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Integrated masts – The next generation design for naval masts


Apr 24, 2007
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Integrated masts – The next generation design for naval masts
Posted on August 28, 2015 by N.R.P
The best position for a sensor on a ship, is on top of the highest mast. Multiple sensors mean multiple antennas; hence ending up close together. Such an arrangement requires the need to switch one system off before another one can be used. As all sensor systems are installed separately on the ship, and then subsequently integrated and tested, they add considerably to the time and cost required for building a naval vessel.With recent development of integrated masts for warships, gone are the dozens of antennas and sensors found on practically every flat topside surface of a modern naval vessel.

These integrated masts allow the exploitation of modern materials and technology to improve sensor performance and coverage with pre-outfitting, leading to reduced cost of construction due to reduced time overruns. This article, by Commander Nitin Agarwala, who is now a contributing author for Defencyclopedia, explores the developments in integrated mast design for integration of electronic warfare (EW),communication and Radar and their future in warship construction.

How does an antenna become designated for use in navigation, weapon fire control, communications, electronic countermeasures or for any other reason, and ultimately installed on board a Naval surface ship? The answer should be, it’s part of the antenna design procedure. Though the answer is simple, the process is not. There was a time, when this design procedure, referred to as dart-boarding, was based on an educated guess for the most feasible layout of the antennas, followed by experimental verification.

The multiple mast and cluttered antenna layout on a 1970’s era Soviet Kashin class destroyer
As the reliance on electronic systems such as communications, radar,navigation, gunfire control, friend-or-foe identification, electronic countermeasures, and aircraft operations increased, one realized that complex, intricate below-decks electronic equipment was virtually useless unless matched with satisfactory antenna performance. Hence former methods of antenna design and topside arrangements were no longer adequate and dart-boarding disappeared – to be replaced by careful scientific planning. These electronic systems divided the shipboard antennas into three broad groups.

  • Omni-directional antennas – used mainly for communications, air navigation, and passive reception. These satisfy the need of ships and aircraft to maneuver independently of each other and fixed radio stations.
  • Directional antennas – used for transmitting and receiving spatially concentrated energy in one direction at a time. These are used for radar, gunfire control, and satellite communication to obtain information about or from remote objects.
  • Directional antennas – used to determine bearing of incident radiation; and is used primarily for direction finding navigation and Electronic Countermeasures (ECM).
For an operational naval platform, the basic minimum required sensors are communication antennas from HF to UHF, navigation radar, surveillance radar, IFF, Fire Control Radar, ESM, jammers, electro-optical sensor systems and missile up-links.Providing these large number and variety of distinct services on the antenna in the extremely restricted space presents many very-difficult and different problems which do not arise in other technical disciplines.

Clustering of so many antennas in so little space,plus the necessity for simultaneous emission and reception together with the undesirable, but unavoidable, electromagnetic coupling to, and re-radiation from, a host of other shipboard metal objects, results in a most trying system integration problem for the ship. Strenuous efforts must be made to reach a compromise with all competing topside subsystems so as to provide the least degradation in overall performance.

To meet the requirement of these sensors, the Naval Architects have hence used

  • Pole masts
  • Tripod masts
  • Lattice masts
  • MACK (Mast-Stack) masts
  • Enclosed masts
  • Solid masts

Lattice masts

Mack ( Mast + Smokestack)

Pole masts

Tripod mast

Enclosed mast
The various types of masts have been a result of changing requirement of the navies and the developing technology used over the years. Of all these masts, a plated mast, even with a higher weight than a lattice mast, is preferred in most cases due to its advantages of lower radar cross-section, improved through life maintenance (due to enclosed structure), lesser vibration and ability to handle larger weight of modern equipment.


Note the blackening of the area around the radars on the mast
blems associated with ships.
All radars and antennas in an I-Mast not only have a full 360° field of view; they are also developed so as to operate simultaneously without interfering each other.These radars are non-rotating, four-faced active phased array radars, which in itself is a major performance enhancement. As the four faces operate simultaneously, the radars achieve four times the time on target achieved by a rotating radar. The surface surveillance radar (Seastar) was developed especially for this purpose and it is capable of detecting and tracking small objects (e.g. divers’ head) between the waves,contributing enormously to situational awareness in littoral environments. The details of the sensors as fitted in an I-Mast are as under:

  • SeaMaster 400 (also called SMILE) is a non-rotating S-band radar with four faces for air and surface surveillance. It is derived from the proven SMART and APAR radar systems. SM400’s unique concept of multi-beam volume search with four active scanning faces ensures the simultaneous performance of all operational tasks at a high update rate and very low false alarm rate. SM400 also provides helicopter direction and approach capabilities and has three fire control channels. The system’s high number of parallel transmit and receive channels provide a high degree of redundancy.

Seamaster S-band radar
  • Seawatcher (also called SEASTAR) is a four face non-rotating active phased array X-band radar for naval surface surveillance. The high resolution system automatically detects and tracks asymmetric threats and very small objects such as mines, periscopes. Seawatcher can also be used for helicopter guidance.

Seawatcher X-band radar
  • Gatekeeper is a 360° panoramic electro-optical surveillance and alerter system based on IR/TV technology. Designed to counter emerging asymmetric threats down to small boats and swimmers, Gatekeeper increases short-range situational awareness in littoral environments.


SATCOM antenna dome

A CGI shows the sensors of the I-mast operating together without any blockage of signals
  • The Integrated Communication Antenna System (ICAS) facilitates the use of standard VHF / UHF communications equipment, is fitted with Link 16 integration, provides excellent transmit/receive isolation, offers estate for auxiliary antennas such as GSM/GPS and is designed for future growth.

Cylindrical IFF array
  • The non-rotating Identification Friend or Foe (NR IFF) uses a cylindrical array fitted to the top of the structure. It is designed to operate with standard interrogator/transponder systems. It is optimized for operation with a non-rotating primary radar.
Littoral environments are extremely complex given the high density of natural and man-made clutter, crowded commercial air and sea lanes, vehicle traffic along the coastline, and the effects of anomalous propagation on sensor performance. To further complicate the problem, recent years have seen the emergence of an increasingly“asymmetric” threat set (unmanned air vehicles, fast inshore attack craft, gliders, dinghies, swimmers and mines) that are intrinsically difficult to detect in high clutter backgrounds. To resolve such issues the concept of an integrated mast incorporating the principal surveillance sensors and communication systems has evolved.

By resolving the electromagnetic conflicts and line-of-sight obstructions inherent to traditional topside antenna arrangements, the integrated mast aims at delivering an unobstructed field of view, reduced cross section; ease of electromagnetic friction and to simplify shipboard integration. This in return provides a significant benefit in terms of improved operational performance and availability, shorter shipbuilding time, reduced maintenance requirements and significant savings in below-deck volume.

In an integrated mast various antennae are integrated within the design of the mast itself along with the electronic equipment to be “integrated” in the mast as a single unit. The result is a mast which is a structurally self-supporting module. The integrated mast with its technology of integrated sensor concept delivers huge advantages which are:

  • Better operational performance
  • Higher operational availability due to maintenance possible in the protected, sheltered environment of the Mast, meaning that it is no longer necessary to wait for repairs until weather conditions are safe enough
  • Reduced ship-building time
  • Reduced maintenance requirements due to non-rotating radars
  • Enormous savings in below-deck space
  • Reduced signature / increased arc of coverage
  • Reduced costs (i) Lower sensor costs due to improved environment(ii) Cheaper maintenance due to lack of corrosion, no re-painting and modular approach
  • Reduced topside weight / improved stability
  • Reduced EMI – RAM covered decks
  • Potential for quick role changes – flexibility, upgradeability
Various advanced Mast designs have been produced in the recent past which have been discussed in this paper. All of them have been tested for their structural performance against both environmental and shock loads. One can say with confidence that today the concept of “integrated mast” has become a reality from just a technology demonstration project. Though it is definitely a product which shall become an integral part of the future ship design, however many issues such as the impact of the integrated mast on ship design need to be studied in detail.

One needs to also study issues such as material selection for the mast, access arrangements and structural integration and stability as key aspects among many. Finally the integrated mast designers themselves will continue to be challenged by how to design a mast or series of masts that offer a solution that is sufficiently flexible for fit to a variety of vessel sizes and satisfy differing customer requirements.

Edited by N.R.P

Commander (Dr) Nitin Agarwala, a serving Indian Naval Officer commissioned in 1993, is a Naval Architect from Cochin University of Science and Technology and an alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and Kharagpur. The officer has experienced the various facets of a warship as a user, inspector and a maintainer. He is now a part of the design team of naval warships. He has published over 26 papers in various conferences, and journals of national and international repute. His areas of interest are Wave structure interaction problems, Acoustic structure interaction problems, Hydroelasticity related ship structure problems, Corrosion pro
Integrated masts – The next generation design for naval masts | Defencyclopedia
In a tentative to combine its different existing products, Thales proposes its new integrated mast I-MAST 500. I-Mast 500 integrates a I-Mast 400, already installed on Dutch OPV Holland class [edit: ... and JSS Doorman!], and an APAR Active Phased Array Radar. Thales I-Mast 500 offers all the necessary capacities needed by modern ships.
The new I-Mast 500 combines so:
- an AESA 3D search radar,
- a non-rotating IFF system,
- an Radar ESM,
- a communication system (V/UHF, AIS, Tactical Datalink, Link 16, GSM/UMTS, Iridium, SATCOM),
- an X-band Active Electronic Scanning Array

I-Mast 500 also includes a Gatekeeper optronic sensor that provides the user with a 360° panoramic view for surveillance and awareness around the ship using staring IR and colour TV cameras, thereby relieving the need to have crew on deck. Automatic tracking reduces the operator workload and can be used to integrate with other shipboard systems.

The I-Mast 500 is larger (10x10 m) than the I-Mast 400 (8x8 m) and 30 m high. I-Mast 500 is really esay to integrated to ships. It only needs 2 days of work. Only bolts are required to assemble the mast to the ship and connexions must be make only for data, power and cooling systems.
Thales presents its new integrated mast I-Mast 500 at EURONAVAL 2014


Australia studies CEAFAR2 high-power PAR concept. This rendering shows one possible solution for Project SEA 1448 Phase 4B, with a new six-face L-band phased array radar installed atop the existing S-band CEAFAR and X-band CEAMOUNT illuminator.
Australia studies CEAFAR2 high-power PAR concept - IHS Jane's 360


Aselsan Çafrad design for TF-2000 frigate project


Aprox. Coverage.
CAFRAD main search radar has a coverage range more than 450km to each sector.

Active electronically scanned array IFF antenne design of CAFRAD ( Mod 1-2-3-C-S-5 having a range more than 400km)



-X band search radar
-10000's T/R modules on same mast
-1000+ target following capability
-450+km radius range and 90 degree coverage for each sector
-400+km IFF range
-AESA electronic attack system on 360 degree coverage for hundreds of km range called Ares-2N
-Mast satellite communication
-Illumination radar for semi-active missile guidance on 360 degree sector
If that is an integrated mast, then so is this.

Integrated masts combine all key air- and surface-surveillance and -targetting sensors in a single mast structure. Hence, there is only a single mast structure. E.g.



If that is an integrated mast, then so is this.

Integrated masts combine all key air- and surface-surveillance and -targetting sensors in a single mast structure. Hence, there is only a single mast structure. E.g.



Do USN have I-masts?
Do USN have I-masts?
Yeah, on the Zumwalts (actually, all sensors are integrated in the superstructure: there are no masts at all anymore). Incidentally, Zumwalt‍ 's commanding officer is one Captain James Kirk: USN has got a sense of humor!

And 'enclosed masts' on the newest LPDs. These Advanced Enclosed Mast/Sensors (AEM/S) System masts are 93-foot-high hexagonal structures 35 feet in diameter, and constructed of a multi-layer frequency-selective composite material. They are designed to permit the ship's own sensor frequencies with very low loss while reflecting other frequencies. The tapered hexagonal shape of the AEM/S is designed to reduce the radar cross section, and enclosing the antennas provides improved performance and greatly reduces maintenance costs.
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AN/APG-48 on LPD-17

As trialled on Spruance class destroyer



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