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IOK: 7 Amarnath Yatra pilgrims killed in attack, Yatri and policemen including total 30 injured


Kashmiri Agitation has been discredited ; the so called freedom movement

First the Killing of policemen ; Burning of schools and now attacking Piligrims

If they had ANY hope of Global sympathies ; it is all over

Now this is just a case of Ji-Had against India

I am waiting for the blame game to start, or maybe it will get hushed up in rhetoric to avoid difficult questions.
Unless President Rule is imposed ; State Govt is responsible

Army is there to fight Terrorists

How ever here the challenge is to provide
Security that is keeping a Watch on the entire Route

The State Police is in charge
CRPF ; Army are supporting the state Police
Weather it's states failure or it's centers failure but we lost people.we should work together to make sure this dsnt repeat again
You people don't understand , if you oppress people there will be reaction, why stone pelter throws stone?
give them azadi get your army out of Kashmir this will improve relation with kashmiris.
You people don't understand , if you oppress people there will be reaction, why stone pelter throws stone?
give them azadi get your army out of Kashmir this will improve relation with kashmiris.
In hundred years of time kashmiris will become hindus...then they will regret their forefathers actions
pundits were killed and scared by indian special forces in guise of Kashmiri fighters just to malign Kashmir struggle and make it a religious issue but you failed.

Are you for real..I thought you were one of the sane ones...oh well!...why am I surprised. I hope you do realize that the rest of the world follows a different syllabus that yours right?
Are you for real..I thought you were one of the sane ones...oh well!...why am I surprised. I hope you do realize that the rest of the world follows a different syllabus that yours right?

You have to dig deep. There were reports but one needs to dig those. This is one of the political strategic war which both sides at times sacrifice own people one way or the other for political ease.

It is not about faith please every time do not repeat Indian internet trolls' catch phrase of madrassa education.

and NO I am not insane be sure. neither am waiting for any ghazwa

What action Modi government can think of and against whom?
You have to dig deep. There were reports but one needs to dig those. This is one of the political strategic war which both sides at times sacrifice own people one way or the other for political ease.

It is not about faith please every time do not repeat Indian internet trolls' catch phrase of madrassa education.

and NO I am not insane be sure. neither am waiting for any ghazwa

What action Modi government can think of and against whom?

Whosoever committed this assault as per Shiv Sena.
Those who issued the statement.
LMAO you sanghis sure have some weird and delusional dreams.
The present kashmiri ancestors who were hindus might have also thought the same if they were told one day their future generations would convert to a cow eating religion amd start fighting against hindus...the only thing that is constant in this universe is change..I am not saying that they would convert back to hinduism and start worshippimg hindu gods..but the islam they are following would under go many changes and look more like hinduism (like upanishads) than islam.
Should start selective targeting of their leaders. ...
The government should also control what is being preached in the mosques there. Takfiri/ salafi mentality needs to be dealt with an iron hand.
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