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instead of decommissioning old fighter jets cant we


Mar 26, 2011
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instead of decommissioning them cant PAF make some setup of this sort like civilians can ride them ofcourse as passengers by paying Rs10,000 or Rs 15,000 like i read in russia such stuff goes on where u can pay to take a ride in MIG and fly at an altitude of 15,000 meters,experience speed of sound....like i am sure we can employ a couple of mirage's or f-6 for this cause and i would love to ride one ofcourse as a passenger :yahoo:

i would pay that amount.

too bad that amount would only pay for 3 minutes of its fuel...

also, you dont need a bunch for that, you only need 1 or 2
the russians might be using dual seaters [pilot infront/passenger on back seat]
ofcourse 3 minutes is more then enough like taking a vertical climb while taking off and then breaking the sound barrier while coming in for a landing like just around the airfield...that enough to experience like the money can be used to maintain those planes...it would work as moral booster too :yahoo:

people can video tape their experiences ,passing out while pulling G's and put them on jewtube:lol:
Yeah, in Russia someone did have that service, and a girl I know even traveled in it, which she called uncomfortable. The pilot did not break the sound barrier, and remained at Mach 0.94-0.97, the same speed at which majority of the passenger jets fly at 10K meters. That business later died out because a train was built connecting that area, and people preferred the train to the jet because it was cheaper and more comfortable. So, when you fly only one person at a time, with not so much comfort, I don't think you can make a lot of money with it.
i am sure they can work on it......we can attract tourists too...ofcourse that plane wont be operating from military base but from private airfields.. or skardu airport....it can be a hit in northern areas with its topography
retired Paf Pilots can be inducted to run the business
its a costly mistake! We are not talking about a cessna aircraft,but war planes! The maintenance,storage etc will cost a lot!
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