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Iqrar ul Hassan asking Qs about the fake DSP and his threats

May 20, 2011
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Iqrar ul Hassan again asking uncomfortable questions from Pakistani establishments, judiciary and political mafia.

A man who had been acting as fake DSP, involved in multiple crimes, including, murders, kidnapping and ransom and numerous more.

The man is still roaming freely in Karachi. Same insane and corrupt judges are not only given him bails but are extending it so this murderer could keep terrorising the public.

Posing as fake DSP police officer is not a crime in itself in Pakistan!!

But come to think of it.

For 3 decades Nawaz Sharif and co were involved in opening of bank accounts from stolen identity of British Nationals. No lesser person than the Finance Minister Ishaq Dar was involved in the opening of accounts from stolen identities.

But guess what , Nawaz has become PM of Pakistan twice ever since. Dar again became Finance Minister of Pakistan.
No judge made a sound. No bureaucrat raised the red flags. Generals keep bowing to these fraudster criminals.

Now we heard all of them were doing the same tactics. Zardari done it and laughs on the face of Pakistan. Even his son, who portrayed to be cleaner than whitewash , had his bills paid from fake bank accounts.
Chaudary brothers, portrays to be Misters clean also have adopted the same tactics.

When Imran Khan tries to catch them, Pakistani journalists say he is using the NAB against his political opponents.

In a country, where journalists stands with criminals and try to portray them as clean democrats. That country is bound to be doomed.

Pakistan is a true Banana Republic.

Any supporters of these criminals can have a parle with me if they have any problems with what I write.

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