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Iran cuts off electricity supply to Balochistan’s Makran division

Iran doing what it does best, backstabbing. Initially the issue was unknown fault in iran grid, then after 2 days it became iran power crises. When you have local Pakistanis who have Iranian interest more dear than Pakistan than such situation arises. Where are the jokes whowere linking cpec to chabahar?
Chabahar itself is now in limbo so such ploys are being reinvented to damage the goodwill in Makran division. Some of it also is due to primitive mindset prvailing in BAlochistan parliament.
Ahsan Iqbal [govt.s point man for cpec] had to intervene thrice to push Balochistan Govt. to expedite land acquisition to Chinese company setting up 400 MW power plant there unfortunately our own pathetic system and politicians in parliament are the biggest hurdles for our development.
Water supply has got better there so this problem has started.
Foreign hands will continue to try sabotage thru water, power supply and security issues. It is important to address and quicken the pace of infrastructure development there. Turbat won't need power supply once its connected to grid and Gwadar power plant starts functioning.
Pakistan's own fault and shortsightedness coupled with ineffective decision making which finally results in throwing the blame around. With the huge population explosion in Pakistan, we should have built up local power generation to meet the demand and be energy exporter ourselves. Instead we let the manufacturing in the country die a slow death due to power shortages.
Don't blame Iran ... blame the last two governments that never finished the oil pipeline to import Iranian oil. Could have even used that to generate power. Fault is our own

Well you proved your own opinion is mired with shortsightedness or any research meant to divert from the issue at hand.

Decision makers are same as people like you who look after foreign interests rather than the country. There is not much difference between dumb ppl like you and the ones in govt.. Who feel gas pipeline electricity from iran is the silver bullet.
Iran does'nt give it for free they are paid for it and its not non-stop there are haevy power outages. Once Balochistan Power division delayed a set of payment and they cut the electricity of the region for the whole day.
Iran lover go check the price of gas, your statement feels like we would've received supply for free.
Check how much Turkey has to pay to Iran. They have to manage US pressure and pay Iranians the price they don't deserve.
USA has been threatening sanctions on India and Pakistan both, on pursuing IRan gas pipeline which is why it never took off.

Instead of counting others fault read how Iran backstabbed Pakistan on Kashmir in 1995 or the nuclear issue in 2000s. Expressed dismay when Pakistan became anuclear state in 1998,etc...
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I didn't even have to go to the second page of this thread to see India being blamed for this :lol:

Anyway, it's high time that Pakistan start producing something inside Pakistan for a change. Development isn't possible without a basic thing like electricity.
If you don’t want hear what Pakistanis have to say, go to another website.
Sure I want to here what Pakistani says... I require good laugh everyday...

I was talking about you idiots, but your ego won't let you admit that Hindustan is pretty crappy too:

As said earlier... Before saying anything about India and toilets plz ensure you get 10 hours of electricity and every person in your country have access to toilets...
Atleast we are bold enough to acknowledge the problem and we are trying best to eradicate it unlike Pakistani who will point out at India even when you are dependent on other countries for electricity

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