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Iran govt caught another Indian spy

Thats sweet of you to believe so but the veana convention states otherwise. You cannot convict him before proving his involvment and as far as I know denying consular access will not prove good for the case.

I believe you meant Vienna, right? Are you sure you want to apply Vienna convention and LOAC on this gentleman? Your yes will send Jhadev to gallows. By the way espionage withdraws provisions of rights. Terrorism and murdering innocent civilians will land your guy in a war crime military court of Pakistan. I am sorry to break it to you, but your guy is really out of options here.

You are also aware that inside Pakistan, law of Pakistan also applies.
Dont get heated up kid. Keep it below shoulders and refrain from personal attacks. I have as much the same problem digesting your story that you have with mine.
There was no heat in the argument, just showing you what it would be for an Indian officer ending up in Baluchistan... You have issues digesting that armies recruit officers to spy.... that seems surprising..
or do you doubt that India has agents in Pakistan or they are skipping a whole province for some reason. The most plausible reason is he got caught, and now he is in trouble
Trust me, if he was innocent India would have raised hell for Pakistan with the current lobbying ability it has.

Thats sweet of you to believe so but the veana convention states otherwise. You cannot convict him before proving his involvment and as far as I know denying consular access will not prove good for the case.
According to Article 29 of customary International Humanitarian Law, “A person can only be considered a spy when, acting clandestinely or on false pretences, he obtains or endeavours to obtain information in the zone of operations of a belligerent with the intention of communicating it to the hostile party.” If Pakistan can sufficiently establish through proof that the Yadav is a spy then his rights for consular access are automatically forfeited. No country has the right to treat unlawful combatants or spies inhumanely.

So from when did you start taking Media reports seriously? I dont think Pakistani courts treat that as evidence.

I believe you meant Vienna, right? Are you sure you want to apply Vienna convention and LOAC on this gentleman? Your yes will send Jhadev to gallows. By the way espionage withdraws provisions of rights. Terrorism and murdering innocent civilians will land your guy in a war crime military court of Pakistan. I am sorry to break it to you, but your guy is really out of options here.

You are also aware that inside Pakistan, law of Pakistan also applies.

Laws of Pakistan applies on a foreign national according to international rules. He is not running out of options, you are denying it as you want him to be projected as an Indian Spy.
So from when did you start taking Media reports seriously? I dont think Pakistani courts treat that as evidence.

Indian media is the second coming of Jesus when it suits them, the better question is why are we trying to argue with them and put across our PoV on this forum - it is unlikely to influence anyone whether sane or insane.
There was no heat in the argument, just showing you what it would be for an Indian officer ending up in Baluchistan... You have issues digesting that armies recruit officers to spy.... that seems surprising..
or do you doubt that India has agents in Pakistan or they are skipping a whole province for some reason. The most plausible reason is he got caught, and now he is in trouble
Trust me, if he was innocent India would have raised hell for Pakistan with the current lobbying ability it has.

I am no one to deny or accept it. Its just that you have your story and I have mine.

According to Article 29 of customary International Humanitarian Law, “A person can only be considered a spy when, acting clandestinely or on false pretences, he obtains or endeavours to obtain information in the zone of operations of a belligerent with the intention of communicating it to the hostile party.” If Pakistan can sufficiently establish through proof that the Yadav is a spy then his rights for consular access are automatically forfeited. No country has the right to treat unlawful combatants or spies inhumanely.

So until otherwise you dont establish it, he is innocent. Thanks for concreting my stand.
Laws of Pakistan applies on a foreign national according to international rules. He is not running out of options, you are denying it as you want him to be projected as an Indian Spy.

Nothing really. Remember Saudis behead Indian nationals and international law can't do a thing. Our land, our law reigns supreme. However international law does apply in specific cases. As it so happens, it does not apply to spies.
They are both Indian news papers quoting intelligence officials....Jhadev's family members are no where to be seen now. Where are they? if he is abducted from Iran, why Indians didn't lodge FIR in Iran? Your own government/navy is saying he is a naval officer. What do you need now?


In above link....your naval chief said: "I don't remember anything of him. I only know he had served the Navy and after he left, we have no contact with him".

You need to come up with something solid to support intrusion into Iran and kidnapping of so-called innocent Indian citizen. Pakistan has provided ample proof. We have the guy, his confession, his passport with fake ID, even his home address. What proof India has to refute this evidence?

You are yet to prove his involvement. We could equally argue the documents are doctored.

Fact is India has been caught red handed promoting terrorism at state level. Indian government has directly involved itself in acts terrorism through her military officials. Embarrassment meter would have gone through the roof but that really isn't our achievement. For me, infiltration into RAW network and dismantling it is the real achievement. That should remain our focus.

Fact is, the guy has been tricked and he has landed in trouble. His innocence shall be proved but you are denying his right to do so.
So from when did you start taking Media reports seriously? I dont think Pakistani courts treat that as evidence.

Laws of Pakistan applies on a foreign national according to international rules. He is not running out of options, you are denying it as you want him to be projected as an Indian Spy.

They are both Indian news papers quoting intelligence officials....Jhadev's family members are no where to be seen now. Where are they? if he is abducted from Iran, why Indians didn't lodge FIR in Iran? Your own government/navy is saying he is a naval officer. What do you need now?


In above link....your naval chief said: "I don't remember anything of him. I only know he had served the Navy and after he left, we have no contact with him".

So until otherwise you dont establish it, he is innocent. Thanks for concreting my stand.
and we have proven it or else you would have had access... :)
And as we do not see India raising this issue on any platform with any force the matter is closed
His trial will be in some Military court :) very fair
I am no one to deny or accept it. Its just that you have your story and I have mine.
honestly, a Bollywood themed story versus we spy on each other and sometimes we get caught... Logic dictates which is correct
They are both Indian news papers quoting intelligence officials....Jhadev's family members are no where to be seen now. Where are they? if he is abducted from Iran, why Indians didn't lodge FIR in Iran? Your own government/navy is saying he is a naval officer. What do you need now?


In above link....your naval chief said: "I don't remember anything of him. I only know he had served the Navy and after he left, we have no contact with him".


We dont need anything but truth. Give him consular access and lets take up the investigation.

and we have proven it or else you would have had access... :)
And as we do not see India raising this issue on any platform with any force the matter is closed
His trial will be in some Military court :) very fair

honestly, a Bollywood themed story versus we spy on each other and sometimes we get caught... Logic dictates which is correct

Had that been established Pakistan would have not remained tight lipped and would have tried to defame India in every other forum including the UN. Since Pakistan is silent, the case is still open for investigation.

Nothing really. Remember Saudis behead Indian nationals and international law can't do a thing. Our land, our law reigns supreme. However international law does apply in specific cases. As it so happens, it does not apply to spies.

You cannot interfere once proven guilty but one must be given a chance to face the court.
Had that been established Pakistan would have not remained tight lipped and would have tried to defame India in every other forum including the UN. Since Pakistan is silent, the case is still open for investigation.
India and Pakistan both try cases of espionage etc in Military courts... as for proof, there will be confessions and the passports having false identity etc will be enough to try him...involvement in terrorist acts will earn him a death sentence

Will ask how much proof the Indian army would need when they catch some one red handed with links to most terrorists...
We dont need anything but truth. Give him consular access and lets take up the investigation.

Had that been established Pakistan would have not remained tight lipped and would have tried to defame India in every other forum including the UN. Since Pakistan is silent, the case is still open for investigation.

You cannot interfere once proven guilty but one must be given a chance to face the court.

Spy games are impossible to proof..it is always speculations and allegations..no spy agency would be worth its salt if their game was exposed..in case of Yadav he happens to be the dumbest spy of his time...he was perhaps being muled into something he did not want to..and therefore was easy to give up out of frustration..

India and Pakistan both try cases of espionage etc in Military courts... as for proof, there will be confessions and the passports having false identity etc will be enough to try him...involvement in terrorist acts will earn him a death sentence

Will ask how much proof the Indian army would need when they catch some one red handed with links to most terrorists...

We have the case of Kasab...asking for biryani is enough...
India and Pakistan both try cases of espionage etc in Military courts... as for proof, there will be confessions and the passports having false identity etc will be enough to try him...involvement in terrorist acts will earn him a death sentence

Will ask how much proof the Indian army would need when they catch some one red handed with links to most terrorists...

We even gave Kasab access to court even when the entire world saw him kill innocents.
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