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International probe into Kashmir killings imperative now: UN rights chief

today modi will sit in toilet some 3 hours and think with cool mind what stupidity he have done :rofl:

The chief of this organization is a Muslim guy (nothing against muslims)..must have got elected on a round Robin basis. .no one will take him seriously here.

Rights is a selective issue..many Muslim country laws are in direct violation of basic human rights...like your blasphemy law or your hodood ordinance or your anti ahmedi law.
pakistan does not want to withdraw troops as per 1947 UN resolution but welcomes UN rights chief stmt , good cherry picking. See if India cares about the statement.

Why are you trying to implement a 70 year old resolution today? Just give the kashmiris a fair democratic referendum
Why are you trying to implement a 70 year old resolution today? Just give the kashmiris a fair democratic referendum
The country belongs to all the ppl not to one percenters of population. As such referendum should be held in whole Inida and no body agrees with that.
Pakistan don't need to worry about taking out its forces from Kashmir as we will arm up Kashmiris incase of any misadventure by India during the process. So lets just do it. In fact PM should just announce it that we want to implement 1948 UN resolution. After that statement the reaction of India will be epic :p:
What are you talking about?

Just give them a referendum, you talking about 70 year old resolutions is denying the Kashmiris a peaceful way out

There are no preconditions
Azad Kashmir is 100% muslim and with Pakistan

Indian occupied kashmir is where the problem is, forget about resolutions just give them a peaceful democratic referendum

If you are that insistent we can do the same in azad kashmir

Regarding voting, kashmiris must vote even if they hate india to simply gain some control over their own lives

Why don't you talk about GB and Trans-Karakoram tract ( even if there are no inhabitants) as well. A referendum as suggested by UNCIP is supposed to be help in the whole Kingdom of Kashmir (as it existed before August 1947) not just J&K.
The country belongs to all the ppl not to one percenters of population. As such referendum should be held in whole Inida and no body agrees with that.
You must be high or low right now :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Why don't you talk about GB and Trans-Karakoram tract ( even if there are no inhabitants) as well. A referendum as suggested by UNCIP is supposed to be help in the whole Kingdom of Kashmir (as it existed before August 1947) not just J&K.
Stupidity is, if you got 10 votes against you in referendum and you ask for 90 mores. Feel free to include GB & trans karakoram tract in it . It will be in Pakistan's favor during the referendum :chilli:
Bring back Trans karakoram tract from china if you can. Then talk about the referendum. :chilli::chilli::chilli:
Just say yes for referendum . it will be back by tomorrow :smokin:
The country belongs to all the ppl not to one percenters of population. As such referendum should be held in whole Inida and no body agrees with that.

Unless all of india is thinking about ceding to Pakistan then a referendum across India is a joke.

India is not disputed, nor is Pakistan claiming it

Kashmir is disputed, it is a Muslim majority state which we claim as part of Pakistan it should have a free and fair referendum so they can make a choice on whether to be a part of Pakistan, part of india or independent

Why don't you talk about GB and Trans-Karakoram tract ( even if there are no inhabitants) as well. A referendum as suggested by UNCIP is supposed to be help in the whole Kingdom of Kashmir (as it existed before August 1947) not just J&K.

If you have a referendum across ALL of Kashmir then India will LOSE BIG

But truth be told azad kashmir is peaceful and developing their is no need for a referendum nor a uprising, nor a shutdown nor a call to go with a hindu india

All these problems occur in indian occupied Kashmir

If india wants to talk then a negotiated settlement may mean the valley going to Pakistan with india keeping the more mixed/hindu areas with a choice for the individual to move if they want but a referendum will mean a Pakistani victory hence india is so reluctant and opposed to a democratic solution

But the current indian ego driven oppression and brutality ensures, violenc, emnity, hatred and war in south asia
Unless all of india is thinking about ceding to Pakistan then a referendum across India is a joke.

India is not disputed, nor is Pakistan claiming it

Kashmir is disputed, it is a Muslim majority state which we claim as part of Pakistan it should have a free and fair referendum so they can make a choice on whether to be a part of Pakistan, part of india or independent

If you have a referendum across ALL of Kashmir then India will LOSE BIG

But truth be told azad kashmir is peaceful and developing their is no need for a referendum nor a uprising, nor a shutdown nor a call to go with a hindu india

All these problems occur in indian occupied Kashmir

If india wants to talk then a negotiated settlement may mean the valley going to Pakistan with india keeping the more mixed/hindu areas with a choice for the individual to move if they want but a referendum will mean a Pakistani victory hence india is so reluctant and opposed to a democratic solution

But the current indian ego driven oppression and brutality ensures, violenc, emnity, hatred and war in south asia

Referendum only after both parties pull their troops from the Kingdom of Kashmir as it was on 1947, then we can see who will lose big time. Well these are the preconditions for referendum you know. Moreover bring back Trans-Karakoram tract from China as well, without that Kashmir is incomplete. If these are not met forget about the referendum, that is why it is still a dispute even after 70 years. If there is to be a referendum it will be only after UN preconditions are met.
I hope you realized that it will be waste of time discussing Kashmir with them. It is better to discuss our own. Finally it is our territory ;) . Why to talk to a foreigner on that. Ignore them buddy. If there is something to discuss with them is only occupied kashmir by Pakistan.

Indeed. :)
Kashmiri activist says blocked from leaving India

NEW DELHI: Delhi airport authorities barred a prominent Kashmiri activist Wednesday from flying out of India despite holding a valid visa, a move his group described as an attempt to deny human rights in the violence-hit region.

Khurram Pervez, coordinator of the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS), was on his way to Switzerland when immigration officials detained and blocked him from boarding his flight at Delhi's Indira Gandhi International airport.

He was scheduled to attend a UN Human Rights Council session from September 14-24 in Geneva, where he was expected to brief officials on the ongoing situation in Kashmir — an area that has been reeling from almost daily protests and violence.

Authorities “told (Pervez) that due to orders from the Intelligence Bureau, he cannot travel to Geneva”.

“It appears that Khurram Parvez is not being allowed to travel because he has been highlighting violations of human rights,” Parvez Imroz, president of JKCCS, said in a statement.

“The Indian State seeks to isolate the people of Kashmir at all costs, and disallowing human rights activists access to the UN is a part of this attempt to isolate and ensure impunity for violence and denial of human rights.”

More than 80 people have been killed since July 8 when a young separatist leader was shot dead by Indian soldiers, making it one of the deadliest bouts of violence in decades.

Both India and neighbouring Pakistan lay claim to the whole of the Himalayan territory, which has been divided between the two since they separated seven decades ago.

The two countries, which are both now nuclear powers, have twice gone to war over the territory and accuse each other of stoking violence.


This is the ugly double face of hypocrite India.
Tarek Fateh and Hairbiyar Bhugti have a red carpet spread all over Delhi but Kashmiri activist must not be heard. What a travesty to even call this country a democracy.
@IrfanBaloch @Oscar @WAJsal @waz @WebMaster @Horus

Is it not appropriate to say that India is not world's largest democracy but a world's largest hy#####sy? I would request the permission to aware forum members on the real status of india.

The point I'm putting as the bases is that how can so called democratic country not allow HRW group from UN to visit the IOK region which is a disputed territory. The 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists are given full privilege to spread their terrorism in the occupied region without facing any justice, by the murderer of humans in Gujarat state of India. A beast who can kill thousands of civilians in his own country just because they were of a different belief, and his crimes were ignored by Indian courts, he cannot hesitate killing innocents in Occupied territory where the civilians are not part of his nation but are occupied under bullets.
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