Gaza into an area of 'international armed conflict' (IAC), therefore Israel would be in the right to attack Iranian warships even in international waters. Military history supports this. Plus...Iran would be in Israel's backyard. It is one thing to deal with foolish and misguided civilians intent on breaching a naval blockade, it is quite another to know that warships of a hostile country is intending the same. If Iran intends to follow through with their published intention, it would be a greater folly than what the civilians have done. I suspect that behind closed doors, Israel is wishing that Iran would follow through so Israeli sub commanders can accumulate some combat experience.

And the Iranians will follow suit by gaining combat experience by hunting down Israeli subs in the gulf area! From what the American nazis like you say it seems that Israel's rights are endless! Well, others have started seeing their rights in the same way and you can't blame them for having such view. The chickens are coming home to roost!
And the Iranians will follow suit by gaining combat experience by hunting down Israeli subs in the gulf area! From what the American nazis like you say it seems that Israel's rights are endless! Well, others have started seeing their rights in the same way and you can't blame them for having such view. The chickens are coming home to roost!
Not likely to succeed. In subs against surface ships, the advantage lies with the sub, why else do submariners says this: There are 2 types of naval vessels. Submarines and Targets. Even if the sub is playing visitor in someone else's home field.
Not likely to succeed. In subs against surface ships, the advantage lies with the sub, why else do submariners says this: There are 2 types of naval vessels. Submarines and Targets. Even if the sub is playing visitor in someone else's home field.

Let's wait and see if the Israelis succed against the Iranian vessels the way they succeeded against Hezbullah! And I don't need to mention the aftermath of such incident and its implication for Israel.
Both Iran and the world know what Israels response will be to an escort by the IRG. Israel has stated that they will continue to search every ship inbound heading for Gaza. Any act of aggression on the part of the IRG could set off a miltary response by the Israeli's. The Iranians are challenging the Israeli's. There are currently 3 nuclear armed submarines sitting off the coast of Iran. Israel has stated previously that as a last resort, they would use nuclear weapons. Any action taken by the IRG would give the Israeli's the green light to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities. The other issue is that the United States has aircraft carrier groups sitting in the waters nearby and they would be moved up into the Persian Gulf prior to the IRG arriving with the flotilla. The United States has a wartime agreement to protect Israel if they come under a major military attack. An Iranian military attack upon Israel would qualify for U.S. military intervention. Needless to say, this would bring the British military in on America's and Israels side. This would become a very big conflict and thousands of lives would be lost.
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