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International War Crimes probe against Israel


Jan 22, 2009
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Turkish prosecutors are investigating Israel for War Crimes during its recent Zionazi invasion of Gazzah - on complaint from Turkish Human Right organization MAZLUMDER. The organization has demanded that Zionist leaders should be arrested and tried under Turkish law if they enter Turkey.

Kemalist regime in Turkey was the first Muslim nation-states which recognized the Zionist entity on March 28, 1949 after its plantation by the western colonial powers in 1948. Turkey’s move was followed by another colonial agent, Iranian Reza Shah Pahlavi. Incidently, Israel’s former president Moshe Katsav, former defence minister Gen. Shaul Mofaz, former Chief of Staff Gen. Dan Halutz and Israeli hip-hop star Subliminal - all are of Iranian origin.

Turks gave prime minister Tayyip Erdogan a hero’s welcome when he returned home after giving his peace of mind to Shimon Peres, president of Zionist entity, at World Economic Forum - “You Israelis know very well how to kill”.

Islamic Iran’s Chief Prosecutor Ayatullah Qorban-Ali Dori-Najafabadi is holding a trial for 22 Israeli cabinet ministers and military officials. Tehran is also holding a 2-day International conference in support of Gazzah people - begining March 4, 2009. According to Tehran Times - 15 Speakers of Parliaments from Muslim and non-Muslim countries have accepted Iranian invitation to attend the conference. Parliamentary committees from 30 more countries will also attend the conference. Iran’s Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani will chair the March conference.

“In January 2009, a Spanish judge began an investigation into seven current or former Israeli officials over a 2002 bombing in Gaza that killed a top Hamas resistance fighter and 14 other people including nine children. The judge acted under a doctrine that allows prosecution in Spain and other European countries, to reach for beyonf national borders in case of torture or war crimes,” - International Herald Tribune, February 6, 2009.

In Paris, French lawyer Gilles Dovers is handling 500 complaints submitted by Arabs, Europeans, and Latin American officials - calling for the “open investigation into war crimes“ committed by Israeli forces during the three weeks invasion of Gazzah.

Argentine international prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, is deciding whether to go ahead with an investigation.

Prosecutors in Bolivia and Venezuela are preparing their own cases against officials of Zionazi state.

Prosecutors in Belgium are also investigating similar complaints against the Israeli officials. Belgium is among the countries which issued charges against Ariel Sharon in the past.

Moroccan lawyers are preparing to file a lawsuit against “the perpetrators of war crimes“ in Gazzah. Six lawyers are working with the Minister of Justice of Morocco.

The Palestine News Network has named 15 Zionist officials to be tried in the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague (Netherlands). They’re - Ehud Barak, Amir Peretz, Binyamin Ben Eliezer, Avi Dichter, Carmi Gilon, Dan Halutz, Doron Almog, Ehud Olmert, Eliezer Shkedy, Gabi Ashkenazi, Giora Eiland, Matan Vilani, Moshe Bogi Yaalon, Shaul Mofaz and Tzipi Livni. Israel, the US, China, India and Russia are not members of ICC, which was established on July 1, 2002.

Some international legal experts, however, have voiced their fear of interference from the United Nations Security Council under pressure from the Zionist-controlled government in United States to stop the proceedings and prevent the achievement of access to trial. The founding texts of the International Criminal Court empower the Security Council to suspend its work.

The ICC Prosecutor General Luis Moreno-Ocampo, an Argentinian lawyer, has long list of his Zionist connections through Harward Law School, and the World Bank. In early February, he acknoledged a complaint loged against Israeli crimes by Palestinian justice minister Ali Khashan.

United Nations human rights expert and retired Princeton law professor Richard Falk (a Jew) said in January 2009: “There is compelling evidence that Israel violated the laws of war by “conducting a large-scale military operation against an essentially defenseless population. There needs to be an investigation carried out under independent auspices as to whether these grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions should be treated as war crimes. there is the prima facie case for reaching that conclusion. This is the first time I know of where a civilian population has been essentially locked into the war zone, not allowed to leave it despite the dense population and the obvious risks that were entailed. The civilians in Gaza were denied the option of becoming a refugee.“

In February, over 900 Jews participated in a protest rally in front of World Zionist Organization and Jewish Agency offices - blasting these America’s “fifth column” groups for their support for Israel.

President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh on President Salej Website has criticized international community’s double standard - Sudan vs Israel. The ICC is currently handling a case of aarrest warrants for Sudan’s president Omar Hassan al-Bashir, based on the complaints lodged by western pro-Israel organizations for president’s involvement in the so-called “genocide” in Darfur. More than a dozen American Jewish organizations are part of “Save Darfur” campaign. Both Sudan and Islamic Iran have rejected such allegations.

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