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Inflation in Turkey almost 60% !!!


Jun 24, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Turkey’s annual inflation rate is almost 60 percent, finds research group


Shortly before the state agency TurkStat announced the official consumer inflation rate in Turkey in November 2021 as 21.31 percent, the Inflation Research Group (ENAG) had announced its own figure: 58.65 percent.

İstanbul - BIA News Desk
03 December 2021, Friday 13:08

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Established by a group of academics and announcing alternative inflation rates in Turkey, the Inflation Research Group (ENAG) has estimated that Turkey's monthly consumer inflation rate was 9.91 percent and annual inflation rate was 58.65 percent in November 2021.

According to the ENAG, the highest monthly increase in prices was seen in the category of "recreation and culture" with 21.11 percent. The lowest monthly increase in prices was in communications (1.38 percent).


Commenting on the figures on his social media account, ENAG executive Prof. Veysel Ulusoy has said, "Policy rate has dropped, inflation has increased. Inflation is approaching uncontrollable rates."

While the wide gap between the figures announced by the state agency Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) and those of the ENAG is found striking, economists, journalists and opposition politicians have long been criticizing that the TurkStat figures do not reflect the truth.


CHP leader not allowed to enter TurkStat building after inflation announcement


Questioning the accuracy of the TurkStat figures, Kılıçdaroğlu wanted to visit officials of the statistical authority. He was not allowed to enter the building.
İstanbul - BIA News Desk

03 December 2021, Friday 14:49
Photos: AA

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Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu was prevented from entering the building of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), the country's statistical authority.

After the TurkStat announced inflation figures for November, the accuracy of which were questioned by many, Kılıçdaroğlu said on Twitter that he would visit the institution.

"I requested an appointment from TurkStat. They didn't give one. For your information, I will be there at 11 a.m.," he wrote.

Ahead of his arrival, riot police were deployed in front of the TurkStat building in Ankara, the capital.

TurkStat officials did not let Kılıçdaroğlu, who was accompanied by CHP deputies Engin Özkoç and Selin Sayek-Böke, enter the building.


"The data is not reliable"
Kılıçdaroğlu then made a statement to reporters in front of TurkStat.

"The TurkStat figures concern our 84 million citizens. Political parties, economic circles and social circles make policies according to these figures.

"We asked for an appointment from the TurkStat Presidency yesterday ... They said an appointment was not given and they would not accept us."

"This picture is a very important one showing where Turkey has come," Kılıçdaroğlu said, noting that the authorities refuse to inform the country's main opposition party about how it obtained information to calculate the inflation rate.

Kılıçdaroğlu said the figures announced by the TurkStat were not reliable, pointing out the difference between the official figures and the inflation rate calculated by the Inflation Research Group (ENAG), a group of independent economists.

The ENAG announced the monthly inflation rate as 9.31 percent and the annual rate as 58.63 percent. (HA/VK)

The official inflation rate is a blatant lie!!!

Erdogan is leading Turkey to total destruction!!!

Erdogan the liar wants to hide the truth from his people, but it won't work!
His people know the apocalyptical damage that he is doing to their lifes!!!
Is this news legit? That is ridiculously high inflation if true. Although it looks like this is a fabricated news.
it is true, just 2,5 months ago USD was 8,2 tl, now a USD worth 13,8TL, 68% , this is insane, he must go ASAP, Whenever he talks USD jumps.
it is true, just 2,5 months ago USD was 8,2 tl, now a USD worth 13,8TL, 68% , this is insane, he must go ASAP, Whenever he talks USD jumps.
Turkey doesn't have petroleum mines to compensate the currency degradation. People of Turkey will feel every penny in degradation of lira against dollar.

It is no joke to see that LPG jumps to 8.23 Lira, petrol flies to 9.67 lira and gasoline jumping to 9.78 Lira. While knowing the fact that a retired man in Turkey doesn't receive more than 2,700 Lira every month as stipend.

You better Ask for help from Qatar, if you didn't lose them after cozzying up to their regional Arab archrivals.
If thos OP is not a paid troll account for propaganda then what is? Seems to me a greek disguised as iranian.
Sultan Erdogan should recite the Quran publicly. Maybe it will help the cause? Clearly the financial policies aren’t working out so using Islam as the political tool might.
Very low level comment
That means you may be the right audience for the sultan or others like him who use Islam for self serving interests. Tomorrow you could be told that raping a 9 year old is ok as long as you recite “Bismillah” and make niyat of nikah. Because religion isn’t something for you to understand as a way of life but a cultural aspect to follow blindly.
So like our people starts blaming the prime minister for inflation it’s a global issue effectively hurting even the richest countries in the world
so pmln ppp Juif are nuts
That means you may be the right audience for the sultan or others like him who use Islam for self serving interests. Tomorrow you could be told that raping a 9 year old is ok as long as you recite “Bismillah” and make niyat of nikah. Because religion isn’t something for you to understand as a way of life but a cultural aspect to follow blindly.

Now that IS a low level comment to make. Why are you calling this guy a paedophile for? At the end of the day you're just disagreeing about some random Turkish politician. No need to abuse someone.

This increase in abusive rhetoric and extreme language by members on the forum is very concerning.

Everyone needs to take a chill pill. You're all falling for the deliberate waves of negativity were being bombarded with.

In all my time on the forum I've never read a bad comment from you.
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