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INS Aridhaman shaping up?


Sep 13, 2012
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India’s first indigenously developed and designed nuclear powered submarine INS Arihant is all set to begin “sea-acceptance trials” (SATS) next month , which will at least last next six months before it is commissioned in to Indian Navy, which most likely to happen in first quarter of 2014.

According to sources close to idrw.org, India’s Second Nuclear submarine dubbed S2 is under construction in Vishakhapatnam and is shaping up for its launch most likely to happen around mid of 2014. Named INS Aridhaman it is second nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine being built by India and the second Arihant class submarine development under advanced technology vessel programme.

INS Aridhaman after its launch will take few years before it completes its harbour-acceptance trials (HATS) and later sea-acceptance trials (SATS) before it can be commissioned in Indian Navy. S3 which is third Arihant class submarine to be built will be under construction soon.

Development of INS Aridhaman was first made public accidently in 2011, when four workers working in dry docks were killed where INS Aridhaman was under construction in a mishap leading to media speculation that INS Arihant has suffered some damages and will face more delays due this mishap. Only to be later rebutted by Government agencies that INS Arihant or any other submarine did not suffer any damages, which lead to revealing of construction of second submarine where actual mishap took place.

Indian Navy has requirement of three nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine based on Arihant class submarines and six SSNs (nuclear-powered attack submarines) in the long term. Arihant class submarines will be armed first with the 750-km K-15 SLBMs (submarine-launched ballistic missiles) and later will be will K-4 SLBM with range of 3500 km.

According to Defence experts K-4 SLBM will be ready before INS Aridhaman is commissioned in to India Navy and test of K-4 mostly likely will take place by end of 2014. INS Arihant has four silos on its hump to carry either 12 K-15s or four K-4s.
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