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Iran a country with sanction has a higher GDP than Pakistan

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Experience says that most of the time, the behaviour of the leaders of a country is a close enoug reflection of the citizens of that country. Specially in a democratic setup.

now i understand, the whole kashmir part!!!
big deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so is saudi arab

Have you seen the Saudis? They live in ultimate luxury buy more food than they can eat. There have more cars than they can ride. They more houses than the number of days in a week. Where as Ahmadenijad lives in a small apartment and for lunch there is no big feast... he makes lunch and home and bring it in a lunch box which he brings to his office to eat, that sound like any of the Saudi government members you've heard of? His monthly income is $2000. He has people watching his and every member of government member's bank account to insure no one is receiving unreported money which could be coming from bribes.
Well its fact that Iran is the most , developed nation in Muslim world
becasue of the sanctions its been deprived of its true potential of being a World Super Power.

a) They do all their research in Universities locally
b) They have oil they ship it to friendly nations
c) Persian carpets you know these babies sell like crazy
d) Their Engineering departments are KNOWN what they can do
e) They have high % of education levels

Their only problem is Zionist sanctions against the wonderful nation

With the Pakistan- Iran - China Peace pipe line the cooperation and economy benefits will only increase more.

Our problem in Pakistan is

a) Low % of educated people they vote on ethnic lines tribal associations
so democracy DOES not works in Pakistan will NEVER WORK for Pakistan
b) Lack of development of jobs in nation
c) No local development project to create 100,000 jobs / city
d) Decay of Universities and Educational Institutues
e) Lack of Research and development locally dependence on
buying knowledge (closed knowledge which you don't know 80%)

60% of our GDP leaves our country borders

a) In form of Electronics we buy
b) In form of Oil we buy
c) In form of Brand name clothes or franchise fees we pay
d) Or HIGH % PETROL consuming engines coming with OLD cars
that our Pakistani brothers enjoy showing off the SUV etc GAS WASTING cars
e) The biggest problem is the ELECTRIC generator that runs on OIL

So Pakistan only retains only 20 % GDP which then is spent to
pay taxes of maintain living in Pakistan. So with such low profits
No new jobs are created - Business ownes move their funds overseas
becasue of lack of security as well.

I think Pakistan should get some help from Iran to fight curruption , I love Saudia as well but really we need to curb curruption
Pakistan has been following US orders almost religiously while Iran goes for whatever it wants to do. For that it has sanctions imposed on it, and despite the heavy sanctions it has been under for many years it still has a higher GDP than Pakistan.

Here is a picture of Pakistan's GDP

and here's a picture of Iran's GDP

If you round these numbers off Iran has double the amount GDP than Pakistan. What are your thoughts on this? What is Iran doing right and what is Pakistan doing wrong. Iran is a country with heavy international sanctions yet it still seems to be making more money than Pakistan. Pakistan has other resources but still...

This comparison is unfair . . because
1.pakistan is Three times the population of iran
2. iran has the third world largest oil reserve
3. iran has second world gas reserve
4. Iran and US are allies Despite their claim of the opposite (SEE WikiLeaks)
Have you seen the Saudis? They live in ultimate luxury buy more food than they can eat. There have more cars than they can ride. They more houses than the number of days in a week.This applies to a minority in the Saudi people Where as Ahmadenijad lives in a small apartment and for lunch there is no big feast... he makes lunch and home and bring it in a lunch box which he brings to his office to eat, that sound like any of the Saudi government members you've heard of? His monthly income is $2000. He has people watching his and every member of government member's bank account to insure no one is receiving unreported money which could be coming from bribes.

Anyone who wants to criticize one . . . he compare to Saudi Arabia . . Saudi Arabia has always targeted by some parties . . There is an Arab proverb that says: Only tree that bear fruit thrown with stones . . If the subject matter of Pakistan and Iran . . or Pakistan and India . . or China and Japan . . Do not hesitate just Blame the Saudis
Oil Alone is not the meassure of wealth and achievment
, we have seen generosity of Saudi ppl and country and Pakistan will always be greatful to our saudi friends

If Iran has oil Pakistan has

a) Agricultural riches (Largest Producer)
b) Dairy Farms (Largest producers)

Plus we are no slouches in term of Natural Riches

Plus we also have Gas & 2nd Largest Coal Reserves in World.
And we also have Minerals and other assets worth value

The issue , is lack of development of these sectors.

Forigne companies are not willing to invest becasue they want
70-80% profits just for developing these sectors.

We have High winds in Karachi and Ports (Wind Eenergy)
We have unlimited Sunshine (Solar Energy)

But some how we don't invest 5-10 billion dollars in these sectors
to become INDEPENDENT from energy crisis ..

So all the problem is in our SELF

Ideally what should happen is

a) We have our own Banks making Billions for Gov
b) We have our own Industry making Billions for Gov
c) We have our own Electric companies making Billions for Gov
d) We should have our own ENGINEERING companies

Why is it that even after 60 years we have no freaking engineering company that can dig a god damn hole to extract the coal out ? that we need to bring in workers from outside to tell us how it has to be done ??

That is the difference between Iran and Pakistan

They have decided to do it on their own two bare hands , and we have decided to spread our hands for aid money. This is why IRAN has a space program and we have
a donation program

When country is being lead by uneducated class with fake degrees , and educated ppl like Imran Khan with political science degree and strong social work background have never been in power it goes to show you our main problem

WE DO NOT VALUE THE EDUCATED PPL and elect the same rubish over and over again
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Allah help those who help themselves..Unless and until Pakistan will not move their lazy a55es, no help will rain down from then sky. Miracles have seized to exisit.





How does this sleezball afford such luxury, surely money does not fall from the sky.
our economy is running on war and aid funds , iranis work for themselves

Pakistan is the biggest donor to US and India in shape of tax free transit aid.
To improve economy Pakistan has to stop smuggling of foreign goods into Pakistan which is destroying local industry.

Foreign investment and Exports are badly damaged due to bad western and Indian press and followup propaganda.

i hope people know that US aid has always been limited to announcement.. no civilian project has been launched from the infamous KL bill and no project will be launched from this aid bill as well.
Timing of this announcement shows it came after series of supportive statements from Holl Broke, Ann Petterson, Clinton in support dwindling and corrupt zardari regime which eventually ended the ouster of govt. it also hint what US wish to see in power after 2013 elections.
Iran has a solid energy sector.

This is what makes up the exports of Iran's economy.

Export goods=petroleum (80%), chemical and petrochemical products (4%), fruits and nuts (2%), cars (2%), carpets (1%), technical services

This is not something Pakistan can mimic as they are not a energy rich nation nor would it be a logical choice to go for development of untapped resources(since that requires serious cash and investment)

Pakistan should follow Turkey's economy ours is not dependent on one resource therefore much stronger and more diverse.
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Zardari's properties are really awesome.
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