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Iran calls for arbitration body among Muslim countries


Oct 29, 2010
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Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the establishment of an arbitration body to settle disputes among Muslim countries.


“I suggest the establishment of an arbitration body comprising of faithful, committed, righteous and trustworthy people with complete authority… to settle disputes among different groups and/or between them and the governments or among [different] states,” Ahmadinejad said in an address to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit on Wednesday.

Ahmadinejad said the arbitration body must have complete authority and all countries should be committed to accepting its judgments.

The two-day emergency meeting of OIC members was held upon the request of Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz in Mecca to address major issues facing the Muslim world and the latest developments in the region.

“It is obvious that the issue of establishing an institution for arbitration, while being important and functional for all members, must be discussed in more detail and, therefore, I suggest that the next summit meeting [of OIC] should be held in the first possible opportunity to address this issue and I am ready to host all my brothers in Tehran,” Ahmadinejad added.

“We should not forget that the Arrogance front has been wishing to dominate our region, a region of culture and wealth, for hundreds of years, and thousands of plots have been hatched and carried out and numerous wars have been imposed on our nations,” Ahmadinejad noted.

“The global Arrogance controls the main economic, media and power centers in the US and many European and non-European countries and seeks to dominate the entire world, and they consider controlling our region necessary for dominating the world; this is a historical plot which is at least five hundred years old.”

The Iranian president stated, “The enemies of our nations want a new Middle East that would be under their complete control and meet their illegitimate interests. Therefore, they have made plans for all regional countries and there is no exception.”

Stressing the fact that the enemies must not be underestimated, Ahmadinejad said Muslim countries have forgotten their real enemies and are instead fighting each other.

The Iranian president said “the personal, ethnic, tribal and religious differences” among Muslims have obviously made the enemies happy.

“We are on the verge of an all-out, devastating and fruitless ethnic and religious war that could last for decades,” Ahmadinejad added.

“It has been two years that Muslim countries are experiencing tension and undergoing very important developments on which the destiny and Muslims and the world depends… These developments must be managed in the region… If they are managed by others who have long records of hostility, then we should expect serious damages to the regional nations and resourses.”

PressTV - Iran president calls for arbitration body among Muslim countries
Come to the point Mr. MA, how to manage Al-Assad its almost two years thousands killed , now his Aircrafts pouring bombs in the cities....
nice move ,
OIC need to be strengthened and empowered.
muslims need a combined army that should have representation from all the Muslim countries.
we need unity in order defend Muslim's rights and to solve the inter and intera troubles in the Muslim countries .
Good points by Nejad, but how to elect objective arbitration committee? Most Muslim countries are under direct US influence, therefore just by going "democratic" way would mean handing over arbitration to US. And if somehow arbitration would be fair and just, but would go against US interests, US would force Muslim countries to abandon such arbitration.

In other words, good idea, but it wont work. Much like UN is suppose to care about international law and humanity, but all it does is to serve few powerful countries interests, nothing more.
Muslims cant decide between themselves who is muslim and who is not, that is one of the main causes of your problems. Shias are kinda alien to sunnis, sunnis to shias,,,, bring the other groups in the middle such as wahabis, sufis etc and you will see how much difficult this task of so called unity is.
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the establishment of an arbitration body to settle disputes among Muslim countries.


“I suggest the establishment of an arbitration body comprising of faithful, committed, righteous and trustworthy people with complete authority… to settle disputes among different groups and/or between them and the governments or among [different] states,” Ahmadinejad said in an address to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit on Wednesday.

Ahmadinejad said the arbitration body must have complete authority and all countries should be committed to accepting its judgments.

The two-day emergency meeting of OIC members was held upon the request of Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz in Mecca to address major issues facing the Muslim world and the latest developments in the region.

“It is obvious that the issue of establishing an institution for arbitration, while being important and functional for all members, must be discussed in more detail and, therefore, I suggest that the next summit meeting [of OIC] should be held in the first possible opportunity to address this issue and I am ready to host all my brothers in Tehran,” Ahmadinejad added.

“We should not forget that the Arrogance front has been wishing to dominate our region, a region of culture and wealth, for hundreds of years, and thousands of plots have been hatched and carried out and numerous wars have been imposed on our nations,” Ahmadinejad noted.

“The global Arrogance controls the main economic, media and power centers in the US and many European and non-European countries and seeks to dominate the entire world, and they consider controlling our region necessary for dominating the world; this is a historical plot which is at least five hundred years old.”

The Iranian president stated, “The enemies of our nations want a new Middle East that would be under their complete control and meet their illegitimate interests. Therefore, they have made plans for all regional countries and there is no exception.”

Stressing the fact that the enemies must not be underestimated, Ahmadinejad said Muslim countries have forgotten their real enemies and are instead fighting each other.

The Iranian president said “the personal, ethnic, tribal and religious differences” among Muslims have obviously made the enemies happy.

“We are on the verge of an all-out, devastating and fruitless ethnic and religious war that could last for decades,” Ahmadinejad added.

“It has been two years that Muslim countries are experiencing tension and undergoing very important developments on which the destiny and Muslims and the world depends… These developments must be managed in the region… If they are managed by others who have long records of hostility, then we should expect serious damages to the regional nations and resourses.”

PressTV - Iran president calls for arbitration body among Muslim countries
1 : it's better than using covert-violent means to excert influence over other countries.
2 : i really really doubt countries like Egypt and Saudi-Arabia are going to submit to an Iranian arbitration panel.
this is only going to work if the arbitration panel is made up of officials from all major muslim countries, instead of only/primarily Iranian panel members.

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From: Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:26 PM
Subject: Iran calls for arbitration body among Muslim countries
To: NOS <reacties@nos.nl>, VandaagDeDag <tips@vandaagdedag.nu>, CNN <worldnews@cnn.com>, CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>, info@whitehouse.gov, Mossad <info@gov.il>, info@groenlinks.nl, christenunie@tweedekamer.nl, sgp@tweedekamer.nl, info@vvd.nl, info@pvv.nl, info@50pluspartij.nl, info@sp.nl, info@pvda.nl, d66@tweedekamer.nl, Donna Marrozos <redactie@3fm.nl>, info@volkskrant.nl, redactie@volkskrant.nl, info@telegraaf.nl, redactie@telegraaf.nl, info@trouw.nl, redactie@trouw.nl, info@nrc.nl, redactie@nrc.nl, info@parool.nl, redactie@parool.nl, "Team Nieuws.nl" <redactie@nieuws.nl>, redactie@ad.nl, gastbijdrage@sargasso.nl, buitenland@trouw.nl

{COPY-AND-PASTE of this defence.pk reply post by me NOT INCLUDED}
Good points by Nejad, but how to elect objective arbitration committee? Most Muslim countries are under direct US influence, therefore just by going "democratic" way would mean handing over arbitration to US. And if somehow arbitration would be fair and just, but would go against US interests, US would force Muslim countries to abandon such arbitration.

In other words, good idea, but it wont work. Much like UN is suppose to care about international law and humanity, but all it does is to serve few powerful countries interests, nothing more.
Couldn't say better. This guy had a sense. :tup::tup::tup:
Comment from 2012 but the fact in it belongs to future
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