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Iran finds unexpectedly high uranium reserve


May 28, 2015
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DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran has discovered an unexpectedly high reserve of uranium and will soon begin extracting the radioactive element at a new mine, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation said on Saturday.

The comments cast doubt on previous assessments from some Western analysts who said the country had a low supply and would sooner or later would need to import uranium, the raw material needed for its nuclear program.

Any indication Iran could become more self-sufficient will be closely watched by world powers, which reached a landmark deal with Tehran in July over its program. They had feared the nuclear activities were aimed at acquiring the capability to produce atomic weapons - something denied by Tehran.

"I cannot announce (the level of) Iran's uranium mine reserves. The important thing is that before aerial prospecting for uranium ores we were not too optimistic, but the new discoveries have made us confident about our reserves," Iranian nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi was quoted as saying by state news agency IRNA.

Salehi said uranium exploration had covered almost two-thirds of Iran and would be complete in the next four years.

Uranium can be used for civilian power production and scientific purposes, but is also a key ingredient in nuclear weapons.

The July deal between Iran and world powers will lift international sanctions on Iran in exchange for at least a decade of curbs on the country's nuclear activity.

After decades of efforts, Iran - which has consistently said its program is for peaceful purposes - has achieved a full nuclear fuel cycle, ranging from the extraction of uranium ore to enrichment and production of fuel rods for nuclear reactors.

Sanctions on companies taking part in Iran's uranium mining industry will be lifted when the agreement is implemented.

Salehi said uranium extraction was set to begin at a new mine in the central province of Yazd, according to IRNA.

Some Western analysts have previously said that Iran was close to exhausting its supply of yellowcake - or raw uranium - and that mining it domestically was not cost-efficient.

A report published in 2013 by U.S. think-tanks Carnegie Endowment and the Federation of American Scientists said the scarcity and low quality of Iran's uranium resources compelled it "to rely on external sources of natural and processed uranium".

It added: "Despite the Iranian leadership's assertions to the contrary, Iran's estimated uranium endowments are nowhere near sufficient to supply its planned nuclear program."

Iran has repeatedly denied overseas media reports that it has tried to import uranium from countries like Kazakhstan and Zimbabwe.
Bro, can you please post a link for this news.

Anyway, this is not surprising in the slightest. Iran has 1% of the earth population but has almost 10% of its mineral reserves as things stand, and this is considering mining has not gotten the needed attention and funding otherwise this 10% figure would potentially go way higher. Iran already has the largest hydrocarbon reserves on the planet, thus hearing about other vast reserves is not surprising.

So it seems you are troll after all.
The first link was from the onion which fars news posted not knowing the satire nature of the article. You're acting as if Fars news made up the news.
The second one was once again, from another non-Iranian site reported by Fars as they stated, from wikileaks.
As for the military claims, isn't it funny how most those military claims turned out to be true? Such as long range Iranian air-defence, even to satellite launches.

Now, what these have to do with Iranian mineral reserves news I have no idea. You need to grow up and not waste thread space. I can also find many bloopers from news agencies from other nations, that means nothing,
no good link or source
So it seems you are troll after all.
The first link was from the onion which fars news posted not knowing the satire nature of the article. You're acting as if Fars news made up the news.
The second one was once again, from another non-Iranian site reported by Fars as they stated, from wikileaks.
As for the military claims, isn't it funny how most those military claims turned out to be true? Such as long range Iranian air-defence, even to satellite launches.

Now, what these have to do with Iranian mineral reserves news I have no idea. You need to grow up and not waste thread space. I can also find many bloopers from news agencies from other nations, that means nothing,
It just means that not all Iranian claims are accurate.
You want to ignore facts and live in a fantasy? Your wish, Ms. Fairy Princess.
It just means that not all Iranian claims are accurate.
You want to ignore facts and live in a fantasy? Your wish, Ms. Fairy Princess.

No, it just means you are a troll that try and twist situations to suite your trolling. I already explained why your claims were false and weak troll attempts.
No, it just means you are a troll that try and twist situations to suite your trolling. I already explained why your claims were false and weak troll attempts.
We have a nice saying which applies to certain claims:
Unchi dukan, pheekay pakwan.
Great ....... :yahoo:

Now Ted Cruize gonna kill himself .

God has given all the sources to Iran where 7000 Imamzade from Ahlulbayt and several prophets from prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) are buried.

All kinds of the minerals, stones and metals, biggest sources of oil and gas in the world (number 1), two seas in South and North etc........
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