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Infiltration bid foiled along LoC, JCO killed


Jun 24, 2012
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SRINAGAR: A Junior Commissioned Officer was killed while a soldier was injured as Army on Saturday foiled an infiltration bid by militants in Macchil sector along the Line of Control in north Kashmir's Kupwara district.

Troops of 56 Rashtriya Rifles noticed some suspicious movement of two to four persons along the LoC in Macchil sector at around 3.00am and challenged them, an Army spokesman said.

The militants, who were trying to sneak into the Valley from Pakistan occupied Kashmir, opened fire on the army positions including on Dingeri Post, which was retaliated.

In the ensuing gunfight, a JCO identified as Arun Kumar was killed while a soldier Solanki Raju was injured.

The militants fled in view of the stiff challenge posed by the army troops, the spokesman said.

The ultras left behind two assault rifles and some war-like stores before crossing back into *** territory, he said.

Link - Infiltration bid foiled along LoC, JCO killed - The Times of India

Why is it that I always see a disproportional amount of officer casualties in this encounters.

I understand the idea of leading from the front, but the life of officers MUST be protected.
R.I.P Brave soul.

Why is it that I always see a disproportional amount of officer casualties in this encounters.

I understand the idea of leading from the front, but the life of officers MUST be protected.

I agree, in the IA there is a disproportionate number of Officers, JCOs and NCOs being killed that is unusual looked at through international norms. But there is a very strong tradition of "leading from the front" in the IA and this is learnt by every officer in every branch, end result- more deaths of these guys. It is what it is, a death is a death- it is ALWAYS tragic.

@Topic RIP sir.
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Why is it that I always see a disproportional amount of officer casualties in this encounters.

I understand the idea of leading from the front, but the life of officers MUST be protected.
Are you meaning JCOs (Junior Commissioned Officers) or commissioned officers? These are two different categories. A JCO is from the ranks and NOT a commissioned officer. However, a JCO (or a Jawan) can become an officer after undergoing a number of tests for checking out his OLQ (Officer Like Qualities). If selected, he then needs to undergo training for two years. If found fit, he is then given the President's commission as a commissioned officer (Lieutenant in the Army). This is pretty tough and not too many make the grade.

In this case, a JCO was leading the patrol (not an officer) that thwarted the infiltration bid by terrorists sent from across the LoC.
Yup, as predicted you're going to see an average of one death per month this year of Indian military personnel in the Indian Occupied Kashmir which will be contributed to infiltration from the Pakistani side. Then one death per week in 2014 and from 2015 onwards, Jihad-e-Kashmir 2.0 will be in full blow.

Are you meaning JCOs (Junior Commissioned Officers) or commissioned officers? These are two different categories. A JCO is from the ranks and NOT a commissioned officer. However, a JCO (or a Jawan) can become an officer after undergoing a number of tests for checking out his OLQ (Officer Like Qualities). If selected, he then needs to undergo training for two years. If found fit, he is then given the President's commission as a commissioned officer (Lieutenant in the Army). This is pretty tough and not too many make the grade.

In this case, a JCO was leading the patrol (not an officer) that thwarted the infiltration bid by terrorists sent from across the LoC.

Ah thanks for clearing it up.

My point still stands though, the IA already has a shortage of officers and casualties like this aren't helping the unit-level leadership structure.
We have had nearly a decade of nothing happening on the LOC....this was on the conditions set by the indians for there to be serious peace talks between the parties.There have been problems like the mumbai terrorist attack that have set the process back but we need to move forward and not let this get to the pre 2000 position of daily killings.
With the drawdown of NATO forces in afghanistan you will see an increase of violence in kashmir and then we are back to square one.
Hawks in the pak army have been saying from day one that the indians will not give no credit to the pak govt for stopping cross LOC movement and instead say it was post 9/11 situation and indian tactics that stopped the fighters.
I personally think its irrelevant if the pak army stopped the crossing or the indian army and the overall WOT put a stop to it..... we have is a window of opportunity to solve the problem in the next couple of years and we should use that.

Just want to point out........where not jumping up and down and gloating when one of the indian army guys have died ,like you guys do when a freedom fighter dies and come out with stupid remarks and start posting pics.
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