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INS Vikramaditya a Pakistan Attention seeker

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What a Attention Seeker Title, with hollow matter. Post about the carrier, its capabilities, then ask the members how it could be a threat and how it could be neutralized.

For the question you asked, it is very difficult to distroy a Carrier, because it do not travel alone, and their are many layers of security. A diesel Electric Subs threat could be easily neutralized by increasing the ASW capability.
And due to the sheer size of the modern Carrier, I don't think a single torpedo is more than enough to damage the carrier seriously and to come such close to the carrier to fire the torpedo would need great luck and stealth on the ocean.

He thinks a diesel electric sub is some kind of a WWII V weapon that can demolish the most powerful carrier by popping up within its task force defences.

Where are these kids crowding in from?

lol Yeah man,I know what you have said,as do a lot other people,Y do I need to elaborate,we already know about the ship.
Just want to know are our military policy makers overlooking the aircraft carrier,As it seems to me,or we just have no answers to the ship.
Will we buy Chinese DF-21 anti-ship high explosive rounds to sink the ship.
Because I certainly feel that it can pose a real threat as a Third tier attack on Pakistani ships,Detecting them soon enough to alert other ships to take them out


When was there ever a naval and air balance between India and Pakistan?

August 13, 1947.

To get close to vikramditya you need to get past 1.

The aesa radars on board the frigates or destroyers escorting the carrier which track at 300km plus

Then air umbrella of 30 mig29k BVR fighters which each carry 4+ BVRS missles with ranges between 60-80km

Finally the carrier and two escorting ships between them will have a 360 degree coverage of 72 to 96 barak sam with ranges of 100km at mach 4 speed.

multiple other radars on board the carriers or p8 posedions overhead .

Good luck getting through
@Jhon Smith,
Sir - Thank you for words of wisdom.

Your Nation has 11 CVs
To Sink a Carreir you need atleast 6-7 Hits from Harpoons, Exocets, Bhramos
Gone are days when Active and Passive Jamming was Poor with AESA RADAR you can Burn the electronic chips of Homing Missile.

Please spare us by lecturing how to spend our money !! We dont Beg
PS - Your Flag doesnt appear to be correct going by your Asian English Sir

Once again, I Thank you for your Esteemed Wisdom & Guidance.
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India has aircraft carriers, Pakistan has none... No need to discuss further! Mods please delete this useless thread!!!

Sour grapes???

@ op there are enough threads in this forum where you can find all the info related to Indian carriers and counter strategy by PN..

But looking at the title - ur intention is clear
Wow!! I am now compelled to Write again........

1) Aircraft Carrier will Switch off 5 types of RADARs.
2) It will switch off 3 Types of Passive radar systems
3) The Submarine Below - will be asked to go on Holiday
4) 1 Destroyer will be asked to shut up--its Electricity cut
5) 2 6000 Tonnage Frigates will engage in Fishing Competitions for the Fleet
6) CV AirCoprs with 1.5 Sqns Mig 29Kwill not enforce 350 Km No Entry Zone. 8 Ka will shit in Hangars
7) ABMs of CV will be duds,,,,Barak 8 & 1
8) Shitls on Frigate and Destroyers will be shut again...
9) 2 SQNs of IAF covering Arabian Sea will run away...
10) 21 MRPs will not engage in E-Int and Counter-EInt Operations...
11) Decoys on CV, Sub , Frigates and Destroyers will Fizzle Out

Yes Sir --- I agree wth you CV will be a Dud waiting for DF 21 or Kamkazee Pilots to Pin it....

Sinking it will promote your Fishing Industry. I believe your assertion - Thank you

CV Sunk !!

That is gold! :rofl::rofl::pdf: you gotta love it
lol Yeah man,I know what you have said,as do a lot other people,Y do I need to elaborate,we already know about the ship.
Just want to know are our military policy makers overlooking the aircraft carrier,As it seems to me,or we just have no answers to the ship.
Will we buy Chinese DF-21 anti-ship high explosive rounds to sink the ship.
Because I certainly feel that it can pose a real threat as a Third tier attack on Pakistani ships,Detecting them soon enough to alert other ships to take them out
Here come DF-21. :rofl:
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