Read up on the Stuxnet worm by a Symantec report here
Basically, 70% of the infections were from Iran. Followed by 18% infections in Indonesia and around 10% India and the rest in other countries. Any system running Siemens industrial software was vulnerable for infection. It didn't have to be located in Iran. Some speculations are that the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico last year was also a by product of this as the oil platform was running siemens software too. So its possible that legitimate industries may have also been affected by the stuxnet worm
Basically, 70% of the infections were from Iran. Followed by 18% infections in Indonesia and around 10% India and the rest in other countries. Any system running Siemens industrial software was vulnerable for infection. It didn't have to be located in Iran. Some speculations are that the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico last year was also a by product of this as the oil platform was running siemens software too. So its possible that legitimate industries may have also been affected by the stuxnet worm