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Govt approves Rs 7.834bn for rehabilitation of railway

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Railways has demanded the government to provide financial assistance for rehabilitation of its infrastructure and systems damaged after December 27 riots and the government has approved Rs 7.834 billion for this purpose, official sources said here Friday.

Pakistan Railways’s infrastructure was heavily damaged during the turbulent protests erupted in the entire country after the tragic assassination of PPP Chairperson Benazir Bhutto in Rawalpindi on 27th December 2007.

The entire country went into the grip of shock and awe with violent public reaction, which crippled the country, especially the province of Sindh, where the protesting mobs smashed Railways installations, ransacked station buildings, set ablaze locomotives, coaches, track machines/cranes and other important infrastructure.

There was total lawlessness as hundreds of people went on the rampage after Benazir’s assassination. These attacks on the Railway’s property had far reaching implications. In Karachi and Sukkur divisions, 65 stations were either set ablaze or damaged, 23 locomotive were burnt while 12 were damaged, 139 coaches of passenger trains and 2 track machines were also set ablaze while a number of cranes were burnt and damaged.

The havoc completely paralysed the Railways system from Karachi to Sadiqabad for five consecutive days (Dec 27 to 31, 2007). The train operation, was, however, restored on 31-12-2007 at a modest level with hectic efforts.

The major set back was to the signaling infrastructure as the apparatus, internal cabling and connections etc. at the stations were completely burnt. This caused serious disturbance to normal operation as a number of stations are still closed. The train operation is being managed by extending the block sections and reception/dispatch of trains being worked on paper lane clear (PLC) in the absence of normal signaling, which is causing a detention of almost four hours to each express train.

The assets damaged and lost have to be re-built as their absence will have a collateral effect, affecting even those that continue to function. The asset destruction would affect the targets for both passenger and freight sectors during the current financial year and cause decline in the long-term growth potential of the Railways. It is therefore, extremely vital that the damages assets are rehabilitated as quickly as possible to ensure normal train operations in Sukkur and Karachi divisions thus eliminating detentions and improve punctuality, the sources added.

Pakistan Railways owns 524 diesel and 19 electric locomotives, out of which 315 diesel electric locomotives and 19 electric locomotives have already outlived their normal economic life by the end of December 2007. The annual requirement of induction of new locomotives is approximately 20 whereas actual induction of new locomotives during the last 10 years has only been 86, which has resulted in shortage of locomotives for working passenger and freight trains. The position has further deteriorated as 15 locomotives have completely been burnt as a result of the riots, which erupted on December 27.

In total 65 station buildings were damaged besides a number service buildings and structure; 24 stations on Karachi Railway division were damaged, out of which 12 were set on fire and damaged on Karachi-Tando Adam mainline section, 6 stations on Kotri-Dadu section, 3 on Hyderabad-Mirpurkhas section and 3 stations on Hyderabad-Badin section.

The girder bridges were also damaged by setting wooden bridge timbers on fire, besides dismantling track at many places. In total 36 bridges were damaged in both Karachi and Sukkur divisions out of which 22 were damaged in Karachi division and 14 in Sukkur division including replacement of 2,733 wooden sleepers, crossing and bridge timbers.

The telecommunication equipment provided in the ASM offices such as control telephone, RAD phone, V-wireless telephone, VHF radio sets including power supplies, batteries, stabilizers, circuit breakers, wooden racks, coaxial cables etc. were totally burnt on mainline between Mirpur Mathelo-Rohri-Nawab Shah-Hyderabad-Karachi and on branch line between Kotri-Dadu-Larkana-Habib Kot-Jacobabad-Kashmor colony. Resultantly 53 VHF radios complete with accessories, 54 control phones, 37 V-wireless telephones, 77 batteries, 70 telephone sets, 7 diesel generators, 7 telegraphic consoles, 55 wooden racks and 2 public address system complete with accessories were burnt.

The burnt situation has compelled Pakistan Raiways to scale down its operations keeping in view the resource constraints. PR has curtailed 19 trains (16 passenger and 3 freight trains) on main line corridor and branch lines. The trains are suffering four hours extra time between Karachi and Khanpur resulting in extra fuel consumption and inconvenience to the traveling public.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
WB asks Pakistan to upgrade infrastructure

* Report says 6,000MW power shortage expected by 2010
* Expert says fundamentals of economy still strong​

By Khalid Hasan

WASHINGTON: A report by the World Bank last month points out that Pakistan suffers from a dearth of infrastructure in the water, irrigation, power, and transport sectors and needs to invest around $1 billion per year in reservoirs and related infrastructure over the next five years.

In the energy sector, the country will face severe power shortages of around 6,000 megawatts by 2010. Similarly, inefficiencies in the transport sector cost the economy between 4-5 percent of GDP each year.

To overcome these constraints, Pakistan has tripled its annual infrastructure investment from an average of $2.5 billion to $7.3 billion, but increased involvement of the private sector will be needed to meet the gaps.

According to Dinar Standard, an online business strategy publication devoted to business in the Muslim world, “Overall, the horizon for prosperity and growth seems lustrous for Pakistan.

The general sentiment is undimmed and is driving the masses to believe that change for a better economy and a better future is within their sight. Despite being considered a politically unstable terrain, Pakistan as an economy still has a lot to offer and is rightfully called by Mark Matthews of Merrill Lynch as ‘the greatest information-arbitrage opportunity in the world’.”

Fundamentals: Monis Rehman, a Pakistani entrepreneur, is quoted as saying that there has been recent cash infusion from Silicon Valley investors. Speaking to Dinar Standard he said, “Investments continue to happen because the fundamentals are strong. Pakistan has a population of 160 million consumers. Seventy million of them now have mobile phones. Over $1 billion has been invested in broadband and WiMAX infrastructure.

While there is a lot to be concerned about, there is also a lot to look forward to.” Commenting on the viability of its new media venture in Pakistan, he said, “Pakistan has a rapidly growing 7.5 percent Internet penetration rate compared to India’s 4.5 percent. None of the top 10 sites viewed from within Pakistan are local, which suggests a huge opportunity for creating local content. Online advertising is also at its infancy and with the current market dynamics, is poised for strong growth.”

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Gwadar port: government asked to give top priority to uplift of road network

ISLAMABAD (March 11 2008): The Senate body on Shipping and Ports has asked the government to accord highest priority to the development of road networks at Gwadar port. The meeting was held in the Parliament building on Monday, with Gulshan Saeed in the chair.

It may be mentioned here that a report published in the Monday issue of Business Recorder suggested that with the development of communication facilities, Gwadar would become economic and communication hub in this region.

Pakistan desired to develop Gwadar as a port city because of its strategic position athwart the tip of Hurmuz straits and Persian Gulf. Gwadar has profound maritime importance as a full-fledged deep water to provide alternate routes to the Gulf ports as well as vital link to China and Central Asian Republics (CAR).

Reacting sharply to delays in construction of three road networks, linking Gwadar port with Turbat, Pangjur, Basima, Ratodero, Surab, Kalat, Mastung and Quetta, as well as main RCD Highway, the Committee wished speedy completion of the roads which constituted important plank in the development of Gwadar port as major economic hub and to facilitate exports in the region. The three road systems were yet to be completed and remained on the planning board. It said. The committee reviewed the difficulty in Gwadar becoming operational because it lacked good quality, all-weather dependable road linkages.

In his briefing, the National Highway Authority (NHA) Chairman explained the value of road connectivity for transit trade between Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asian Republics and China. He named the three road linkages as Gwadar-Turbat-Hoshab-Panjgur-Nag-Basima-Surab (N-85): This road linked Gwadar to N-25 RCD Highway at Surab. The NHA has awarded contract for upgradation of this federalised road to the Frontier Works Organisation (FWO).

Basima-Khuzdar-Ratodero: This road will connect Gwadar to N-85 & N-25- RCD Highway at Khuzdar and N-55 Indus Highway at Ratodero. Basima-Surab-Kalat-Mastung-Quetta-Chamman: The road linked Gwadar to Quetta and Chaman through N-25 RCD Highway.

The Committee desired the NHA to plan construction of roads in a way that it could withstand floods, especially flash floods. In addition, the committee desired the government to make provision of fresh drinking water and also link Gwadar with the national electricity grid, an important consideration for the port to emerge as economic hub.

The Senate Committee also received presentation on development of Rs 100 billion Gwadar-Quetta rail-link project and took a strong exception to Balochistan government violating the Federal government ban on sale of state lands.

The prized land, owned by Railways, was allegedly sold to private housing societies by a few unscrupulous elements in the provincial administration at throwaway prices. The housing societies, to whom the land was sold, were now demanding millions of rupees for construction of container yards from the railways department.

The Senate Committee has summoned the provincial land revenue officials along with the relevant records in the next meeting. The committee also decided to set-up a three-member sub-committee to sort out issues of land acquisition and its security, in view of inhospitable terrain. This body would liaise with National Highway Authority and the dwellers.

Dr Abdul Malik was asked to head the committee with Dr Ismail Buledi and Mir Israrullah Khan as members. Lieutenant General Javed Ashraf (retd), Mir Israrullah Khan, Dr Muhammad Ismail Buledi, Saadia Abbasi, Kalsoom Parveen and Dr Abdul Malik attended the Committee.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Plan to develop urban transport system chalked out

KARACHI (March 13 2008): The federal government has chalked out a plan to develop the urban transport system and infrastructure with a view to providing fast, reliable, safe, and affordable services to the urban population.

At present, the transport service and infrastructure had not kept pace with the growing demands of urban population, sources in Sindh regional transport department told Business Recorder on Tuesday.

Lacks of proper management of transportation setup, urban areas are suffering from poor road condition, accidents, high-level maintenance cost of public transport, traffic congestion and air pollution, they said. Urban population is compelled to travel in overcrowded and unreliable public transport, besides poorly regulating it by concerned departments, they maintained.

Despite the rapid increase in private vehicles, which are being flooded on roads with more than 50 percent increasing ratio every year, no effective policy has been evolved yet to develop the proper road infrastructure for catering to the need of growing population, they said.

Answering a query, they said the government had designed a comprehensive and effective plan to overwhelm the need of more transport infrastructure with modern maintenance system, besides inviting the private sector to participate in it.

"Condition will not be changed unless the private sector will co-ordinate with government concerned departments in making comprehensive and high quality urban transportation system to cater to the need of growing demand of urban areas", they said.

Accordance to jointly surveyed report by the National Highway Authority (NHA) and the World Bank (WB) that 47 percent of national highways have been deteriorated and only 28 percent of the network is in good condition.

"Due to insufficiency of highways, 30 to 35 percent of agri produce is being spoiled before marketing, which causes huge loss to national exchequer, besides growing inflation due to its shortage, hence, the government has decided to convert inferior roads into high quality roads, they said.

They said the government is striving to generate funds for maintenance and up-gradation of facilities such as traffic signals, roads, sidewalks, intersections, parking spaces and drains aimed to provide better transport infrastructure to urban population.They said the authority concerned is pondering the proposal for restoring mass transit system in different cities, including Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Faisalbad, and Karachi.

They hoped that mass transit system would be restored soon in these cities with a view to minimising the excessive burden on public transport, besides facilitating people by safe, reliable, fast and entertaining transport service.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Modern container scanner system installed at PICT

KARACHI (March 16 2008): The Pakistan International Container Terminal (PICT) on Saturday installed a state-of-the-art container-scanner system to comply with the directives of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Chairman Abdullah Yousuf opened the system in the presence of a large number of people from the shipping sector, said a press release.

The container scanner has the latest x-ray acceleration technology with the cutting edge specifications of dual view scanning ie scanning from the side and the top of the container, to give a three-dimensional image, the release said.

The scanner has 6 MeV electron beam energy for penetration of up to 340 mm thick steel. The advance specifications of the PICT scanner and cutting edge technology has made PICT second facility in the world to have installed a scanner of such high technological capability.

The purpose of the scanner, which has been manufactured by Nuctech Company Limited (China), is to provide non-intrusive customs examination which would enable Pakistan Customs to view with unparalleled clarity the contents of the goods inside the container without opening the container, said the release.

This will facilitate the trade by reducing the time and effort consumed by the conventional method of customs examination. PICT has also installed monitors at the scanner to detect any radioactive substance inside the containers. The scanner would also serve to deter any contraband and explosives, it added.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
ADB to provide $301 million for NHA projects

FAISALABAD (March 16 2008): Asian Development Bank will provide $301 million to National Highway Authority for "National Highway Development Sector Investment Programme-Project II" for improving domestic transport system serving inter-provincial traffic and selected national highways.

In an update project report, Olly Norojono ADB's Transport Economist said that the second investment programme would finance batch 2 sub-projects under National Highway Improvement Component.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Pakistan plans rail link on its side of Kashmir

Saturday January 6

The Indian Railways' effort to run trains to the Kashmir valley this year has had an impact across the Line of Control, with Pakistan Railway starting feasibility studies to lay tracks from Rawalpindi to Muzaffarabad, the Capital of Occupied Kashmir (***).
Pakistan Railway is also looking into building a 40-km link between Dina and Mirpur at the southern tip of ***. This shorter link (see map) is likely to be executed first as the Rawalpindi-Muzaffarbad line will be more difficult to build, considering the mountaneous terrain.

Mirpur is presently connected to Pakistan through the Peshawar-Lahore Grand Trunk Road. Pakistan Railway officials said that since Mirpur is fast emerging as the industrial hub of ***, having rail connectivity with the place was economically crucial.

"We are studying three or four different routes between Dina and Mirpur. Our survey began only recently and we will be completing it by April," Mohammed Ashfaq Khattak of the consultancy firm told The Indian Express over phone.

"Apart from deciding on possible routes, the feasibility study is also trying to find out if the project will be economically viable," said Malik Hayat, Rawalpindi's divisional superintendent of railways.

The railways there spent Pakistani Rs 10 lakh last year on the Dina-Mirpur feasibility study, official data show. And sources said international help and expertise may be sought at a later stage.

On the Indian side, preparations to run trains in Kashmir are at an advanced stage, with operations between Udhampur and Katra slated to begin soon. And the more significant target of bringing a train into the Valley is likely to be met sometime by March.


Is there any update of the mirpur/dina rail link?
India seeks link to C. Asia via Pakistan

CHANDIGARH, March 15: Advocating close cooperation between India and Central Asia, Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee has called for establishing a direct surface transportation route through Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

“Our ongoing Composite Dialogue with Pakistan has been yielding good results. We are hopeful that a direct road link will be established between India and Central Asian nations,” he said in his inaugural address at a seminar on Saturday.

The minister termed the absence of direct surface link as a major problem in the development of economic and trade relations between India and the Central Asia and said the recent steps taken by Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Russia to increase road and rail connectivity could be linked to further development of the International North South Transport Corridor.—PPI

India seeks link to C. Asia via Pakistan -DAWN - Top Stories; March 16, 2008
PIA grounds jumbos to cut fuel bill

Sends home 80 flight engineers​

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

KARACHI: Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) on Monday grounded its aircraft fleet of Boeing-747 to slash a rising fuel bill as financially crippled national carrier struggles to cope with the surge in global oil prices.

In wake of the decision to stop flying six B-747 300 and two B-747 combi aircraft, the management also retrenched 80 flight engineers who were able to get a stay on the move from Sindh High Court (SHC) the same day.

Flight Engineers National Association (FENA) strongly reacted to what it said management’s overnight decision to send 80 permanent employees home in complete disregard of rules. “If PIA has permanently grounded the B 747 fleet then its pilots, co pilots, cabin crew and technicians should also have been fired,” a FENA spokesman told The News.

According to him, the decision has been taken in haste and is discriminatory in the sense that never before permanent employees have been sacked abruptly without any notice. He said: “Every time a regular employee who is not guilty of any misappropriation is removed, he is benefited with a scheme like golden handshake.”

However, a PIA spokesman said all the employees have been retrenched with full retirement benefits plus 40 months of salaries for those who are under 60 years of age. He said the fuel guzzling aircraft have been grounded because cost of fuel consumed by B 747 is $11,000 per hour whereas more advanced B-777 cost $7,000 per hour. He was not immediately able to confirm if the decision to ground the aircraft was permanent but clarified that pilots, crewmembers and technicians assigned with the B 747 fleet could be used for other aircraft.

The 433-seater B 747 300 and 240-seater B 747 200 have served PIA for Hajj and Umrah operations, the FENA spokesman said, and that has helped cut a lot of cost for the national carrier.

In 2006 the airline spent $43 million to hire aircraft on wet lease to ferry the pilgrims while it spent only $22 million in the following year when the B-747 300 fleet was used, he added. “PIA will have to bear burden of $50million if it decides to wet-lease aircraft for 2008 season,” he said adding that other large capacity B 777 could not be used as that fleet was engaged in flights to Europe.

The management of the state-owned airline has taken some vital decision including reshuffling of senior officials since the new Managing Director Aslam R Khan took office a couple of weeks back. Notwithstanding the efficacy, some PIA employees feel that these decisions should not have been taken at a time when a new government was about to take oath.

PIA grounds jumbos to cut fuel bill
Court stops PIA from forcing flight engineers to retire

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

KARACHI: The Sindh High Court restrained on Monday the Pakistan International Airlines from taking any adverse action against flight engineers of Boeing-747 till further orders.

The interim order came in a Rs800-million lawsuit for injunction filed by Azizul Haq Suharwardy and others against PIA’s proposed forced retirement scheme for B-747 flight engineers.

Plaintiff counsel Khalid Javed contended that the proposed scheme of the defendant regarding forced retirement of flight engineers, earmarked to serve B-747, is highly arbitrary and discriminatory.

He submitted that the policy of retirement is based on mala fide, as the PIA administration propose to retire these persons and then re-employ them on contract basis just to deprive them of their service benefits. He further said PIA’s March 1 board of directors meeting had no item on the agenda regarding grounding scheme, but on instance of Deputy Managing Director of Quaid-e-Azam airport, such a proposed scheme was moved to protect the interest of some officials, including him.

The counsel said that in order to continue flight operation of eight B-747 PIA would require about eight sets of crew per aircraft and consequently 8 flight engineers per B-747 would also be required.

Plaintiffs seeking court injunction prayed for the court to direct PIA to provide full retirement benefits to affected employees, as offered by its earlier officers. The counsel also sought interim injunction restraining defendants from taking any adverse action against them.

SHC’s single bench comprising Justice Khawaja Naveed Ahmed, after hearing the preliminary arguments of counsel, observed the contentions in plaintiffs’ required consideration. Granting interim injunction the court restrained PIA authorities from taking any adverse action against plaintiffs and other flight engineers and also issued notices to PIA, Deputy Managing Director, Senior Vice President of Quaid-e-Azam International Airport (HR) and others for March 24, 2008.

Court stops PIA from forcing flight engineers to retire
Mass Transit Plan: Jica to conduct study on Karachi FTDF from March 21

KARACHI (March 18 2008): A Japanese agency would launch 'scientific study' on Future Traffic Demand Forecast (FTDF) of Karachi to help the city planners establish an effective strategy and implementation plan of mass transportation for the metropolis.

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) would start the survey within next few days as part of its technical assistance to the City District Government Karachi (CDGK), sources in Traffic & Communication Department of the CDGK told Business Recorder on Monday.

"A team of Jica experts is due in Pakistan on March 19 to conduct a scientific study on the city's future traffic demand," said Malik Zaheer-ul-Islam, director-general, Karachi Mass Transit Cell (KMTC).

It is worth mentioning here that according to a notification issued by the City Nazim on Monday that Malik Zaheer-ul-Islam is likely to take additional charge of the T&C Department as an executive district officer (EDO) within a day or so to look after affairs of the department.

He said the Agency would start work from March 21 and would submit its report by the end of May or early June this year. The DG KMTC also clarified that Jica would conduct the study free of cost.

The Agency would estimate traffic of the metropolis, where the ever-present traffic problems like prolonged traffic jams, inefficient traffic police, illegal parkings, use of pressure horns, smoke emitting and unfit vehicles, entry of heavy vehicles in the city, etc have rendered roads of the city more vulnerable to fatal accidents on daily basis.

According to sources, Jica would conduct estimation of the city's traffic by 'computer modeling' on the basis of "person trip study", which the Agency had conducted in 2005-06.

They said the survey would also contribute to capacity development and CDGK's planning for regulating the transport sector. To conduct a safe and proper study the Agency has sought "full and strong support" from the city district government in terms of expertise, coordination with traffic policy and necessary authority for fieldwork, sources said.

By coordinating CDGK in the survey Jica was aiming to enable the former to learn how to conduct the study, sources said. "Jica was putting technical transfer programme in the study for Pakistani side expecting that they (CDGK) can learn the series of work, including computer modeling through this study period and to conduct the same survey by themselves in future," added the sources.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
woah!:woot: that is what karachi really needs right now!karachi needs to be cleaned up, it needs better infrastructure, better organization. we need to bring back the "City of Lights" to its former glory.

roads are just built anywhere, as well as property and sometimes property is built illegaly on top of main streets.

personally, i wasn't impressed with the new road system when i went to karachi this summer. i wish they could have a better laid-out plan for roads. instead of just building them when needed. It's just one big mess, a giant hairball.

I also hope we can get a large subway system, it would rid us of the traffic problem. any news on plans for a subway transit system?
PIA to float tender for B-747 sale

Thursday, March 20, 2008

KARACHI: The Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) would soon float a tender to sell the first tranche of its eight Boeing 747, The News learnt on Wednesday. The aircraft were grounded earlier this week due to rising fuel bill.

One aircraft each from B-747-300 and B-747-200 series have been put on sale through a tender that will appear in a London-based magazine in a couple of days. The national flag carrier did not need to cut down on any of its current routes due to sale of these aircraft, a spokesman for the airline said, insisting that the remaining 34 aircraft were enough to carry out full operation.

However, aviation experts are susceptible about the decision since PIA had used the B-747 aircraft for Hajj and Umrah operations. The PIA says it could lease aircraft for the purpose.“Leasing out planes would not be easy for PIA,” remarked an executive of one of the domestic carriers. “It has become an expensive deal these days.”

According to PIA, fuel cost of B-747 comes to around $11,000 per hour as compared to $7,000 of B-777 and it was important to take this difference into consideration when PIA is running into losses. The decision to ground the aircraft has also led to forced retirement of some 80 flight engineers, who have acquired a stay from the Sindh High Court (SHC).

PIA to float tender for B-747 sale
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