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Iran FM slams global indifference toward Rohingya sufferings

Why doesn't the so-called Saudi-based "Islamic Military Alliance" intervene in Myanmar on behalf of the Rohingya? Or is it only for show?
Lol That military alliance is only on paper as of now. Might change in future who knows, but as of now it's still on paper and still being set up I suppose. :D

As for this topic, many other Muslim countries have made such comments in support of the royingha. However as one member here admitted, that's just empty talk and no action. Guess it's just for political/diplomats grandstanding to show they at least did something. :enjoy:
What can they do? None of the Muslims are powerful enough to be a permanent member of the security council or a large independent military power or scientific and technological powerhouse.

Americans can play the divide and rule game well when you are weak, not when you are strong and united.

How do you unite your weak countries?

How do you unite countries that all have diverging goals, interests and values? You have European countries who don't want to unite with one another, you have some who value their ties with America over their European counterparts. The EU experiment is presently failing, neither have they united in order to tackle American dominance, but somehow you're expecting weak muslim countries, too?

Empty words, nor Pakistani neither Iranian are acting, only cheap statement.

So, what do you suggest Pakistan does instead of voicing their disapproval of the treatment of the Rohingya? Do you want Pakistan to military intervene in Myanmar and potentially lose an ally in the process?

Pakistan should use all the diplomatic channels it has to help put a stop to the vile treatment of the Rohingya. However, Pakistan is in no position and has no right to go galavanting in other people's backyard especially when it will be detrimental to Pakistans' interests in the region.

On a final note, the OIC should be disbanded, such a pointless and toothless organisation.
Don't see any solution of this issue.

I think before taking it to the military phase and invite the so-called mighty Islamic Military Alliance if it exists we should try all diplomatic solutions and the first step is taking it to the UNGA and United Nations Human Rights Council to condemn this genocide.. then further measures could be taken regarding Myanmar's Gov. responses to it ...
The sad thing is, countries like Turkey and Iran often raise their voice about Rohingya Muslims from the other side of the planet where as regional Muslim countries does nothing about the issue.

That's because regional muslim countries already have enough problems to deal with more than any other muslim country, raising your voice is a worth prasing thing, but unfortunately it won't change anything.
This world is a big jungle where Power is the only thing you can rely on for your rights, none of the world muslim countries have such really influential Power.

You are both weak countries and regional Muslim countries are even weaker.

You had at least empires in medieval era, that's why any and every thought coming from your torchbearers are medieval characteristically.

Regional Muslim countries had no medieval empires all they had were history of living in jungles and mud huts. They can only speak and think like jungle people and primitive mud hut people.

Regional muslim countries Ruled half of the known world at their Time.

They taught Dirty French people how to clean themselves instead of putting so much perfume to Cove the Dirt smell !
They taught them also how to keep their Toilet waste out of their Extremely Disgusting streets, Dirty Paris as an e.g.

When Arabs where calculating Eclipses, French and their medieval neighbors used to beat themselves in the street of Dirty Paris, thinking that a Demon hided the Sun. :rofl:

I smelt the Disgusting Odour by just telling the story :lol: !
Military action on a country which is sandwiched between india and china, is easier said than done.
You never know how china and inda could react to such a situation in their backyard.
Regional muslim countries Ruled half of the known world at their Time.

They taught Dirty French people how to clean themselves instead of putting so much perfume to Cove the Dirt smell !
They taught them also how to keep their Toilet waste out of their Extremely Disgusting streets, Dirty Paris as an e.g.

When Arabs where calculating Eclipses, French and their medieval neighbors used to beat themselves in the street of Dirty Paris, thinking that a Demon hided the Sun. :rofl:

I smelt the Disgusting Odour by just telling the story :lol: !

Nice fiction to soothe your ego.

Back to reality. You were French and British colonies in the Middle East. France on the other hand was never conquered by primitive bedouins. They were bloodied and battered and defeated. Without France winning against primitive barbarians, Europe could have been Eurabia.

The most that the Arabs did was to modify some known Greek knowledge, learn surgery, do some arithmetic, observe some stars and sail some ships. No grand major historical scientific minds, mathematical minds that brought about game changing theories were Arab or Middle Eastern origin. They were primitive people. They still are primitive people. The best they can do is yell Allahu Akbar and commit suicide.

Modernity, as you know it and as the world knows it, is a European gift a European contribution. And Europe started to modernize thanks to the Renaissance (french word, as is most English words of French origin) which started near France. Italy France and rest of Europe were always bound to be one because of the same ideals.

Just like I said, primitive people only know how to flip out it's not a surprise since your last achievements were in medieval era. That's why every time you try to scale some heights you want to go back to medieval era. It's your medieval instincts at work. Your societies genes brains and intellect are not developed for the demanding requirements of the modern or postmodern era. This is true of all Middle Easterners Arabs Jews Kurds Turks Iranians Berbers and beyond Hindus Africans Papuans Haitians. I think Africans may be slightly worse than you or may be at same stage of intellect.
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