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Iran GDP up 0.36% in 2012!!!


Nov 27, 2008
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Way to go Ayatollah!!!!

Iran’s economic growth rate hit 0.36 percent in 2012

18 February 2013, 14:55 (GMT+04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Feb.18 / Trend F.Mehdi/

Iran's economic growth rate hit 0.36 percent in 2012, ranking the country 164th in the world, the Mehr News Agency reported, citing the parliament's research center.

Iran has been placed 23rd among regional countries in this respect.

Iraq had the highest economic growth rate of 11.14 percent, followed by Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Kuwait.

Iranian MP Gholamreza Mesbahi-Moqaddam has rejected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's claim about the country's 5.2 percent economic growth rate.

"There are signs, such as rising unemployment rate and closing down of factories, which show the claimed figure is incorrect," he said.

The rate which has been announced by the president is not consistent with economic statistics, he noted. However, IMF figures released in October forecast an economic contraction in Iran of 0.9 percent in 2012, and mild growth of 0.8 percent in 2013.

Meanwhile, the head of Iran's Statistics Center Adel Azar has said that Iran's economic growth rate in the Iranian year of 1390 (ended March 19, 2012) stood at 4.67 percent.

The official noted that the average income of Iranian families also increased during the same period as a result of the subsidy reform plan implemented by the government.

Iran's Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Mehdi Ghazanfari has said that sanctions against the Islamic Republic aim to paralyze the country's economy.

"The aim of [anti-Iran] sanctions is to paralyze our economy and to put people under pressure and in distress," Ghazanfari said.

The ultimate target of these sanctions is the entire economy, he stressed, adding that enemies of the Islamic Republic seek to damage Iran's economy as well as the country's economic growth.

Amazing. Iran GDP still can grow with such a severe sanction.

This is a typical American trick. Cuba is another example, the sanction caused more than 1 trillion loss. Without sanction, Cube could be a very developed country. But now US is telling you that's all because of communism.

So, they attack and destroy your country, then they say: you see the country is a waste land because of communism/Islam/dictatorship etc, we invade you because we want to help!
What makes up Iran's economy. Is it dependent on Oil and Gas ?
Meanwhile, the head of Iran's Statistics Center Adel Azar has said that Iran's economic growth rate in the Iranian year of 1390 (ended March 19, 2012) stood at 4.67 percent.

Or you could use this figure.
0.36% wow....Way to go Ayatollahs..model of progress and economic development
The funniest thing is that Iranian fanboys will still try to pretend that Iran is some sort of economic and military superpower, with their fake jets etc and their slow economic growth.

This is a typical American trick. Cuba is another example, the sanction caused more than 1 trillion loss. Without sanction, Cube could be a very developed country. But now US is telling you that's all because of communism.

What utter crap. Cuba isn't a developed country because it choose not to be. They refused to give up their stupid socialist/communist economic policies and it has kept them in a poor state.

Only now are they realizing their mistakes and are making change. Allowing private businesses etc, allowing people to import new cars.
Well they are in the same league as Spain and Italy. Their growth rate has a similar figure...
What utter crap. Cuba isn't a developed country because it choose not to be. They refused to give up their stupid socialist/communist economic policies and it has kept them in a poor state.

Only now are they realizing their mistakes and are making change. Allowing private businesses etc, allowing people to import new cars.

What a brainwashed idiot. Blame communism for everything.

The number is: 1 Trillion dollars loss because of US embargo. That is 100000 dollars for every Cuban. Not to mention the economic development because of the money.

The west always try to create problems in other countries, then blame those countries for the problems.
The funniest thing is that Iranian fanboys will still try to pretend that Iran is some sort of economic and military superpower, with their fake jets etc and their slow economic growth.

What utter crap. Cuba isn't a developed country because it choose not to be. They refused to give up their stupid socialist/communist economic policies and it has kept them in a poor state.

Only now are they realizing their mistakes and are making change. Allowing private businesses etc, allowing people to import new cars.

Why should they give up what they believe in?Because some nutjob warmongers want it?
Whether their ideology is right or wrong, it's none of anyone's business.
Whatever countries like Cuba believe in, I see them much more harmless than U.S government that has killed hundreds of thousands of people all over thhe world in numerous wars in the name of 'freedom'.I haven't seen Cubans attacking other countries and destroying them,drop nuclear weapons on 2 cities, starve the countries they don't like, attack other nations on basis of fraud, non-existent WMDs and a democracy that usually ends in blood bath.
Why should they give up what they believe in?Because some nutjob warmongers want it?
Whether their ideology is right or wrong, it's none of anyone's business.
Whatever countries like Cuba believe in, I see them much more harmless than U.S government that has killed hundreds of thousands of people all over thhe world in numerous war in the name of 'freedom'.I haven't seen Cubans attacking other countries and destroying them,drop nuclear weapons on 2 cities, starve the countries they don't like, attack other nations on basis of fraud, non-existent WMDs and a democracy that usually ends in blood bath.

very true.which place US step on it. leaved a mess behind
What a brainwashed idiot. Blame communism for everything.

Theres nothing brainwashed about it. Communism simply doesn't work and Cuba's economy is a perfect example.

And if you want further proof, look at your own country. Your government has abandoned most of its communist economic policies because they simply don't work.

China wouldn't have a successful economy today if it didn't abandon its communist economic policies.

Why should they give up what they believe in?

Because it's a proven fact that these economic policies don't work. There is not a SINGLE country in the world where they have.

Whether their ideology is right or wrong, it's none of anyone's business.

Their ideologies economic polices is what the problem is.
Theres nothing brainwashed about it. Communism simply doesn't work and Cuba's economy is a perfect example.

And if you want further proof, look at your own country. Your government has abandoned most of its communist economic policies because they simply don't work.

China wouldn't have a successful economy today if it didn't abandon its communist economic policies.

Because it's a proven fact that these economic policies don't work. There is not a SINGLE country in the world where they have.

Their ideologies economic polices is what the problem is.

Tell us whether the sanction caused tremendous economic loss to Cuba?

If your answer is yes, then tell us whether Cuba would be a rich country with extra 1 trillion dollars in their pocket?

If your answer is yes again, then the conclusion is: Communism or not, Cuba would be a rich country without US embargo.

On the other hand, capitalism leaded to the colonialism of Africa and India subcontinent, extinction of native Americans, invasion to China and many other countries, great depression, WWI, WWII, the stupid war on terrorism and much more.

After hundreds years invasion, killing, and loot, the west finally become rich. How great it is!

Back to topic, now Americans and west are laughing the low growth rate of Iran, but you tell me: without sanction, whether Iran would have a higher growth rate?
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