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Infiltrator killed in hand to hand combat along LoC in Poonch

I have said this before and will say it again, the bravery of Gurkhas is only talked about by those who employ them. Never has an adversary of a Gurkha ever admitted to being in awe of them or that latter being super humans or warriors extraordinaire. We have fought enough wars with the IA to know there is no such distinction and there is no special regard for the Gurkhas on our side at least. I know this will not go down too well with our Indian members here, but it is a fact. In any given situation, a Bengali, Pakhtun, Punjabi, Tamil or Baloch or the countless other ethnicities that I have left out have and would fight just as hard or harder than the Gurkhas that are talked up every now and then. This is a case of positive stereotyping at an extreme.
I have said this before and will say it again, the bravery of Gurkhas is only talked about by those who employ them. Never has an adversary of a Gurkha ever admitted to being in awe of them or that latter being super humans or warriors extraordinaire. We have fought enough wars with the IA to know there is no such distinction and there is no special regard for the Gurkhas on our side at least. I know this will not go down too well with our Indian members here, but it is a fact. In any given situation, a Bengali, Pakhtun, Punjabi, Tamil or Baloch or the countless other ethnicities that I have left out have and would fight just as hard or harder than the Gurkhas that are talked up every now and then. This is a case of positive stereotyping at an extreme.

On the contrary, a sane and logical Indian would only feel happy to read your post. Most of us don't believe in any martial race theories. (I can't speak for all, of course.) Anybody who has undergone professional military training ought to be good in that profession, regardless of their cultural, religious, ethnic, racial or any other background.

See, here's the thing - we Indians do often hype such stereotypes about Gurkhas or Sikhs, but that is only because they are a small minority in the country and it sounds "cool" to make joking positive stereotypes about them. But very frankly speaking, we don't really believe any race or ethnicity is superior or inferior to anybody else. (Or maybe I am being presumptious, in speaking on behalf of most Indians.)

I myself posted a stereotypical picture praising Gurkhas, on the first page. I only did so in a jovial vein, personally I do not believe in any ethnic martial prowess. I thought everybody viewing the thread would take it in that vein - but reading all these subsequent pages, it seems that there are many who actually have such notions.

So to clarify, I (and I am guessing, most Indians) do not really believe that any ethnicity or race is braver or more skilled than any other. I am sorry if I have given out such an impression. Anybody who can get selected into the armed forces, and succesfully undergo the training there, is a good soldier.

BTW, if you don't mind answering, are you yourself a military professional?
The East India Company - Its History and Results by Karl Marx

I am not reinventing history. All the north Indian (India + Pakistan) annexations by the British were done by the British Bengal Army.
The armies of the Bombay and the Madras presidency were used in suppressing the Marathas and the Mysore kingdoms.

The Sikh empire (which ruled over most parts of modern Pakistan) was decisively defeated by the Bengali army.
The only people who actually put up a good amount of resistance to the British expansion were the Marathas and Tipu Sultan.

The Bengal Presidency C-I-C was the most high ranking officer in the East India company.

Stop fighting history.

umm...aren't you a Pakistani? What part of 'your' land wasn't captured?
Baluchistan wasn't occupied by Brits .. Khan if Kalat and the British had a contract... Tht lasted around 39 years or so... The same arguement terrorists like harbyar etc use.
Oh well 71 civil war

Civil war..LMAO...

n india n its role n the war... we all know the real story

Oh I want to know the real story..tell me more...

lol :D
teli pehlwan of indian army getting ready for hand to hand combat :rofl:

Reality check...


hand to hand fight at Loc .. lolzz :D:D. .. fake news .. no doubts

The news of a dead terrorists does hurt you,doesn't it ?
The Gurkhas are not built for hand to hand combat , their average height is 5 feet 3 inches , there is limit to the amount of bluffing that can be done
Beta ladne ke liye height ki nhi jigar ki zarurat hoti hai. You forget about ur own gama pehlwan.
My grandfather was in Sikh regiment , I remember my grandfather telling me that Gurkhas are the bravest warriors

I have haired the story of Gurkhas from one of the J & K man. He told that terrorist used to visit his village too often. In kargil war 2 of the Jawans from his village died. Pakisan returned their body brutally mutilated by Pakistani Army. Gurkha regiment deployed there. Once they captured 2 Pakistani intruders alive. They cut one of them and eat and send the other one back to tell the story. He said terrorist stoped coming to there village from then onwards.
I have haired the story of Gurkhas from one of the J & K man. He told that terrorist used to visit his village too often. In kargil war 2 of the Jawans from his village died. Pakisan returned their body brutally mutilated by Pakistani Army. Gurkha regiment deployed there. Once they captured 2 Pakistani intruders alive. They cut one of them and eat and send the other one back to tell the story. He said terrorist stoped coming to there village from then onwards.

Might be folklore ...

BTW: You heard the story... not haired it ^^
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