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Iran destroys Israel (israeli propaganda)

Wrong, no nuclear nation would use nuclear weapons against another nuclear nation with more than 20 ICBMs that can reach it or its allies.

Its perfectly acceptable to take 1 or 2 ICBMs in exchange for wiping the enemy out. That's just the cost of war. That's why both Pakistan and India need ICBMs, relying on the charity of Anglos not to nuke you :lol: is folly.

Touche, just having nukes isnt enough, country should have reliable delivery too. Some ~50 nukes, hundreds of World-class ICBMs (as decoys, enemy wont know which are conventional and which nuclear). And deterrent is complete, nobody would dear to attack such nation.
Touche, just having nukes isnt enough, country should have reliable delivery too. Some ~50 nukes, hundreds of World-class ICBMs (as decoys, enemy wont know which are conventional and which nuclear). And deterrent is complete, nobody would dear to attack such nation.

still not enough, i'd like to think of nukes per capita... you have to have a certain number of nukes to be able to take out at least 50% of enemy population.

The US might still launch a first strike against China, because they could think 40% of the US population is an acceptable loss. And they have no reason not to attack India if India ever loses favor, India is helpless because it has no ICBMs, so it'll be 0% risk for them.

Have to have at least 1500 nuclear warheads on maybe 200 ICBMs and 300 IRBMs for an Eurasian power.
US n israel=

still not enough, i'd like to think of nukes per capita... you have to have a certain number of nukes to be able to take out at least 50% of enemy population.

The US might still launch a first strike against China, because they could think 40% of the US population is an acceptable loss. And they have no reason not to attack India if India ever loses favor, India is helpless because it has no ICBMs, so it'll be 0% risk for them.

Have to have at least 1500 nuclear warheads on maybe 200 ICBMs and 300 IRBMs for an Eurasian power.

You don't need that much. I've done the math some time ago, and (not counting post-blast effects, such as local famine, local drought, local riots and disorder, obvious radiation spreadage, etc), and even with China's small ICBM stockpile of about 54 missiles, totaling about 114 warheads, could level every city with a population larger than Fontana, New York (List of United States cities by population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). That is a hell alot of people, and any leader that thinks that's an "acceptable" loss is probably running a crack ring somewhere in South America, and not a country.

More than likely, nuclear war will never happen, at least not on the "everybody dies" scale that we're talking about here.
You don't need that much. I've done the math some time ago, and (not counting post-blast effects, such as local famine, local drought, local riots and disorder, obvious radiation spreadage, etc), and even with China's small ICBM stockpile of about 54 missiles, totaling about 114 warheads, could level every city with a population larger than Fontana, New York (List of United States cities by population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). That is a hell alot of people, and any leader that thinks that's an "acceptable" loss is probably running a crack ring somewhere in South America, and not a country.

More than likely, nuclear war will never happen, at least not on the "everybody dies" scale that we're talking about here.

i did the math too, using a base of 4 km2 as Hiroshima blast area, getting the radius with basic algebra and scaling up blast radius as the cube root of power measured in kilotons, and assuming 90% of population density in affected area dies.

that's a very basic rough order of magnitude effect, and to be fully accurate there may be more complicated effects resulting from high tonnage, but i think that is OK.
Every intelligent person here knows that Iran is a terror sponsoring country which shamelessly targets civilians because they are too cowardly to engage the Israeli Defense forces or the USA army head on.

On the contrary, every intelligent person knows that israel is the breeding ground of international of terrorism.
still not enough, i'd like to think of nukes per capita... you have to have a certain number of nukes to be able to take out at least 50% of enemy population.

The US might still launch a first strike against China, because they could think 40% of the US population is an acceptable loss. And they have no reason not to attack India if India ever loses favor, India is helpless because it has no ICBMs, so it'll be 0% risk for them.

Have to have at least 1500 nuclear warheads on maybe 200 ICBMs and 300 IRBMs for an Eurasian power.

That is why Iran should be allowed to have nukes and the appropriate delivery systems, China shouldn't object to Iran acquiring nukes because their survival is at stake here.
You failed to prove this silly claim. Repeating does not make your arguments stronger at all.

Unbelieavable how dumb you are. According to you American passport proves that ones ancestors lived in America for 7000 years? Passport proves nothing.

Unlike Jews. Egyptans were slaves for many thousands of years. They were enslaved by various nations. Starting from Hyksos and ending by Mamlukes. Brits also forsed you to work in slavery conditions to build canal for example. Thousands of Egyptians died to build canal and now Israeli ships sail through it.

You Arabs stole lands of many people. Israel is ours, even your Arab Koran says so. You tried to steal Israel from us, but you miserably failed on and on despite huge numerical superiority. Thats why you hate Israel so much.

0.08% (together with Syrians) is big percent? You are still ashamed to put the list of your killed in that war, because its so huge.

Israel returned Sinai for peace agreement in 1982. Egypt refused to make peace talks with Israel before 1973.

Your army head says that your army miserably failed in 1973. Whats the point to argue here?

Speaking from a strictly realist perspective, and keeping in mind the history of the past few centuries, I'd say that the situation is quite serious.

When Israel says Iranian nukes will be unacceptable, they do mean it.

I'm not addressing who is morally right or wrong. But if everybody correctly understands the other parties then there is a better chance to avoid trouble.
On the contrary, every intelligent person knows that israel is the breeding ground of international of terrorism.


---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ----------

That is why Iran should be allowed to have nukes and the appropriate delivery systems, China shouldn't object to Iran acquiring nukes because their survival is at stake here.

Do the math? Lets do the math, indeed:

By the end of the war, the Israelis had advanced to positions some 101 kilometers from Egypt's capital, Cairo, and occupied 1,600 square kilometers west of the Suez Canal.[141] They had also cut the Cairo-Suez road and encircled the bulk of Egypt's Third Army. The Israelis had also taken many prisoners after Egyptian soldiers, including many officers, began surrending in masses towards the end of the war.[142] The Egyptians held a narrow strip on the east bank of the canal, occupying some 1,200 square kilometers of the Sinai.[143] One source estimated that the Egyptians had 70,000 men, 720 tanks and 994 artillery pieces on the east bank of the canal.[144] However, between 30,000 to 45,000 of them were now encircled by the Israelis.[145][146]
(From Wikipedia)

The Egyptians took control of 1,200 square miles. The Israelis now controlled 1,600 square miles. I wonder - what's bigger? 1,600 or 1,200? I'll leave the thinking for you. Meanwhile, look at the illustration - which clearly shows Israelis held more newly conquered territory than the Egyptians:

Just because the war was longer, doesn't mean the war is longest possible. Due to fear from having Cairo occupied and the 3rd Army destroyed, the Egyptians - after being utterly defeated, were forced to sign cease fire.

The rest of your post isn't really worth response to. You are dripping of Arab propaganda.

tiny country huge ambition
video re uploaded and put in the first post of this thread. everyone watch and judge the israeli paranoia for yourself
Every intelligent person here knows that Iran is a terror sponsoring country which shamelessly targets civilians because they are too cowardly to engage the Israeli Defense forces or the USA army head on.
“Wherever there is cruelty, there will be resistance, and wherever there is resistance, we will be there,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad .
Very good quality filmwork. lol at the israelis though bringing new heights to fear!
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