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Iran buys six “Caspian Sea Monster” ekranoplans from Russia

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Iran buys six “Caspian Sea Monster” ekranoplans from Russia

July 28, 2020


An artist's concept of a Soviet ground effect vehicle

Russia has sold Iran six ekranoplan ground-effect vehicles (GEVs), RIA Novosti has reported.

Dubbed the “Caspian Sea Monster” by the CIA, the ekranoplan is often mistaken for an airplane, seaplane, hovercraft or hydrofoil—but the GEV, which flies using the lift generated by its large wings when within about four metres above the surface of the water, is recognised as a distinct technology, originally trialled in the 1970s by the Soviets. The technology has been given a new lease of life thanks to the private backing of the ORION company and interest from countries around the Caspian Sea and elsewhere looking for alternative forms of transport for shipping people and cargoes.


The technology was first trialled by the Soviets in the 1970s.

The model sold to Iran is the ORION-20 Ekranoplan. It has been in operation in Russia for the past few years.


ORION-20 Ekranoplan

The ORION-20 has a maximum speed of 180 km/h and can haul one tonne of cargo, plus 12 passengers.

According to a statement from ORION: “A contract for the supply of six vehicles to Iran is being implemented. Of these, three have already been delivered and accepted by the customer.”

It added: “We had to adapt our planes to Iran’s hot and humid climate and also to its rocky coastal areas, which necessitated certain changes to the planes’ original construction.”

The navy of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in 2009 in a military parade showcased ekranoplans that were supposedly developed indigenously, but there was speculation that the GEVs were actually bought from Russia in an earlier order placed by Iran.

This must be a joke.

I was watching documentary on it just some days ago & all of these are parked in rusted condition at different navy museums in Russia. Hardly of any use.
This must be a joke.

I was watching documentary on it just some days ago & all of these are parked in rusted condition at different navy museums in Russia. Hardly of any use.

Iranians are under such debilitating sanctions, even purchasing a WW1 propeller plane would cheer them up.
What the heck, what capability will Iran gain from this inefficient white elephant except maybe will make for some badass photoops.
Ekranoplan rides on a cushion of air and can't get higher than a dozen metres rendering it useless in oceans/ rough seas, through which Iran is supposed to carry personnel for cross continental force projection. It is also called the LUN aur iss ka lun koi faida nahi

Sir, could you shed some light on this please?

What the heck, what capability will Iran gain from this inefficient white elephant except maybe will make for some badass photoops.
Ekranoplan rides on a cushion of air and can't get higher than a dozen metres rendering it useless in oceans/ rough seas, through which Iran is supposed to carry personnel for cross continental force projection. It is also called the LUN aur iss ka lun koi faida nahi

Iranians are under such debilitating sanctions, even purchasing a WW1 propeller plane would cheer them up.

Sir, could you shed some light on this please?



Makes no sense, specially in the Caspian sea...
In the Indian ocean it could at least do long range patrol and shadowing ops of U.S Navy assets... even that is likely too inefficient.
Fakenews for now.
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This must be a joke.

I was watching documentary on it just some days ago & all of these are parked in rusted condition at different navy museums in Russia. Hardly of any use.

As rohailmalhi said:

They are not buying the old parked rusted planes rather the ones produced by company named Orion. Read the OP

Here is a video of the factory where they are being built.

Makes no sense, specially in the Caspian sea...
In the Indian ocean it could at least do long range patrol and shadowing ops of U.S Navy assets... even that is likely too efficient.
Fakenews for now.

The nickname of the ekranoplan is 'The Caspian Sea Monster', but that does not mean that it will be used in the Caspian Sea.

Here is an link to an article of 3 years ago where Iran stated they want to buy the Orion-20 ekranoplans.

A quote from the article:
'In 2011, we signed a contract with Iran’s Bonyan Danesh Shargh Соmpany for the delivery of a number of Orion-12 ekranoplanes. Three such aircraft have already been supplied and we are now in talks for the supply of our experimental Orion-20s,” Yuri Varakosov, Russia’s chief designer of ekranoplans, told Sputnik.'

I think the current deal has to do with the experimental Orion-20s.
Makes no sense, specially in the Caspian sea...
In the Indian ocean it could at least do long range patrol and shadowing ops of U.S Navy assets... even that is likely too efficient.
Fakenews for now.
Sir i think here is a misunderstanding. Its name is 'Caspian sea monster'. It doesn't point to the deployment location.

This news was mentioned almost 3 years ago. Apparently An Iranian Company Bonyan Danesh Shargh had ordered a couple of these Ground effect planes.
Sir i think here is a misunderstanding. Its name is 'Caspian sea monster'. It doesn't point to the deployment location.

This news was mentioned almost 3 years ago. Apparently An Iranian Company Bonyan Danesh Shargh had ordered a couple of these Ground effect planes.

Well possible that another "shipyard" is now producing them somewhere else, sure.
In the past Caspian "shipyard" did it.

There is a canal to the black sea anyway.
It seems that the model is the twin-engine Ekranoplanes Orion-14
During production, six Orion-14 twin-engine ekranoplanes were assembled for the needs of Russian border services; a contract for the supply of six vehicles to Iran is being implemented, of which three have already been delivered and accepted by the customer.

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Iran buys six “Caspian Sea Monster” ekranoplans from Russia

July 28, 2020


An artist's concept of a Soviet ground effect vehicle

Russia has sold Iran six ekranoplan ground-effect vehicles (GEVs), RIA Novosti has reported.

Dubbed the “Caspian Sea Monster” by the CIA, the ekranoplan is often mistaken for an airplane, seaplane, hovercraft or hydrofoil—but the GEV, which flies using the lift generated by its large wings when within about four metres above the surface of the water, is recognised as a distinct technology, originally trialled in the 1970s by the Soviets. The technology has been given a new lease of life thanks to the private backing of the ORION company and interest from countries around the Caspian Sea and elsewhere looking for alternative forms of transport for shipping people and cargoes.


The technology was first trialled by the Soviets in the 1970s.

The model sold to Iran is the ORION-20 Ekranoplan. It has been in operation in Russia for the past few years.


ORION-20 Ekranoplan

The ORION-20 has a maximum speed of 180 km/h and can haul one tonne of cargo, plus 12 passengers.

According to a statement from ORION: “A contract for the supply of six vehicles to Iran is being implemented. Of these, three have already been delivered and accepted by the customer.”

It added: “We had to adapt our planes to Iran’s hot and humid climate and also to its rocky coastal areas, which necessitated certain changes to the planes’ original construction.”

The navy of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in 2009 in a military parade showcased ekranoplans that were supposedly developed indigenously, but there was speculation that the GEVs were actually bought from Russia in an earlier order placed by Iran.

The caspian sea monster was the western name given to the original prototype km ekranoplane built back in the 1960s,this was damaged/destroyed in an accident at the beginning of the 1980s and was written off.
There were only ever 2 smaller craft built based on this design,the lun and spasatel,lun was retired in the 1990s and was left virtually derelict,spasatel remains unfinished and is likely never to be completed.
There was talk of iran possibly buying small prop engined WIG [Wing In Ground effect] aircraft from russia several years ago but nothing came from it,most probably because it was either total bullsh!t,like so many of the foreign claims of iranian russian arms purchases,or perhaps the russians simply once again lived up to their well deserved "reliably unreliable" reputation when it came to their various deals with iran.....who knows?
So I will believe this when I actually see it confirmed by reliable iranian sources.
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They are not buying the old parked rusted planes rather the ones produced by company named Orion. Read the OP
The title of the posted article in the OPs post is clearly completely misleading.....deliberately so by the intellinews.com site I suspect.:tsk:
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