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'IOK's economy has suffered $2b loss since Aug 5'

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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'IOK's economy has suffered $2b loss since Aug 5'

By Our Correspondent
Published: October 25, 2019

After Brexit, UK's business community will be welcomed by Pakistani Business community and Government of Pakistan, says Altaf Butt. PHOTO: EXPRESS

LONDON: Senior Hurriyat leader Altaf Ahmad Bhat said on Thursday that the economy of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) had suffered a loss of around Rs2 billion since August 5 when New Delhi revoked its special status and imposed severe restrictions including curfew and communication blockade.

“Kashmir’s business community is struggling,” he said while addressing a conference, “Global Opportunities beyond Brexit for Britain and the Commonwealth” at the House of Commons in London.

Bhat briefed participants about the situation in IOK, and urged them to take notice of atrocities being committed by Indian occupation forces.

Briefing about the business opportunities in Islamabad and the rest of Pakistan, Bhat said, “There are huge business opportunities in the tourism sector, educational sector, real-estate sector and infrastructure development especially in Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Naya Housing Scheme.”

“After Brexit, UK’s business community will be welcomed by Pakistani business community and Government of Pakistan,” he added.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Saboor Javed, the host of the conference, said there were enough business opportunities in commonwealth countries especially for Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and others.

He said Brexit was important for the progress and prosperity of Great Britain.

The conference was organised by by Hopeman Consultants UK Ltd and presided over by Lord Duncan McNair.

Experts, business professionals, educationists from all across the world participated in the conference.
Starve, rape, kill and drive them to extinction is their new doctrine. They want the land and resources not Muslims in Kashmir.
Physical, Psychological and Economic Genocide of PakKashmiris continues....

Yet the PakNation is so messed up that it only gets to listen about FuzlaMarch and Noora/Zardari Bails...

Allah is qom per rehem karay!

@Mangus Ortus Novem

Other than voicing, Paksitan doesn't have an active game-plan which it missed following because of dharna. Kashmir should be kept alive within Pakistan and abroad - but the best outcome for Kashmiris and Paksitan will come because of the stupid moves India has taken and which will burn it within in Kashmir and outside Kashmir - possibly over the next year or so.

Here are Pakistan's non-military options against India
1. Pressurize India through China:
China would not militarily or economically escalate the situation with India. It may support Pakistan more (an indirect opposition of India) but they on their own are not looking to heat border or start trade-disputes with India.

2. Reduce India's economic leverage in the middle east: the middle east is out of investment options and a few viable places where they can invest (and allowed to invest by Americans) is India. Because of having no alternate source of income and oil industry about to take a hit, they have a need to keep a good relationship with India and despite their desire to side with Paksitan, they are compelled not to speak or act against Indians. We understand.

3. Deny India international dealings in Nato: Paksitan tried - and it didn't result in anything on the ground. There is no "world-consciousness" and no one wants to lose their chance of making ¢25 by offending 20 times bigger economy than Pakistan.

4. Pressurize India through the USA - using diplomatic means: Naa... naa!

5. Twist American arm in Afghanistan and make them act against India: I think Pakistan can twist American arm in Afghanistan to a point where Indians are denied leverages in Afghanistan against Paksitan, but Pakistan cannot force the USA to get out of the way and change its policy towards India because it is uneasy in Afghanistan. Paksitan can get limited benefits in Afghanistan against India but these benefits will stay in Afghanistan.

6. Pressurize India through Russia: Naa! They have started to take a neutral position but will not pressurize India for our sake. They initially spoke on Kashmir but then they back-tracked as by opposing India, they have more to lose than gain.

7. Mobilize Pakistanis and Kashmiris in Azad Kashmir to act against India: This is exactly what India wants so it could blame Paksitan for unrest in Kashmir and could justify doing what it is doing in there. Paksitan also wants to create a face of "safe and investment-friendly environment" in Paksitan and by beating the war-drums, it will lose it.

The point I want to highlight is that there is nothing on the ground which Paksitan wanted to do and it could not do because dharna distracted it. Media, however, got temporarily busy in local politics but the purpose of discussing Kashmir in the media was to "keep the issue alive" instead of "making it progressively hot".
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Not only iok but indian economy is also indecline since aug5, india is digging its own grave
Pakistan has No Plan!

However, loosing Kashmir means grave existential threat to Pakistan itself. Yet, we as Nation haven't realised it fully!

Your points sound logical and broad based... please, have a look at the geniuses running this country now and in the past.

Hope keeps Life going!
If Dick Cheney, Rumsfield, or, hell, Modi were born in Pakistan, he'd say something like, "the only way to keep India off our backs is to distract them with Kashmir."

In other words, any settlement that doesn't involve the Pakistani flag flying in Srinigar -- or at least the risk of one -- is going to free up a million Indian troops and billions in dollars of spending to target Lahore.

As good as the moral outrage has been from people around the world, it means nothing if there's no physical action or "kinetic response" from our end to make something of it.
Yeah right $2 B just for 3 months? Jammu and Kashmir is an economic black hole i.e government spends more on the state than it gives back. Their entire GSDP last year (when Ladakh is included) was $2 B.
black hole
Its been occupied by India so the it is in-fact Indian made Black Hole. Indian Occupied Kashmir is under forceful control of India so that is understood as why Kashmir never thrived or you are suggesting something different? Do you understand what you are trying to imply here? Kashmir misery is because of India, in-fact and you said it. Bravo.
Its been occupied by India so the it is in-fact Indian made Black Hole. Indian Occupied Kashmir is under forceful control of India so that is understood as why Kashmir never thrived or you are suggesting something different? Do you understand what you are trying to imply here? Kashmir misery is because of India, in-fact and you said it. Bravo.
How can a region thrive when no industries can run from the place? Not because some Indian occupation BS, but state government simply do not allow industries, a lot of Kashmiris are employed in Delhi, Mumbai, Channai, Banglore etc... Most states have at least one major known industry be it IT or Apparel or farming, machinery, mining etc...
Kashmir has none, apart from a bunch of handloom, fruit farms that generates meager income, government run the state on subsidies.
Physical, Psychological and Economic Genocide of PakKashmiris continues....

Yet the PakNation is so messed up that it only gets to listen about FuzlaMarch and Noora/Zardari Bails...

Allah is qom per rehem karay!
These are just diversions for keeping us head down.
How can a region thrive when no industries can run from the place? Not because some Indian occupation BS, but state government simply do not allow industries, a lot of Kashmiris are employed in Delhi, Mumbai, Channai, Banglore etc... Most states have at least one major known industry be it IT or Apparel or farming, machinery, mining etc...
Kashmir has none, apart from a bunch of handloom, fruit farms that generates meager income, government run the state on subsidies.

The end of Indian Occupation will prove everything wrong coming out of Modi's propaganda machine. It is in-fact the number of occupying forces deployed in IoK, telling the ground reality. The fear, continuous mental torture, fake encounters & brutalities are not suppose to help thrive occupied Kashmir. Be it so-called State or Indian Occupying Foces or Modi or India; it all goes back to Delhi. That part of Kashmir is under Indian occupation having thousands of troops being deployed but people do have guts to blame others as usual. Another bravo. Indian instead of trying to be some unwanted guardian, leave it may be & then we will see whether your so-called handloom, fruit farms are meager income generators or Kashmir has all the potential to thrive as per their need/requirement. These twists are not going to hide the very fact that Kashmir is under Indian Occupation so blaming xyz is nothing more than an online blatant lie.
The end of Indian Occupation will prove everything wrong coming out of Modi's propaganda machine. It is in-fact the number of occupying forces deployed in IoK, telling the ground reality. The fear, continuous mental torture, fake encounters & brutalities are not suppose to help thrive occupied Kashmir. Be it so-called State or Indian Occupying Foces or Modi or India; it all goes back to Delhi. That part of Kashmir is under Indian occupation having thousands of troops being deployed but people do have guts to blame others as usual. Another bravo. Indian instead of trying to be some unwanted guardian, leave it may be & then we will see whether your so-called handloom, fruit farms are meager income generators or Kashmir has all the potential to thrive as per their need/requirement. These twists are not going to hide the very fact that Kashmir is under Indian Occupation so blaming xyz is nothing more than an online blatant lie.
Indian occupation or whatever will not end anytime soon, everyone knows it. What I'm talking about is not propaganda, or how you feel about situation in Kashmir but numbers and facts. If you present a topic, at least discuss over the topic rather than presenting Modi, occupation, encounter.

India is not guardian of Kashmir, we own it as of now. There is no point in thinking of an alternate scenario where India gives that land away to Pakistan that will automatically put Kashmir into prosperity. You couldn't even develop Karachi into a trade hub in the region.
Indian occupation or whatever will not end anytime soon, everyone knows it. What I'm talking about is not propaganda, or how you feel about situation in Kashmir but numbers and facts. If you present a topic, at least discuss over the topic rather than presenting Modi, occupation, encounter.

India is not guardian of Kashmir, we own it as of now. There is no point in thinking of an alternate scenario where India gives that land away to Pakistan that will automatically put Kashmir into prosperity. You couldn't even develop Karachi into a trade hub in the region.

The topic in hand is about worsening economic situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir so comes the reasons and root cause into the light. Modi, India, Occupation, brutalities, fake encounters, constant fear among the people etc are well connected to the loss of business. Speaking of loss of business, no one is responsible but Indian that rules Kashmir by force having thousands of military forces. Indian Occupation is about to end be it soon or may take some time but it is the fact. The well presented topic is hereby discussed according to the merit and your first post which was supposed to blame some alien format for all this while trying to issue a clean chit to the India.

India does not own Kashmir nor is the guardian by any law, in-fact all the resolutions and agreements are good enough to determine the disputed status of Kashmir. What makes you think that Pakistan is taking the land back? Pakistan supports the right of self determination of People of Kashmir. India is the reason for the miseries of Kashmiri people where, State means India's own clowns namely Mhbooba Mufti, Abdullah & others.
The topic in hand is about worsening economic situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir so comes the reasons and root cause into the light. Modi, India, Occupation, brutalities, fake encounters, constant fear among the people etc are well connected to the loss of business. Speaking of loss of business, no one is responsible but Indian that rules Kashmir by force having thousands of military forces. Indian Occupation is about to end be it soon or may take some time but it is the fact. The well presented topic is hereby discussed according to the merit and your first post which was supposed to blame some alien format for all this while trying to issue a clean chit to the India.

India does not own Kashmir nor is the guardian by any law, in-fact all the resolutions and agreements are good enough to determine the disputed status of Kashmir. What makes you think that Pakistan is taking the land back? Pakistan supports the right of self determination of People of Kashmir. India is the reason for the miseries of Kashmiri people where, State means India's own clowns namely Mhbooba Mufti, Abdullah & others.
You're saying the economic situation was better before Modi? Worsened yes, I'm not denying that. But this is not a permanent situation, there will be more investments, at least from Indian investors who can take the new opportunities once security situation improves.

Yeah, Kashmir is as disputed as Arunachal Pradesh is to China the removal of article 370 made sure of that. And yeah, make it independent or part of Pakistan. If India gives it. No issues there.

There was laws that prevented the Union of India from dictating terms to the state, through art 370. Maybe they were India's own clowns, we pulled the plugs on them, are you going to pull the plugs on the gun wielding ones?
You're saying the economic situation was better before Modi? Worsened yes, I'm not denying that. But this is not a permanent situation, there will be more investments, at least from Indian investors who can take the new opportunities once security situation improves.

Yeah, Kashmir is as disputed as Arunachal Pradesh is to China the removal of article 370 made sure of that. And yeah, make it independent or part of Pakistan. If India gives it. No issues there.

There was laws that prevented the Union of India from dictating terms to the state, through art 370. Maybe they were India's own clowns, we pulled the plugs on them, are you going to pull the plugs on the gun wielding ones?

The ones you call gun wielding, are real Kashmiris forced to fight back for their right so this is all India's doing.
Whatever happens in Indian Occupied Kashmir is the responsibility of India so be it Modi or ever before under occupation; the situation getting worst day by day. An outsider coming to Kashmir falls under change of demography laws which is a gross misconduct in view of change of status through manipulations. Search and read.

It is Indian delusion that thinks as someone is asking to give it back but the fact is, Kashmiris are taking back the same and they aren't stopping at it despite thousands of their sacrifices that actually makes them more stronger and stronger. 370 was your article and scrapping the same does not legal empower India at all. Kashmir status remains same while India made an illegal move which warrants only couple of solutions 1) UN Resolutions being upheld and world powers intervenes to recall Indian illegal move or 2) Kashmiris are taking it back by force and India has no place in Kashmir at all.
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