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Integrated Cyber Security System


Sep 4, 2011
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1-Müsteşarlığımızla STM A.Ş. arasında 23.07.2012 tarihinde Bilgi Güvencesi ve Siber Savunma yeteneklerinin kazanılması amacıyla “Bütünleşik Siber Güvenlik Sistemi” Fizibilite Çalışması Sözleşmesi imzalanmıştır.

Fizibilite çalışması kapsamında konsept doğrulama amacı ile, sınama ortamı üzerinde çalışan prototip bir ürün geliştirilecek ve ADY kapsamında kullanılabilecek siber savunma sistemleri, yazılımları ve süreçlerini kapsayan bir fizibilite raporu hazırlanacaktır.

you can get more info about STM AS from the following link http://www.stm.com.tr/en/Default.aspx

2-Link-16 Synthetic Ground Interoperability Testing Lab” Final Acceptance Tests Successfully Completed Under the Link-16 Interoperability Project

The Final Acceptance tests of two Link-16 testing labs, which provide Interoperability tests, analyses and assessments via Link-16 network simulation under the Link-16 Interoperability Project being carried out between STM and SSM, were successfully completed between May 4 and June 16, 2011.

Both testing labs, called “Link-16 Synthetic Ground Interoperability Testing Environments”, which are located at the Ahlatlıbel Air Radar Site Command and which were opened on 10 February 2011 with the participation of Undersecretary for Defence Industries, Mr. Murad BAYAR, and senior commanders from the Turkish Air Forces Command, were accepted by the acceptance committee comprised of staff members from SSM and the Turkish Air Forces Command.

With the Testing Environment, it will be possible to test the mission computers of all Link 16-capable platforms and carry out interoperability tests by connecting the procured simulators to the testing environment.
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