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INS Vikramaditya to Visit Maldives



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Nov 30, 2010
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A major fleet from the Indian navy will arrive in Maldives next week, the Indian high commission in Male announced Tuesday.

In a statement, the high commission said India’s largest naval ship, the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, will arrive in Male on a goodwill visit to Maldives from February 15-18. INS Vikramaditya will be accompanied by two ships, INS Mysore and INS Deepak, it said.

“The visit to Maldives by INS Vikramaditya, as a part of her first overseas trip, is a manifestation of the close maritime cooperation and mutual trust between India and Maldives,” the statement read.

INS Deepak had visited the Maldives in December 2014 to provide drinking water during the Male water crisis.

According to the high commission, the ships would be open for public visits for all Maldivians and Indians on February 16 and 17. Interested persons can collect passes from the high commission from Thursday on a first-come-first-serve basis, it said.

The visit by an unprecedented fleet of Indian military might to the Maldives follows intensified efforts by both the Maldives and India to improve relations.

Late last month India agreed to donate a utility aircraft and another helicopter to the Maldives.

India had donated two utility helicopters to the Maldives in 2010. Both the choppers are operated out of the domestic airport in the southern island of Kahdhoo in Laamu atoll.

India granted more than US$240,000 (MVR3.8 million) to the Maldives in December to establish facilities to operate and maintain the two helicopters.

Indian foreign secretary Jaishankar arrived in Maldives last month on a one-day official visit as a special envoy of the Indian prime minister.

The second visit by the Indian foreign secretary followed intensified efforts by both the Maldives and India to improve relations. In the latest such development, the Maldivian president had on December 8 hailed the foreign policy of its closest neighbour and ally.

In his message on this year’s SAARC Charter Day, the president said foreign policies of SAARC member states should prioritise improving relations with its neighbours. Such an approach, according to the president, is important for a peaceful region, which he said is integral to ensuring peaceful nations.

“In this regard, the Maldives welcomes [Indian] Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Neighbourhood First policy, and encourages other member states to adopt similar stances,” the message read.

The president’s comments came in light of recent efforts by the Maldives to bolster its ties, especially in investment and trade, with India as well as rival China.

China is funding several infrastructure projects across the Maldives. Delivery of the government’s vital electoral pledges, including the building of a bridge between capital Male and the airport island of Hulhule and the development of the country’s main international airport, also hinges on soft loans being considered by Beijing.

Chinese businesses, mostly state owned corporations, have recently forayed into the Maldives with investments in areas such as the Maldives’ upmarket luxury tourism industry.

The Maldives also held its second investment forum in the Chinese capital in October.

The close relations between the Maldives and China have come at the expense of its ties with neighbours, especially India, which worries that China was flexing its arms in its traditional clout of control.

Despite the recent attempts at improving ties with rival China, the Maldives has embarked on a mission to ramp up its long standing relationship with its closes neighbour, India. The recent thaw saw the visit of India’s top diploma Sushma Swaraj to the Maldives and the restarting in October of a joint commission after a 15-year hiatus.

In Male, Swaraj was told by President Yameen that the Maldives has a policy of "India First”.

Ties between the Maldives and India are on the mend after reaching its lowest point following the premature termination in 2013 of the agreement with Indian infrastructure giant GMR, which had been managing the country’s main international airport since 2011.

In light of the abrupt termination of the GMR agreement, New Delhi took extraordinary measures including the tightening of visa for Maldivian medical tourists and banning the sale of construction aggregate to Maldivian vendors.

The Maldives does not give a rosy outlook for Indian companies that have faced several bureaucratic and political hurdles. Most of the Indian companies doing business in the Maldives had been forced out of the country over the past five years.

The most high-profile such case relates to the subsequent eviction of GMR, which in 2010 won an international bid to manage the Maldives main international airport, by the Maldives government in 2012.

Other Indian companies including Tatva, which had won a contract in 2010 to manage the waste of capital Male, and real estate giant Tata Housing have faced many obstacles, with some leaving the Maldives entirely.

However, the Maldives now appears eager to court back Indian investors.

At talks held during Swaraj’s recent visit to the Maldives, the Maldivian side reiterated its interest in engaging with private investors in India for iHavan and Hulhulmale Youth City projects. Sectors such as tourism, fisheries, education, IT, infrastructure development, energy cooperation including renewable energy, and traditional medicine were also identified for future cooperation.

The visit by India's top diplomat came as the two neighbours prepared to mark 50 years of diplomatic relations.

On November 1, 1965, India established diplomatic relations with the Maldives, becoming the first country to do so following the latter’s independence from Britain in July.

As the two countries officially marked the golden jubilee of relations, a series of year-long activities was organised by the high commission since last November. The activities included a culinary festival, which saw cooking workshops held by visiting top Indian chefs and a master-chef style cooking competition, a Bollywood movie festival, health awareness programmes and a yoga festival.

A cultural evening was also held in September.

In August, the Maldives and India wrapped up the sixth round of a joint annual military training exercise. India also announced the completion of the first phase of a coastal radar system in the Maldives.

However, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s scheduled visit to the Maldives in March was called off due to the increasing political strife in the Maldives at the time.

India, meanwhile, has publicly sided with the Maldives government over the continued imprisonment of the country’s former president Mohamed Nasheed, an issue central to the Maldives’ relationship with its international partners.

Nasheed’s lawyers are pushing for targeted sanctions on top Maldivian officials.

India, however, opposes such action.

Source:: Haveeru News
“The visit to Maldives by INS Vikramaditya, as a part of her first overseas trip, is a manifestation of the close maritime cooperation and mutual trust between India and Maldives,” the statement read.
Well she was in Sri Lanka a few weeks ago so that's not entirely accurate.

Anyway, INS Vikramditya's current deployment is certainly eventful- Sri Lanka, IFR and now the Maldives.
More like because Maldives is now China leaning. This concerns India & US in the IOR theater.
With an eye on China, India sends aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya to Male

NEW DELHI: It's 44,500 tonnes of robust Indian diplomacy cruising on the high seas, hot on the trail of the Chinese in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), first in Sri Lanka and now, Maldives.

India has dispatched its largest and most potent warship, aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, accompanied by destroyer INS Mysore and tanker INS Deepak, to Maldives to reaffirm its abiding commitment to be "the net security provider" in the IOR

Read more at:
More like because Maldives is now China leaning. This concerns India & US in the IOR theater.

Source: INS Vikramaditya to Visit Maldives
Maldives does not control its own FO. Why? Because China can't save Maldives from anything. A Tsunami would devestate maldives, you think PLAN will save them?
Dumb media is one thing, but rationally, the admin of maldives are close to India, RAW close.
I'm from Maldives & I know we are currently close with China more than India.
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