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Infrastructure and Transport News

April 15, 2007

PIA to launch Quetta-Gwadar flights

QUETTA, April 14: Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) will launch direct flights between Quetta and Gwadar from April 20. An announcement to this effect was made by Balochistan PIA general manager Asghar Mohyuddin Verdag at a press conference here on Saturday.

He said that in the first phase the Quetta-Gwadar flight would be available twice a week. He said that flights between Quetta and Turbat would also be started.

He said that ever since the Gwadar port was made operational, people had been making demands for direct flights from Quetta.

He said that despite shortage of aircrafts, the PIA management has decided to link Quetta with the new port city without any further delay.

He said that PIA was offering concession tickets on this route with the aim to provide maximum facilities to the people of Gwadar.

A PIA flight would come to Quetta via Karachi for Gwadar on every Friday while every

Monday the route of the flight would be Karachi-Gwadar-Quetta-Turbat and Karachi.

'Iran and Pakistan rail link to be built in 2008'

TEHRAN (April 16 2007): Iran's rail network will be linked to Pakistan in next Iranian calendar year (to start March 21, 2008), Iranian Minister of Roads and Transportation Mohammad Rahmati said.

In talks with Rahmati, visiting Pakistani Minister for Communications Muhammad Shamim Siddiqui noted that most of travellers entering Iran through Quetta, west central Pakistan, are pilgrims that along with their families visit holy city of Mashhad, north-eastern Iran. He called for building of a railway to directly connect Mashhad.

Rahmati said railway network would connect Iran to Pakistan via Iranian city of Zahedan. He expressed hope that building of railway will lead to boosting of trade relations between two neighbouring nations.

Iran's minister explained that building of a highway to link south-eastern Iranian city of Chabahar to Pakistan's south-western city of Gwadar is a prioritised project of the ministry.

500 mw power plant: PPIB opposes Wapda agreement with Qatar government

ISLAMABAD (April 16 2007): The Private Power Infrastructure Board (PPIB) has refused to be part of the 'controversial agreement' being negotiated between the government of Qatar and the Ministry of Water and Power for setting up a 500 mw combined cycle power plant at Chicho ki Malian, sources told Business Recorder.

"PPIB has not participated in any discussion held for awarding the project to the Qatari government," sources quoted PPIB Managing Director Khalid Rehman as saying in a letter on March 31, written to Joint Secretary, Water, Zahir Shah Mohmand, a copy of which was made available to this scribe.

Any material deviation from the ECC-approved and market-tested security documents, particularly in the areas of governing laws, dispute resolution, risk or reward framework would adversely affect the independent power producer (IPPs) program, said Rehman, a former employee of Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The PPIB chief was of the view that agreements with Qatar government should be in line with those already negotiated with other IPPs, sources said.

They said that the Finance Ministry had earlier turned down a proposal of Wapda to set up 450-500 mw thermal power plant at Chicho ki Malian (Sheikhupura) and 100 mw at Khuzdar (Balochistan) in the public sector.

In the first place, the government had decided, in principle, to establish three thermal power stations of 200 mw each in Sheikhupura, Faisalabad and Khuzdar, but the Prime Minister did not clear the proposal.

The basic issue was said to be financial commitment for those two projects as the Finance Ministry had refused to facilitate the utility, sources added.

Finance Ministry's view was that it had no objection to the establishment of thermal power stations, but as for as financing was concerned, Wapda had to make provision from its own resources.

The PPIB has, however, conveyed to the concerned quarters that if the government, or Wapda, or both, were unable to arrange funds, it was ready to offer these projects for international competitive bidding (ICB).

In September last year, the Prime Minister had directed the Ministry of Water and Power and Wapda to ensure availability of energy to maintain the projected growth momentum.

"Concerted efforts be made to increase power generation capacity from hydel, thermal, alternative energy sources and nuclear means as well as required mix of all these be ensured to meet peak and lows in demand, both seasonal and locational," sources quoted the Prime Minister as directing the concerned departments.

They said that a committee on power demand-supply position, headed by Water and Power Secretary Ashfaq Mahmood had recommended that public sector generating companies (Gencos) should make investment for two 450 mw combine cycle power plants which would reduce the time spent on arranging funds and tariff negotiations. But, at the same time, it was also observed that it would be a departure from the existing approach of inducting private power units.

However, the Wapda Chairman observed that the schedule proposed by the committee was tight, and proposed commissioning dates of the units on open cycle were in September 2007 and combined cycle by March 2008.

Later, Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz decided that no thermal power plant would be set up in the public sector. But when it was felt that the situation was worsening, the earlier decision was nullified, sources added.

Afghanistan seeks access to Pak ports to lift ATT cargoes

KARACHI: Afghanistan has sought direct access to Pakistani ports to lift cargoes imported from different countries as a transit facility, through its own transport, sources in Afghan Transit Trade (ATT) said on Tuesday.

A delegation of Afghan traders and trade officials recently visited Pakistan and held meetings with authorities concerned and local custom agents, who facilitated ATT from Pakistan.

“One of the major demands, Afghan traders and officials made before the Customs official and CBR (Central Board of Revenue) was direct role of Afghan importers and government in transportation of ATT cargoes from Pakistan to their final destination in Afghanistan,” said a source close to the negotiations between the two sides.

“Though, the Afghan side didn’t define the way they wanted to lift the cargoes from the Pakistani ports, it seemed that they would like their own transport to enter Pakistan, load the cargo and then get back to Afghanistan.”

He said though the authorities had not shown any reaction yet, it had not inspired the local customs agents, who played the most important role in transportation of ATT cargoes.

“But no decision has been made yet, neither the authorities concerned have given any timeframe to set the issue,” said the source. “The Pakistani side is more interested to make the existing ATT system more transparent and the recent meeting with the Afghanistan was part of the same objective.”

Pakistan and Afghanistan in late 60s entered into an Afghan Transit Trade Agreement (ATTA), which allowed goods bound for the landlocked Afghanistan to go through Pakistan free of duty. Initially the trade was restricted to few products, as it carried a list of more than 50 products, on fears of smuggling, which could trigger flood of smuggled goods into local market.

However, rising demand in the neighbouring country has convinced the authorities to remove most of the products from the negative lift, which has now been reduced to four, which includes cigarettes, automobile parts and right-hand drive vehicles.

“Currently, Pakistan and Afghanistan are drafting an agreement to enhance ATT with focus on volume increase and minimum documentation requirements,” said the source.

He said the agreement was due to be signed within next few weeks and it required a nod from top levels of both sides.

“The proposed agreement offers benefits to the ATT with incentives from both sides of the border, which would expedite trade process and ultimately cut transportation cost of the consignments,” he added.

Pakistan in September 2006 made a major move when it decided clearance of ATT consignments through ‘One Customs’ project to regulate trade between the two countries. The clearance process under the system is set to become operational after meeting all requirements, including training of customs officials and accord with the Afghan government.

Currently the traders have the option to use Pakistan Customs Computerised System (PACCS), a paperless online system where all declarations are processed electronically. But the system is unable to process the ATT invoice.

“With such automation, EATTS (Electronic Afghan Transit Trade System) would be launched for online processing of ATTA documents,” said the source. “It would include filing of documents, sealing of containers, verification of documents, monitoring and other processes related to Afghan transit trade.”

Imports under ATTA started increasing some three years back as what traders said improving posture of the landlocked Afghanistan and increasing construction activity paved way for increased trading activity in the neighbouring country.

The imports under ATTA touched Rs20 billion mark during financial year 2003-04 first time ever up by 48.7 per cent compared to figures of 2002-03 and crossed almost Rs30 billion by the end of June 2006.

Private sector may build, operate airports

By Saad Hasan

KARACHI: A proposed aviation policy that seeks to liberalise the country’s aviation industry and promote competition among domestic airlines has allowed the private sector to construct and operate commercial airports to meet expected growth in air traffic.

According to the draft National Aviation Policy 2007, the private sector will be allowed to construct and operate airports and generate non-aeronautical revenues.

Director General Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Farooq Rehmatullah, who has spearheaded the aviation policy and ambitious reforms in the CAA itself, said the private development of airports was aimed at enhancing connectivity of rural areas with the rest of the country.

“Sixty per cent of the population is based in rural areas. Their purchasing power and per capita income has increased but they have to travel long distances to reach the airports,” he said, adding airstrips in their areas would generate feeder traffic for bigger airports.

Specifically citing semi-industrial cities like Gujrat and Sahiwal, he said there was a lot of passenger traffic but no airports. “These airstrips can be used by 12 or 15-seater fixed-wing aircraft to provide feeder service to main hubs.”

The policy draft that has been uploaded on the CAA’s website for public feedback also envisages selective fifth freedom traffic rights to legacy carriers on reciprocal basis.

Rehmatullah explained this would allow airlines like Lufthansa and Cathay Pacific Airways to operate connecting flights through Pakistan.

“Coming from east and going to west, these airlines would drop and pick passengers at Karachi and Lahore.”

Asked as to how this would safeguard the interests of domestic carriers, he said: “While setting the objectives of this (draft) policy we asked; should we serve the PIA (Pakistan International Airlines) or the public?” The latter was given priority, he added.

The draft policy has also made it mandatory for Pakistani airlines to register their aircraft domestically and stopped them from permanently inducting foreign registered aircraft on wet lease.

It says temporary induction of wet leased aircraft, which are provided by the lessor along with crew, maintenance and insurance cover, will be allowed for a limited period of time.

“Requirement of enhanced paid-up capital, fleet registration, its size and restriction on wet lease operations on foreign registered aircraft in the country will ensure better safety oversight besides giving boost to local job market and training activities,” it said.

While paid-up capital for Regular Public Transport licence has been increased to Rs500 million, temporary induction of aircraft on wet lease has been allowed for Hajj and Umrah operations.

Aircraft on wet lease are permitted for any other reason “for maximum 90 days and up to 25pc of the registered fleet capacity.”

Inadequate infrastructure causes $4bn loss

LAHORE: Minister of State for Finance Omar Ayub Khan has said Pakistan’s economy is losing $4 billion annually due to flawed and inadequate infrastructure that needs up-gradation on a priority basis.

He was talking to newsmen at the zonal office of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry here on Friday.

He said despite many challenges the economy was growing at a pretty fast pace, which was evident from the fact that the GDP had more than doubled from $62 billion in 1999 to $135 billion.

He said “as far as the federal government is concerned, it is implementing Musharraf’s formula on NFC, giving an increased share of 45 per cent to the provinces in the federal divisible pool this year.” It would be increased by another one per cent in the next budget, he added.

He said other issues in the National Finance Commission were related to the provinces and the federal government would accept whatever consensus they developed in that regard.

Omar Ayub said the cost of doing business was basically linked with productivity and improvement in human resource would increase labour productivity in the country, which “is very low at present”.

He said in fact there was dearth of skilled labour force in the country.

“Unemployment is not impacting skilled manpower. It is the problem of those who possess no or low skills.”

He said increased demand in the domestic market indicated the economy was moving and the impact of economic growth had started reaching the grass-root level.

He said the government had no magic wand to change the entire economic scenario and it was leading the nation to economic progress by assuring consistency of policies and facilitating the private sector by assuring them of adequate credit and enabling atmosphere for industrial activities.

He said the challenges faced by the economy included energy, security, infrastructure and human resource. Big reservoirs were essential for sustained economic growth as they would provide much-needed additional water and power to the country, he added.

Kalabagh dam, he said, would be constructed after national consensus on the project.

He said Pakistan was working on the gas pipeline project with Iran as the country needed natural gas for increasing energy requirements.

He said economic ties with Russia were improving.

Earlier, the FPCCI members were briefed about the Competitiveness Support Fund by a team of experts.

Work on terminal expansion starts

KARACHI: Malaysian Minister for Plantation, Industries and Commodities Peter Chin Fah Kui on Friday inaugurated an expansion project of Mapak Qasim Bulkers (MQB) Terminal here at Port Qasim.

With this expansion the storage capacity of the terminal will increase to 100,000 metric tons of edible oils, molasses and other liquid cargoes. The Malaysian minister led a high-powered delegation from his country. The project is a joint venture of FELDA, K L Kepong, IOI Corporation of Malaysia, and Westbury Group of Pakistan.

The MQB Terminal is operational from the 1995 with a capacity of 24,000 and is the largest storage terminal facility at Porrt Qasim and Karachi Port. Earlier, Chairman Port Qasim Authority (PQA) Vice Admiral M Asad Qureshi briefed the visiting delegation on the performance of PQA including its future development vision. He said PQA is currently pursuing a large number of projects for capacity enhancement and industrialisation for attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) and simultaneously undertaking major infrastructure development to enhance efficiency of the port.

The chairman maintained current handling capacity of nine berths is 31 million tones per annum and as per future development plan, number of terminals/berths shall further be increased by nine with additional handling capacity of 50 million tones per annum. With the completion of these terminals by 2010, increase in berths shall be 100 per cent while annual handling capacity shall be increased by 161 per cent, he said.

To a question, the delegation was told that there was no restriction from the Pakistan government on foreign investment or foreign participation in any development project in the country.

Speaking on the occasion, the Malaysian minister highly appreciated the development vision of the PQA and termed his visit very successful. He said that the leading group of Malaysia was already attached to the ongoing Jetty development project at PQA, which will play role as nucleus for future projects from Malaysia for Pakistan.

He also said that the further enhancement of the trade ties between the two sides will create more opportunities for both the countries.

Air Blue to start Islamabad, Manchester flights :tup:

ISLAMABAD (April 22 2007): Air Blue will start Islamabad-Manchester flights from June 1, this year, it was announced by its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Shahid Khakan Abbasi, here on Saturday at a dinner hosted by him.

Air Blue is a private sector airline, operating on various domestic and international routes and its growing fast. Shahid Khaqan appreciated Air Blue's business partners commitment for Air Blue and hoped that they will show the same commitment to secure more business for his airline to get good dividend on their investment.

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said Air Blue has purchased 6 new Airbuses, which itself showed that it was a strong airline having the best potential to grow and provide the best services to its passengers. Shahid Khaqan Abassi added Air Blue will spend 300 million dollar on the purchase of the new Airbuses.

He said Air Blue enjoys good reputation and it will not compromise on the quality of services. He said Air Blue was also working on other international routes to further expand and get a sizeable business from the global market. He noted that Air Blue was minimising impact of growing oil prices through best business tactics.

Air Blue provides e-ticketing facility to its passengers and its fare was also lesser than PIA and other airlines. Shahid Khaqan Abassi maintained that Air Blue's travelling was 83 percent, which was a record for any private sector airline.

Good move! Competition will finally force PIA to improve service and quality.
Has anyone of you guys flown with Air Blue yet?
How's the service?
Pak-China rail link to boost economic activity in South Asia: Rashid

ISLAMABAD: April 22, 2007: The work on feasibility study for developing rail-link between China and Pakistan was being conducted at a pace and would be completed within this year.

This was stated Minister for Railways Sheikh Rashid Ahmed here on Saturday while talking to Zhao Jun, the Vice President of China National Machinery Corporation (CNC) at the Ministry of Railways.

He said this link would provide Pakistan and China ample opportunities to explore vistas in economic and social sectors with European countries and Central Asian States.

The work on Quetta-Kandhar (Pakistan-Afghanistan) and Taftan-Zahidan (Pakistan-Iran) sections was already underway which would ultimately give boost to the economic ventures in this part of the South Asia and rest of the world, the minister added.

The minister elaborated the vision of the President of Pakistan in making Pakistan the economic bridge between the countries of Asia and Europe through sea, road and rail network. He apprised of the delegation about Pakistan's efforts in turning it into an energy corridor for rest of the world by next decade.

He said that besides the European world, Pakistan had been focusing on Russia, China, Iran and Afghanistan to grab economic opportunities from these countries. He said that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has increased manifold in the last seven years due to opening of the Pakistan's economy and the consistency of fiscal policies.

As a result, Pakistan managed to achieve record growth rate during this period, the minister maintained.

The minister offered the Chinese Railways to invest in Pakistan Railways as the country wanted to bring it at par with rest of the world. He urged the Chinese delegation to make their participation in introduction of latest signalling system and high speed rail track by Pakistan Railways.

Pakistan was keen to start Metro service in 8 major cities, a high speed train between Lahore and Rawalpindi, the first ever project in South Asia, he added.

A briefing was given to the Federal Minister for Railways where the Chinese firm expressed keen interest in supply of fast speed passenger coaches to Pakistan Railways.

The minister was apprised that the firm that has been supplying coaches to various railways in the European Countries besides to the Railways of China. The minister was told that the coaches built by the firm could run between the range of 250 to 300 Km per hour which also meets the requirement of Pakistan Railways for running fast trains in different parts of the country.

Sheikh Rashid said that Pakistan and China enjoy strong brotherly and friendly relations which are deeper than an ocean and higher than Himalaya.

Mass transit scheme needed to make roads safer

KARACHI (April 25 2007): Speakers at the National Road safety Conference on Tuesday stressed on the need to establish a 'safe' mass transit to scale down the increasing road accidents. They observed that in the absence proper infrastructure, children have been victims of reckless driving.

They urged the decision makers to draw up plans for ensuring road safety on country's roads in general and city and province in particular so that every citizen could enjoy a sense of protection during travel and commuting. They demanded of the government to ensure committed funding to the road safety programme so that it could be carried out in line with experts' recommendations on set international rules.

These views came up from experts at a one-day conference organised by the Indus Motors Company Limited in collaboration with Sindh Education Foundation at a local hotel on Tuesday to mark the UN Global Road Safety Week being observed from April 23 to 29, 2007.

Speakers included: Parvaiz Ghias, CEO Indus Motor Company, Dr Rasheed Jooma, Director, Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center, Aijaz Ali Khan, DG, Road Sector Development Directorate, Sindh Government, Anita Ghulam Ali, MD Sindh Education Foundation, Asad Jahangir, former IG Sindh, and DIG Traffic, Amanullah Ansari, WHO National Programme Officer, and Waseem Haider, Advisor to Sindh Chief Minister of Home Affairs.

Wasim Akhtar who addressed the concluding session of the conference. He was also the chief guest of the session in place of Governor Sindh, Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan. He suggested that helmet for motorcyclists should be made compulsory so that motorbike-riders could be more protected against road accidents.

He urged the traffic police department to implement helmet-related laws strictly which could only be made visible through the department efforts and hoped it would bring about a positive change in the society. Calling upon the stakeholders, he said that they should play their due role in strengthening the road safety culture in the country.

Other speakers pointed out that physically challenged people face serious road communication problems due to unavailability of proper road infrastructure including pedestrian bridges in the city.

They said that road safety audit was necessary to ensure road safety. They said that lack of bus-stands was the primary hurdle in the smooth implementation of traffic laws and safeguarding the public from road accidents. They suggested that bus-stands should be designed and located in a systematic manner, otherwise it had been causing serious problems.

They urged the government to establish pedestrian zones in cities of the province to allow a free pedestrian moment without any trouble. They said that traffic-effect study was important to streamline the vehicular traffic. They criticised that only few traffic engineers were in the country to implement the road safety in a proper way, which had badly effected the traffic system in the country.

They also said that road safety should be included in academic curriculum so that children could be acquainted with traffic laws and road safety codes in their early age.

Pertaining to healthcare sector's role, they said that regionalisation of trauma center would help recover the severe mentally injured in road accidents. They negated that concept of only few trauma centers should be set up in the cities.

Traffic system was discussed a major tool to enhance the road safety, experts said that traffic department should be provided with the latest equipment to ensure road safety.

They said that cases of road accident should be dealt at the traffic police stations instead of police stations, which would not only reduce time to get them early settled but also let the traffic official know how to improve their capacity of investigation and plans implementations.

Gwadar port to open new business avenues: Soomro

ISLAMABAD (April 25 2007): Acting President Mohammedmian Soomro on Tuesday said that opening of Gwadar Port and construction of Beijing Expressway had opened new avenues for the business activities in the region. He was talking to Director, Head of Sales Africa and Middle East of Swiss International Airlines, Flex Rodel, who called on him at his residence here, says a press release.

Soomro said these projects had given a golden opportunity to businessmen to market their products to China and Central Asian States. It was a favourable time for the airline companies to introduce their flights on these routes, he added.

The Acting president informed that more flights to China had already been agreed upon and the construction of Expressway to Beijing would help in further transportation of goods to China. He called upon the world business tycoons to make plans, well in advance for the transportation of their goods to the huge markets of China and the Central Asian States. Soomro also informed Rodel that New Islamabad Airport would have all the modern facilities and it would be ready within the next three years.

Karachi Railway Div surpasses revenue targets

KARACHI (April 30 2007): The Karachi Railway Division has been able not only to meet but surpass the revenue targets given on account of freight and passenger traffic. This can be judged from the point that Pakistan Railway met 1,000 wagons target of its entire system in the month of March, with 50 percent share contributed by Karachi Division alone and the remaining by six other divisions.

The Divisional Superintendent Railway, Karachi Division, Mir Mohammed Khaskheli told APP that Karachi Division was given passenger revenue target of Rs 2,562 million for the current financial year as against Rs 2,285 million last year and achieved a revenue of Rs 2,212 million till March 2007.

"We achieved this despite the fact that Ranpathani Bridge, which was washed away by heavy rains, hampered the railway traffic for more than 45 days". Similarly, on the freight side, Karachi Division was given a revenue target of Rs 3,162 million as against 2,298 million last year and so far the Division had been able to earn a revenue of Rs 2,343 million, higher by Rs 42 million over the last year's target.

"We earned this revenue despite Ranpathani Bridge episode", Khaskheli informed. The DS Railway said that for the last three months, some 27,000 passengers travelled daily to upcountry destinations through 23 mail and express trains, showing a significant increase in the occupancy ratio of trains.

Talking to APP, the Deputy DS Railway Maqsood-un-Nabi pointed out that in view of growing number of passengers as well as trains and resultant increasing number of inquiries, the inquiry information office "117" had been renovated and upgraded with number of telephone lines increased from 6 to 16, which would be further raised to 20 soon.

He said the new inquiry office had been set up at DS Office. To a question the DS Railway said in view of growing freight business because of better marketing practices, the railway had increased the number of freight trains from Karachi, from 7 to 9.

Recently, he informed, a dedicated express freight train had been pressed into service for Multan and Faisalabad. It operates from Karachi Bandar, an area, which remained unutilised for long and many organisations had been eyeing on its land.

He said another express freight train was pressed into service, operating from the city station. He said that at present a wagon yields Rs 65,000 for round trip while railway's freight tariff was about 30 percent less than the road cargo tariff. The railway carries cargo to destinations in 35 hours while trucks take 2-3 days and that is why the businessmen are preferring to send their cargo through railway.

43-kilometre portion of N-75 to be opened by December: NHA

ISLAMABAD (April 30 2007): Construction work of Islamabad-Muzaffarabad Highway (N-75) is in progress and its first 43-kilometre portion will be opened for traffic by the end of current year, sources in National Highway Authority (NHA), Ministry of Communications told APP on Sunday.

"The highway is of strategic importance and links Islamabad, with Azad Jammu and Kashmir Capital, Muzaffarabad. Under the first phase, a four-lane divided carriageway that links Satrameel (Islamabad) and Lower Topa in Murree Hills is being constructed by a local contractor and over 80 percent work has been completed", the sources said. Its scope of work includes construction of five bridges and 200 cross-drainage structures.

After opening of N-75, he added, the distance between Islamabad and Murree would be reduced to just 43 kilometres and the journey time would be halved from 1.5 hours to only 45 minutes.

Japan government is providing assistance for the construction of 65-kilometre stretch of Islamabad-Muzaffarabad dual-carriageway between Lower Topa and Kohala Bridge, the sources told.

"The bends in this piece of road will be removed and all dilapidated bridges will be constructed anew. After realignment and reconstruction of this stretch of the road, the journey time between Islamabad and Muzaffarabad will be reduced from 4.5 hours to 3.5 hours," the sources added.

Monday, April 30, 2007

India counselling Pakistan, others to develop railway corridors

NEW DELHI: India is teaming up with neighbouring countries including Pakistan to develop global railway corridors to cut down travel time.

India is counseling Pakistan and others to develop rail links to the Middle East, boosting trans-shipment of goods and services in the strategic region, Indian media reported on Sunday.

India is following a policy of international corridors. In the first step, it is trying to link the railways of India and Myanmar over a distance of 330 kilometres, media reports quoted Railway Ministry sources as saying.

The reports said that this would create a link between India and Southeast Asian states including China. The exercise will cut traveling to one-fourth the time taken by sea route, the report added.

The eastern international corridor will link Kohima in the northeastern state of Nagaland with Myanmar. It will lead to railway routes connecting India with Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos on one hand and with economically developed southeastern China and Russia on the other.

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