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Iran footballers could face lash for goal celebration

Jul 11, 2011
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A pair of Iranian footballers may face a public lashing after a bizarre goal celebration was deemed to have violated the country's strict homosexuality laws, Iran's state media reported.
The country's political, sporting and religious establishment wheeled on Mohammad Nosrati and Sheys Rezaei after television footage appeared to show Nosrati pushing his hand into his team mate's buttocks as they celebrated during scoring during a domestic league game.
Both men, who play for Tehran-based team Persepolis, were immediately banned from football for life for "immoral acts" and fined £25,000.
The Fars news agency, which often acts as an official mouthpiece for the Iranian government, quoted a judge who warned that "this action can be considered as a violation of public chastity."
Judge Valiollah Hosseini said: “The punishment of this crime is prison up to two months and 74 lashes.
“It is even worse to do these actions before the eyes of thousands of spectators and TV cameras.
Iran footballers could face lash for goal celebration - Telegraph

A pair of Iranian footballers may face a public lashing after a bizarre goal celebration was deemed to have violated the country's strict homosexuality laws, Iran's state media reported.
The country's political, sporting and religious establishment wheeled on Mohammad Nosrati and Sheys Rezaei after television footage appeared to show Nosrati pushing his hand into his team mate's buttocks as they celebrated during scoring during a domestic league game.
Both men, who play for Tehran-based team Persepolis, were immediately banned from football for life for "immoral acts" and fined £25,000.
The Fars news agency, which often acts as an official mouthpiece for the Iranian government, quoted a judge who warned that "this action can be considered as a violation of public chastity."
Judge Valiollah Hosseini said: “The punishment of this crime is prison up to two months and 74 lashes.
“It is even worse to do these actions before the eyes of thousands of spectators and TV cameras.
Iran footballers could face lash for goal celebration - Telegraph

i cry laughed at this:D....
well now i feel sorry for them :(
The west are obsessed with anything Iranian! Was funny tho - i think the guy wanted to get down and slap the guy whose hand drifted upwards!!!
Imagine what Iran would do to them if they did this
Iran is effectively an Ayatollahist State!
Iran mullas are crazy indeed. also dont compare mulla to ayatollah, its like comparing bacteria to virus.
Iran mullas are crazy indeed. also dont compare mulla to ayatollah, its like comparing bacteria to virus.
your post was funny and sad for Iran
but i can say you are totally wrong about believing this is mullah or ayatollah problem. i know many ayatollahs or mullahs that would not care about this. in Iran some stpid people decide of what is non islamic.
the most famous ayatollahs would not be that stupid.

again stop thinking all mullah think the same. they are some stupid ones and some more educated and smart.
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