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Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

All those beutiful skyscrapers (Port Tower, KPT tower etc) were proposed during Musharraf era, he gone means develpment gone. Zardari $hithole either cancelled everything or postponed for next govt. More annoying is that SC doesn't question him that where is all development work gone, CJ is not taking revenge by Musharraf by ignoring & keeping his mouth shut, but instead he is taking revenge from same peoples who stand with him when Musharraf sacked him.

I burn inside after watching that how this mf destroyed & looted the country which was developing during Musharraf & no one seems to take care of this corrupt d0nkey.

Yeah, reinstating the CJ was one of the biggest mistakes Pakistan has ever made. Not only has he not punished Zardari's inept government, he's also released a lot of terrorists from Pakistani prisons that were held during Musharraf's time. What a douche.
Sofitel Tower - Karachi
Working on the 30th floor now



A Building U/C on I.I Chundrigar Road

Too many highrise buildings are under construction in Karachi right now.
Wow Pakistan looks amazing, i've already seen lots of photographs of buildings from the Mughal era and coupled with these new developments will certainly be an amazing sight.....I think I might have to visit.
Good to see that with all the problems & instability, country is silently developing.

P.S How tall is Sofitel towers & World trade centre tower?
I thought PAK would be slightly better than Afgan.Never imagined this:eek:

Should blame the media:agree: cheers for the development:tup:
I thought PAK would be slightly better than Afgan.Never imagined this:eek:

Should blame the media:agree: cheers for the development:tup:

Pakistan and Afghanistan are nothing alike, not in culture, language, history, geography, education, or development.

Look at the threads that are made sticky in the General Images section of this forum especially Beautiful Pakistan thread and Pictures of Cities thread to see how Pakistan is like.

Really, i can't beleive there are people who think like this too:disagree: Yes it is dumb media.

Cant help it mate, we think based on the information that is available or we are fed with. we cant google everyday topics to verify.

A common man here daily reads about aid given to pak, terror attacks and similar stuff.....and with the term AFPAK(sadly combining both the regions in one word)is not helping the cause either.

Internet is really making some sense in a new way:tongue:
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